RESEARCH RESULTS - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1964, 56 (2), pp 71–73. DOI: 10.1021/ie50650a012. Publication Date: February 1964. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the artic...
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RESEARCH RESULTS . . . immediateh available .



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Ms. No.

The Radiolysis and Pyrolysis of Several Polyaromatic Compounds

Process Optimization by Nonlinear Programming

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Carlos W. DiBella and William F. Stevens, Northuestern University Technique for finding optimal solution vector should be of great value in both design and operation of a chemical plant. Advantages lie in speed of solution, ease of programming, and, most important, ability of method to handle nonlinear equality and inequality constraints.

National Laboratory Gamma and reactor radiation used. Gas yields determined, also per cent decomposition (using more rigorously controlled microsublimation separation than before), percentage “high boiler,” and number average molecular weights. Condensed ring compounds most stable. A correlation found between radiation stability and electron affinity and singlet triplet excitation energies. 44pages, including I2figures, IO tables


T o t a l R e m i t t a n c e (check, money o r d e r , c a s h )

J. CVeiss, C. H. Collins, J . Sucher, and N. Carciello, Brookhaven

Ms. 63-352



Ms. 63-387

I4pagrs, including I figure, 7 table


$5.00 Synthesis of ar-Chloromethylrtyrene by Direct Chlorination of ar-Meth ylrtyrene

David S.Hofenberg, American CyanamidCompany

Solubility of Volatile Gases In Hydrocarbon Solvents at Cryogenic Temperatures

Mixture of mcta- and para-chloromethylstyenes prepared in 85 to 90% yields by direct chlorination of mixture of meta- and para-methylstyrenes. Reaction carried out homogeneously in vapor phase at 560’ C. in presence of 80 to 95 mole % of a n inert diluent.

H. Chcung and D.I. J. Wang, Union Carbide Corporation Solubility of Nz, CO, A, and CHI determined in pure and mixed solvents and compared with qualitative predictions based on Hildebrand-Scatchard equation. Thermodynamic methods to extend low pressure data to higher in presence of hydrogen investigated. Novel transient technique apparatus developed which can also be used to obtain certain rate data.

Ms. 63-365

25pages. including Sfigures, 9 tables

Ms. 63-382

14 pages, including 2figures, 7 table


$3.00 Oallium

Pierre de la Breteque, SOciitE Francaist pour l’lndustrie de Aluminium, Marseille, France

On Rtactlon Sequences and Chronometric Integrals in Steady State Kinetics

Attention is called to reinarkable properties of once rare metal, now used principally in semiconductor compounds. Wider utilization is predicted in view of present availability a t price between the prices of gold and silver. List includes lubricants for space engines, jewelry alloys, liquid joints, and superconductors, among others.

J.A. Chrisfiansen, Hrllerup, Dtnmark Split u p into a sequence of elementary reactions, each obeying mass action law, requires intermediates which have a very short life in the reacting mixture and do not appear in the equation for the over-all reaction. Steady state obtains during entire reaction, and intermediates disappear a t same rate formed, CzHs = CzHt HZis discussed as an example.



MI. 63-368

23 pager, includmg 3figurrs

New Equations Based on Vapor

Raymond C. Hall, Kansas Statt University Equation, comparable to a moving Trouton’s Rule, approximates latent heat of vaporization for any compound when saturation P-T relationship is available. Can be successively improved on volume change of vaporization as data are available to establish quations giving progressively reliable values over wide ranges of reduced pressure.


15pagrr, including Ifigures, 2 tables

IOpages, including Ifigure, I table



I latent Heat of Vaporization. Prassure Data



Secondary Nucleation from Aqueous Solution

Terencr P. Melia and William P. Mo#tt, I. C. I., Ltd., Wtnnrngton. England Rate of secondary nucleation shown to be dependent on degree of agitation, rate of cooling, and degree of supercooling of solution, also type of crystal formed when small nuclei develop; independent of number, size, surface characteristics, and chemical nature of parent crystal. Two possible mechanisms are discussed. Ms. 63-389

20pagcr, including 3figurts, 2 tables


(Continued on page 73) VOL. 5 6

NO. 2 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 6 4 71

SALINE WATER CONVERSION-II Three years of important work in this active research area are represented in this new volume on saline water conversion. The 14 papers i t offers were based on symposia sponsored by the Division of Water and Waste Chemistry at the 139th and 141st National Meetings of the ACS in March 1961 and March 1962, respectively.


Different methods reported here include: spray evaporation . . phosphate precipitation , . . vibration . , . wiped thin-film distilla tion . . , the use of the diffusion still . . . the use of the osmotic membrane . . . flash evaporation utilizing solar energy. Cost problems are fully covered. There are abundant charts and illustrations.

