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Nov 5, 2010 - Researchers Meet to Discuss ACTH. Representatives of all organizations doing research work on adrenocorticotropic hormone were brought t...
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Researchers Meet to Discuss ACTH Representatives of all organizations doing research work on adrenocorticotro­ pic hormone were brought to Chicago, Oct. 21 and 22, as guests of Armour and Co. The conference was called to give the scientists an opportunity to check their investigations against the work of others and to bring about contacts and collaborative work which would mini­ mize duplication of studies. Forty-five papers were presented and all discus­ sion was taken by sténotype with the aim of preparing a monograph for the use of research workers in the field. The meeting was attended by 167 investigators. Among reports on medical developments, one malady which attracted considerable interest because of the curative powers of ACTH was rheumatic fever. B. F . Massell and Joseph "Warren of Harvard Medical School reported generally excellent response in the treatment of rheumatic fever cases with ACTH. A case of tachycardia, or rapid heart beat, was cleared up and suffered no recurrence. Two early cases of severe disorder of the heart valves, aortic regurgitation, which usually persists through life, cleared up completely. Rheumatic fever patients, when cured, appear to be permanently cured. Unlike arthritis, the disease apparently does not return once it is cleared up and treatment is stopped. Outstanding work on allergies was reported from Northwestern University, Baltimore, and Montreal. The reaction in asthma, hay fever, and drug sensitivity, as with penicillin, was reported more satisfactory and complete than with the antihistaminic drugs. A Columbia University worker reported that the drug produces a marked intensification of brain wave patterns, as recorded by the electroencephalograph. Patients with normally low mental activity levels approached normal, while those at normal levels were occasionally pushed into a highly excitable condition. Unfavorable effects were also reported. In addition to mental symptoms which may take manic depressive or paranoid forms, congestive heart failure caused by serious water retention in patients with weak hearts was recorded in some cases. Cushing syndrome was mentioned in a number of reports. Increase in the amount of sugar in blood and excretions, profound muscular weakness, and alkalosis due to loss of potassium and other salts were also found in some cases. I t VOLUME

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was believed by some that most of the ill effects were caused by unfamiliarity with the proper dosage for the individual patient and that this will be cleared up with a better knowledge of the drug. It was also reported that while cortisone reduces the high blood pressure condition known as essential hypertension, ACTH may increase it. Such a condition was found in a number of cases studied.

Standard Samples

NBS Sample No.°

Compound Impurity 6 , Formula Name Mole% η -Tetradecane 0.07=*0.0β 580-5S C14H30 η -Pentadecane 581-5S C15H32 0.07*0.05 582-5S C7H14 4,4 - Dimethyl - c*'s 2-pentene 0.21±0.11 583-5S CioHis Cylopentylcyclopentane 0.05*= 0.03 a T h e designation " - 5 S " following the sample number indicates a sample of 5 ml. sealed in vacuum in a special Pyrex ampoule with internal break-off tip. h The purity has beon evaluated from measure­ ments of freezing points, as described in Λ Re­ search Natl. Bur. Standards, 35, 355 (1945), RP1676, unless otherwise indicated.

The volume per unit is 5 liquid ml., with a tolerance of approximately ±10%. The price is S35 per unit. A set of in­ structions for transferring standard sam­ ples of hydrocarbons in vacuum may be obtained on request.

Hydrocarbon Fellowships

Through a cooperative undertaking between the National Bureau of Standards and the American Petroleum Institute, standard samples of hydrocarbons of known high purity are being made available for calibrating analytical instruments and apparatus in the research, development, and control laboratories of the petroleum, rubber, and chemical industries. A total of 173 hydrocarbons are now available as standard samples, of which the following four compounds are new as of Sept. 30, 1949:


Two graduate fellowships for the study of additives to concrete have been es­ tablished at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, by the Solvay Process Divi­ sion of Allied Chemical & Oye Corp. The fellowships will involve a grant of approximately $4,000 for one year. Research will be carried out at the Engineering Experiment Station of the university. Studies will be directed principally toward increasing the work ability of concrete through chemical additives.




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