RESEARCH SPECIALTIES CO. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Chem. , 1962, 34 (4), pp 52A–52A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60184a745. Publication Date: April 1962. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem. 1962, 34, 4, 52A...
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What's new at Research Specialties? Automated Clinical Procedures What price automation? Look at the flow diagram below. It shows one of the many common clin­ ical procedures you can automate with RSCo's new low-cost equipment. Note particularly the cost per test and the modest initial investment. And note that you can handle up to 100 tests per hour with digital printout. The diagram, however, does not tell the complete story. Because RSCo's system is fast, you can finish one series of tests in a hurry and then have your equip­ ment free for others. We would like to stress that one basic RSCo system will automate several procedures, and you can perform others simply by adding modules instead of buying a whole new instrument. RSCo's equipment provides better re­ producibility and accuracy than any yet offered. Changes in procedure will not obsolete your instrument; unat­ tended operation is practical. Please write us, detailing procedures you'd like to automate, and we'll be happy to send you specific information. SERUM CREATININE PROC. 2-B

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Minutes Volume of serum required 0.3 ml φ Add 0.25 ml of serum to 2.0 ml of water, 0.125 ml of 2/3 Ν sulfuric acïd and 0.125 ml of 9.75% sodium tungstate. φ Filter, φ Transfer 1.5 ml of filtrate, adding 0.5 ml of 0.04 M picric acid. @ Add 0.5 ml of 0.75 Ν sodium hydroxide and mix. © Read at 520 m/ί against water and print. Samples processed per hour 100 Samples processed per 8 hours 725 Sample processing time in minutes 22 Sample reproducibility ±1.0% Processing cost per test: 100 tests per day, each $0.08 200 tests per day, each $0.05 Price of instrument: With digital printer $3,350 With chart recorder $2,730 Procedure of Bonsnes and Taussky Reference: J. Biol. Chem. 158, 581, (1949)


Automatic PB I Analyzer How fast do you perform PBFs now? With RSCo's new PBI Analyzer you can do up to 150 per hour, 600 per day, without constant supervision. This will save the time of at least one technician. Our analyzer accepts a load of 97 ex­ tracts from ashed samples and com­ pletes the determination automatically, performing these operations: addition of reagents, incubation, colorimetric reading, and digital printout of readings (or strip chart recording).

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First Completely Automated Titrator Start with unmeasured samples, end with printed results —the RSCo Auto­ matic Titrator does the entire analysis unattended. It delivers up to 60 analyses per hour; results are reproducible within 0.5%. You can automate a wide variety of procedures, including acid-base, oxida­ tion-reduction and conductimetric titra­ tions. You can also print multiple end points, perform back titrations and maintain, with minor adaptations, con­ stant end points with controlled addi­ tions of reagent. Prices range from $5.500 to $8,000. New Literature and Catalogs for Chromatographers Just completed is our new 18-page catalog for packing materials for gas and liquid chromatography—one of the most comprehensive listings you'll find. Prices, descriptions and applications are included. A free copy is yours for the asking. Another catalog, even more com­ prehensive, lists filter papers in spe­ cialized grades and sizes for paper chromatography and electrophore­ sis. It too is free for the asking. We have added 105 papers to our bibliography on thin-layer chroma­ tography. If you're not on our mail­ ing list, please let us know.



Another advantage of having the RSCo PBI Analyzer is that you can use it for other analyses by adding modules from other RSCo automatic systems. Price: $4850.

New Thin-Layer Chromatography Items Our new variable thickness spreader now allows thickness variation from 50 to 3000 microns. It's a no-clog type, simple to operate and set accurately. Price, $130. Here's another valuable addition to your thin-layer equipment: Our new 2-inch glass plates and their smaller de­ veloping jar. Use these instead of 8-inch plates when only one or two separations are needed at a time and save both adsorbent and developing solvents. We would also like to inform you that RSCo now prepares and bottles a new line of over 60 aerosol reagents and dyes for chromatography and electro­ phoresis. They're plastic coated, wellsealed stabilized reagents and produce a broad spray of fine droplets. Please write for the CHROMATOSPRAY bulletin for details. For more information on any of the items mentioned above, drop us a line.




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