Authors are drawn from universities and industry, research institutes, government. They provide experimental data and discussion from work in the U. S., Canada, Australia, South Africa and Israel. Both basic and applied research is covered.

All those concerned with technical aspects of saline water conversion will want this up-to-date compilation of significant papers on the subject.

199 pages.

Paper bound.

Price: $6.00


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Special Issues Sales/American Chemical Society/ll55 Sixteenth Street, N.W./Washington 6, D.C. 4



R E S E A R C H RESULTS An Evaluation of the Mechanism of Mass Transfer in Reverse Osmosis

R. N . Rickles, Dorr-Oliurr, Inc. Study of temperature dependence of rate of water transfer across Loeb-type membranes from saline solutions indicates process is transport controlled. Study of temperature dependency distinguishes between processes controlled by kinetics, momentum transfer, or diffusion.

M s , 63-390

Qpages, including djgures, 7 table

Catalytic Oxidation of Hydrocarbons. over Copper Catalyst


Oxidation of laobutene

R . S. Mann and D . Rouleau, University of Ottawa, Canada Reports effect of a number of reaction variables on conversion of isobutene to methacrolein. Product distribution as function of operating conditions and proposed stoichiometry of reaction presented. Copper oxide catalyst supported on pumice the most efficient of catalysts evaluated. Ms. 63-393

76pages, tncluding Sjgures, 7 table



Feed-Forward Control of Distillation Columns

W. L. Luyben and J . A . Gerster, University of Delaware


Effectiveness of feed-forward control is demonstrated experimentally in a 2-foot, 10-tray column, and also by analog simulation of columns containing up to 40 trays. 65.00

Here are reports on some of the latest and most challenging research in the broad field embracing surface phenomena. They give information basic to chemical science and technology.

A 4-inch Venturi aerator, in which liquid aspirates air, showed transfer characteristic of 1.4 lb. of 0 2 per HP-hr. This compares favorably with other aeration devices but was one-fourth that of a similar s/,-inch Venturi. Transfer factors for water and sulfite solutions were similar for the larger Venturi.

The 37 invited papers in this volume were sented at an ACS Symposium honoring Dr. Step en Brunauer with the 1961 Kendall Award for “outstanding scientific contributions to colloid and surface chemistry.” His own paper keynotes the book.


46pages, including 12jgures, 4 tables

Scale-up of a Venturi Aerator

M . L.Jackson and W. D. Collins, University of Idaho

Ms. 63-407

2 6 p a g q including Gjgures, 3 tables



Calculation of Feed Rates for Batch Polymerizations

Robert F. Hoffman, Stanley Schreiber, and George Rosen, ThiokoI Chmical Corjoration New, semibatch method for preparation of free radical-initiated polymers by bulk or solution polymerization was developed by application of differential material balances to free radical kinetics. Work shows that many basic kinetic expressions can be applied to a real process to obtain improved systems of operations.

Ms. 63-402

27pages, including 4 j g u r e s , 2 tables


A n Evaluation of Potassium Permanganate as an Algicide for Water Cooling lowers

George P. Fitzgerald, University of Wisconsin Algae treated with 10 p.p.m. potassium permanganate for 2 to 6 hours will not recover on removal from treatment medium. In contrast, algae of type trsted recover and grow when removed from a 10-p.p.m. copper sulfate medium after periods up to 24 hours. Laboratory procedures designed to determine relative concentration and treatment times for algicide “shock treatments” in water cooling towers are described.

Ms. 63-404

12 pages, including 3Jigures, 3 tables

These are some of the significant subjects treated: Dipole Moments of Ions in Surface Layers.. .Phase and Chemical Equilibria.. .Nonionogenetic Surfaces.. .Gibbs Adsorption Equation. . .Epitax in Cr stal Growth. . .Electrode PheForeign Atoms on Surface nomena.. . EJect Symmetry.. .Entropy and Enthalpy Changes in Adsorption.. .Ceramics.. .Cement and Concrete.. . Clay-Liquid Systems.. .Reactivity of Silica in Silicosis.. .Industrial Catalysis.. .Spectrochemistry of Powdered Solids.. .Semiconduction.


Contributions t o both the fundamental and applied sides of surface chemistry are offered. A comprehensive index enhances the value of this volume as a modern source book on interfacial phenomena.

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Price: $9.00

$2.00 .....


Surface Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide on Alumina

Method of evaluating surface diffusivities for porous media uses random pore model which contains no unknown parameters. Direct comparison between predicted and observed data can be made. Experimental diffusion data for carbon dioxide on alumina a t 25’ C. indicate that surface contribution is as important as volume diffusion rate for high surface pellets.

Order from: Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington 6, D.C.

Ms. 63-406


J.E. Rivarola and J . M . Smrfh, University of California

28 pages, including 3figUTeJ,f7 t a b k


VOL. 5 6

NO. 2

FEBRUARY 1 9 6 4