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Douglas research engineer, and under the direction of Don Douglas, ,]\\ Kenneth Craver, coordinator of hydraulic fluids for the organic chemicals division at Mon­ santo, cooperated with Douglas Aircraft and guided efforts at the Monsanto labo­ ratory. Some 7S formulas were studied and 28 fluids subjected to extensive hy­ draulic system testing before the most desirable compound was discovered.

Research Progress Fire-Resistant




OTS Reports

Copies of the following reports can be obtained at the prices indicated from the Office of Technical Services, Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Orders should be accompanied by check or money order, payable to the Treasurer of the United States.

When Skydrol is dripped stainless steel heated to 1,300° F.9 it vapor' ises instead of igniting, far exceeding requirements of standard tests Skydrol, a pressure transfer medium for aircraft S3rstems, has been developed joint­ ly by Monsanto Chemical Co. and Douglas Aircraft Co. for use in cabin supercharg­ ers, expansion turbines for air-conditioning systems, and for the hydraulic system it­ self in all types of aircraft. It is a n ester

base compound, does not contain lxalogcnated hydrocarbons or salts, and does not contain water. It is chemically stable and extremely resistant to aeration oxi­ dation. A mobile, oily, nonflammable fluid, Skydrol exceeds acceptable- stand­ ards. In contrast to another fluid ac­ ceptable as nonflammable, which, ignites when dripped on a stainless-ste-el tube heated to a temperature of 1,500° F., but carries no flame to a drip pan be­ neath, Skydrol vaporizes instead of igniting. Other characteristics of the new fluid include a high viscosity index, with little change over a wide temperature range, and a lubricity which has proved to extend the life of pumps and other moving parts. The hydraulic system is operated by pumps and develops high pressures at high flow rates upwards of 3,000 poutnds per square inch. The apparatus of the sys­ tem may be described as the arteries of most modern transport planes. Because the systems may spring leaks, nonflammability of the fluid is imperativeThe new product has long been sought as a vital factor in safe operations of mod­ ern air transport and war plants. Ex­ tensive laboratory and hydraulic system tests have been carried out in conjunction with Monsanto, and Douglas will continue development work and will inaugurate an operational test program, whiLe Monsanto's manufacturing and distributing


2 6,

organization will produce and market Skydrol. Work on fire-resistant fluids started at Douglas more than two years ago on a formula developed by D . H. Moreton,

German manufacture of phenol and formaldehyde resins for use in thermo­ setting molding compositions and lami­ nates, surface coatings, adhesives, ion ex­ changers, and castings is described in re­ port PB-81276 (mimeographed, S2.00, 75 pages). Though the uses of phenol and formaldehyde resins in Germany are simi­ lar to American applications, some of the compositions and manufacturing practices appear novel. Important and interesting German developments are described.

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