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RESEARCH RESULTS. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1964, 56 (1), pp 73–75. DOI: 10.1021/ie50649a012. Publication Date: January 1964. Note: In lieu of an abstract, ...
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Amine-Complex Curing Agents for Epoxy Resin Coatings

Maldhew T. Gladstone, Behr-Manning Company

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Destruction of the Caking Properties of Coal by Pretreatment in a Fluidized Bed

Structures described give improved pot life to solutions of solid epoxy resins at 100' F., permit cure at higher temperatures.

Albert J . Forney, Richard F . Kenney, Stanley J . Gasior, and Joseph H . Field, Bureau of Mines

Mr. 63-308

Comparison of Different Types of Equations for the Estimation of Vapor Pressures

Treating fine coals at 400' to 425' C. with a fluidizing gas (either inert gas or steam containing a t least 0.2'% oxygen) destroys caking properties. A completely nonagglomerating char produced in minimum of 5 minutes. Chars can be used as feed for fluidized-bed gasification or a hydrogasification process.

Donald G . Miller, University of California

M s . 63-360

75pages, including Gfigures, 3 tables


Various vapor pressure equations are extensively compared with experimental data to find best one for estimating vapor pressures to 10% with a minimum of input data. Recommendations are made for both high and low pressure regions and for different combinations of input data. MS.63-353

3 8 p a g q including 6 tables

Capacity limitations of Conventional Development of a New Type of Tray


Distilling Columns.

Capacities are correlated for those distilladon towers which are limited only by free space drop break-up. High capacity developmental trays for distillation exceed free space velocity limits by utilizing centrifugal de-entrainment of droplets. 22 pages, inrluding 17 figures


Smoothing Against the Average-A N e w Method for Smoothing Several Sets of Data Simultaneously

Stephen R. Cohen, City University of New York


Resolutions of d/-2,3-Dichloro-2-methylpropionic Acid

Charles E. Blassick and W. E. Adcock, Rohm @ Uaas Go. Three bases-quinine, cinchonine, and d-a-methyl benzyl amine-all gave the levorotatory isomer of 2,3-dichloro-2methylpropionic acid. T h e biological activity was nearly identical with the activity of the racemic acid.

M s . 63-362

Earl Manning, Jr., Shell Oil Go.

MS. 63-355

23pages, including 7figures, I table

5 pages

Raschig Synthesis of Hydrazine. Hydrazine from Chloramine


Part II.

The Formation of

G. V. Jeffreys and J . T. Wharton, The University o/ Manchsstcr, Manchester, England Pilot plant study in which hydrazine forming stage has been investigated in a continuous tubular reactor capable of operating at pressures up to 1000 p.s.i.g., and temperatures up to 250' C. using four methods of preparation.

Sets of data which vary similarly with the independent variable can be smoothed against each other by a new method which is suitable for both very precise and very imprecise data. Two examples are given.

Ms. 63-363

M s . 63-358

Effects of Solid Thermal Properties on Heat Transfer to Gas Fluidized Beds

16 pages, including 3 tables


Destruction of the Caking Quality o f Bituminous Coal in a Fixed Bed

Stanley J . Gasior, Albert J . Forwy, and Joseph U.Field, Bureau of Mines Technique developed offers promise, from economic standpoint, as part of integrated coal pretreatment and high pressure steam-oxygen-coal gasification process. Preliminary benchscale tests indicate that char from high-volatile bituminous coal can be gasified without caking, with steam in fixed bed a t 800' C. and atmospheric pressure, and with hydrogen in a dilute-phase free-falling bed at 750' C., 3000 p.s.i.g. M s 63-359

2 3 p a g q including &'figures, 2 tables


24pages, including PJgures, 7 table


E. N. Ziegler, L. B. Koppel, and W . T. Brazelton, Argonne National Laboratory Heat transfer coefficients measured from a porous sphere and a cylindrical heater to beds of solids fluidized in a n air stream. Solids varied only in thermal properties. A model developed which predicts observed relation of heat transfer coefficient to solid thermal properties. Predictions agree with previous data on effect of gas conductivity and on maximum observable Nusselt number.

