Research for the Benefit of Industry - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

University of California, Berkeley, Calif. ... the body of facts and general principles applicable t o the technical problems of industry increased to...
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ability. It the prospective client starts asking questions that involve fumishintg information for which a fee seems reasonable, it is simple to say, "I have been glad to discuss your problein with y o u up to this point without any thought o f making a charge, but if I undertake t o answer the question you have just asked, I shall expect to send you a bill f o r consultation." Income W e now come to t h e subject of fee~s. There have been many controversies w i t h respect to the size of fees w h i c h could have been avoided if the consultant h a d made clear to the client, in advance o f performing any service, at least what t h e maximum fee would b>e; and to do thiit is a rule which should be followed by trie consultant without any exceptions whatever. As to the size of fees little can be here that will be helpful. Perhaps o n e anecdote may be of some interest a n d possibly o f value, though since it h a p pened some 15 years ago t h e amounts involved are of no validity. A college professor w h o had been ask ed to testify in a litigation where the scientific factors involved -were in his field of specialization called a consultant friend and asked if $25 per day "would be a fair fee. T h e consultant replied, "If y o u charge less than $100, I'll have your union card taken away from y o u . " A f