Nov 5, 2010 - Chemistry branch of physical sciences division, Office of Naval Research, announces the following contracts during 15 months ending Sept...
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Chemistry branch o f p h y s i c a l sciences d i v i s i o n , Office o f N a v a l Research, a n n o u n c e s t h e f o l l o w i n g contracts during 15 months ending Sept. 3 0 , 1 9 5 0



Bryn Mawr College California Institute of Tecfctnolos.v

on this new High speed mercury cathode a p p a r a t u s which does a fast, complete job i n separation of metals. M a k e s t h e m e r c u r y c a t h o d e a n efficient tool for d e t e r m i n a t i o n of a l u m i n u m in steel, a l u m i n u m i n zinc base alloys a n d other separat i o n s . Ask for Bulletin 260-G to help d e t e r m i n e where DYNACATH c a n serve you.


K:nory University (ieorEçe Washington University Howard University University «»f Illtn«»u-

University of Kansas Michigan State College National Bureau «jf Standard.•

Northwestern University University of Oklahoma


Pennsylvania State College

| I

Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Rutgers University


St. Olaf College


Tennessee A*&I State College Tuskegee Institute University of Washington



R. B. Scott, Jr. E. S. Amis

University of Alabama University of Arkansas

Mechanism of various organic reactions Electrostatics of ion-dipolar moleeult' reaction rates H. Kwart Physical chemical investigation of the Diels-Alder reaction L. Zechtneister Organic fluorescing substances in ma­ rine organisms O. R. Quay le Synthesis of cyclopropanone ring* J. Farago Oxidation of oximes Studies of a.omatic bromination with L. M . Ferguson the aid of infrared spectroscopy H. S. Gutowsky Use of nuclear magnetic resonance a»> sorption in structural a n d nuol»»a» spin studies W. H. Rodebush, A. M. Fundamental properties of water and Β us well the liquid state E. G ris wold, J . Klein- Stabilization of low-oxidation states berg M. T . Rogers A magneto chemical investigation of adsorption EI. S Isbell Infrared spectra of sugars M. M . Davis Measurement of acidity and basicity in organic solvents F. G. Bordwell Reactions of alpha-halo sulfones S. i l . Wender Identification studies on fiavonoid pig­ ments P. J . Elving New analytical methods for studying organic reactions C. I. Noll Chemistry of nitramide F. C. Collins Diffusion a n d reaction rate W. Rieman IIJ Separation of alkali metals b y ion ex­ change A. E . Finholt Preparation and properties of inorganic hydrides C. R. DUlard Organic derivatives of tin hydrides C. T . Mason Halogenated ethers B. S. Rabinovitch Reactions a n d properties of the alkyl free radicals

During this period the chemistry branch has had the advisory collaboration of three panels: in inorganic chemistry* P· W. Sehvood, A. B. Burg, W. C. Fernelius, L. L. Quill, \V. Conway Pierce; in organic chemistry, M. S. Newman, R. T. Arnold, P. D. Bartlett, \Y. E. Hanford, Herbert E. Carter, and W. M. Lauer (alternate for Dr. Arnold); in physical chemistry, F . A. Long, A. O. Allen, W. O. Baker, Paul C. Cross, Malcobn Doie, P. H. Emmett, John G. Kirkwood, J. E. Willard.

UT Pharmaceutical Foundation Awarded Grant

FLORIDIN PRODUCTS Floridin p r o d u c t s have been adapted by continuous research for the most advanced technical uses. O n any problem of adsorption—dehydration—catalysis—decoloration, you may find an answer i n these prepared forms of Fullers Eartn a n d Bauxitebased Adsorbents. Your inquiry will b e given careful attention.


Sharp & Dohme Inc. has announced the award of a So„600 research, grant to the Pharmaceutical Foundation of the Uni­ versity of Texas. The grant, one of the first issued to the newly founded founda­ tion, will be used for an investigation oi a genus of fungi and its antibiotic proper­ ties. Research studies will be directed by Henry M. Buriage, dean of the University of Texas College of Pharmacy. GE Accepting Grant· Applications Applications for research grants are now being accepted under the $1 million Gen­ eral Electric Education Fund for the scholastic year 1951—52. Aid in grants up to S 1,500 annually will b e awarded to college graduates who wish to continue in­ dividual study and research in scientific and industrial fields. Applications for the fellowships must be filed by Jan. 1, 1951, and mailed to the Secretary, General Electric Co. Education Fund, Schenectady, Ν. Υ. A committee representing the National C H E M I C A L

Academy of Sciences, AMERICAN CHEMI­

CAL SOCIETY, American Physical Society, American Institute of Electrical Engineers. American Society of Mechanical Engi­ neers, and American Society of Engineer­ ing Education will pass upon all candidates for the fellowships. Armour G r a n t s Up from 1949 Research appropriations invested by sponsors of projects at Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Tech­ nology reached a total of $4,614,958 dur­ ing the fiscal year ended August 31, 1950. This represents an increase of 12.17