Research Profile: Deep UV Raman imaging for astrobiology

Feb 1, 2007 - Research Profile: Deep UV Raman imaging for astrobiology. Barry E. DiGregorio. Anal. Chem. , 2007, 79 (3), pp 798–798. DOI: 10.1021/ ...
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RESEARCH PROFILES Deep UV Raman imaging for astrobiology


Raman intensity

Unfortunately, Raman spectroscopy the diameter of the size sampling spot is Because a miniaturized Raman specin the vis–NIR suffers from low sensitivtheoretically proportional to the wavetrometer could detect both organic and ity and masking of the signal by fluoreslength of the laser beam. They also inorganic components in a heterogecence. This masking problem does not showed that deep-UV micro-Raman neous system, NASA and the European arise for deep-UV Raman excitation spectroscopy can help distinguish beSpace Agency (ESA) are interested in wavelengths because no fluoresexploring its use for the (c) (a) cence interference exists when search for extraterrestrial 4 – Olivine, calcite excitation is provided at wavelife. Raman spectroscopy in and pyroxene lengths