Ms. 63-366

4Opagcs, including Sfigures, 2 tables


(Continued on page 75) VOL. 5 6

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SALINE WATER CONVERSION-II Three years of important wcrk in this active research area are represented i n this new volume on saline water conversion. The 14 papers it offers were based on symposia sponsored by the Division of Water and Waste Chemistry at the 139th and 141st National Meetings of the ACS i n March 1961 and March 1962, respectively.


Different methods reported here include: spray evaporation phosphate precipitation vibration . wiped thin-film distillation , . the use of the diffusion still . . the use of the osmotic membrane . . flash evaporation utilizing solar energy. Cost problems are fully covered. There are abundant charts and illustrations.






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Recycle in liquid Extraction

Robert E. Treybal, Arew York University I n mixer-settler extractors, recycling that liquid which the solute distribution favors from the settler to the mixer can materially increase the stage efficiency. When distribution favors the dispersed phase, the volume of a cascade, and hence the cost, may be substantially reduced. MS.63-369

76 pages, including 5Jgures


Ion Exchange Resin Catalysis of Sucrose Inversion Fixed Beds

Eldon W. Reed and Joshua S. Dranof, Columbia University Data indicate that observed rate of reaction is strongly influenced by diffusion within the resin particles, and that external (film) mass transfer is not significant over a wide range or Reynolds numbers.

Ms. 63-372

79 pages, including 4Jigures, 2 tables


An Evaluation of the Production of Hydrogen b y Gasification of Coal Using Nuclear Heat

W. H. Heffner, L. J. Pieroni, R . P. Gripn, ana‘ G . T. Skapcrdus, M . W. Kellogg Company Hydrogen can be manufactured from 20-cent/MMB.t.u. coal a t cost competitive with existing processes using 40-cent natural gas or 25-cent fuel oil, if high temperature nuclear reactor can be developed to deliver 2500’ F. process heat a t 50-centjMMI3.t.u. Optimum gasification conditions for a West Virginia bituminous coal and North Dakota lignite given.

Ms. 63-374

30 pages, including 5jqures, 3 tables


Velocity, Temperature, and Concentration Distributions during Fiber Spinning

Richard M . Grzfith, American Cyanamid Company

It illustrates a n d describes

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Several distributions have been determined outside a fiber during wet spinning of a single filament. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow was correlated. Elastic forces generated within the spinnerette were found responsible for most of the tension ordinarily needed in spinning fiber. M s . 63-378

25pages, including Sfgures, 4 tables


The Determination of the Partition Coefficient of 2-Methoxy ethanol between JP-4 Jet Fuel and Water

Daniel A . Netzel, Midwest Research Institute Partition coefficient is independent of phase volume ratio and initial 2-methoxyethanol concentration in JP-4 fuel. Derivation of partition coefficient equation used to determine maximum “buildup” of solute in aqueous phase with continuous exchange of solvent JP-4 jet fuel containing the solute is given.

M s . 63-379

15pages, including dfgures, 3 tables


Xanthation of Starch by a Continuous Process

C. L. Swanson, T. R. Naffziger, C. R. Russell, B. T . Hofreiter, and C. E. Rist, Northern Regional Research Laboratory

Starch xanthates made on small scale by new, rapid, continuous process. Effect of reaction variables on conversion discussed ; chemical costs reported. Process provides efficient source of cereal products which have good potential for improving strength properties of paper and insulation board.

Ms. 63-387

28pagcs, including Sjgpures, 1 table

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Radiotracer Analysis of Catalyst Flow Distribution

Donald E. Hull and Frank F. Ball, California Research Corporation Simultaneous recordings from an array of Geiger counters on a Houdriflow catalytic cracking plant showed that warped structures were distorting the flow pattern in the lower seal leg but not in the neck from the regenerator.

Ms. 63-384

25pages, including i’3fgures, 2 tables

83.00 VOL. 5 6

NO. 1