RESEARCH SPECIALTIES COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (3), pp 28A–28A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60135a724. Publication Date: March 1958. ACS Legacy ...
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SAN FRANCISCO PROGRAM 9:20 9:35 9:55 10:15 10:35 11:00 11:20 11:40

Optimum Thickness of Targets for Generation of Characteristic X-Rays by Beta Particle Bombardment. R. H. Millier, F . D. Lonadier, and R. W. White. Applications of Characteristic X-Rays Excited by Beta Particle Bombardment. D . C. Miiller. Solubility of Tantalum and Cobalt in Sodium by Acti­ vation Analysis. J. A. Grand, R. A. Baus, A. D . Bogard, and D. D. Williams. Neutron Activation Analysis for Iridium in Platinum. L. S. Jowanovitz, R. E. McCarley, and D. S. Martin, Jr. Direct Activation Analysis by Neutron Activation and Scintillation Spectrometry. R. E. Jervis and W. D. Mackintosh. Radiological Analyzer for Nonradiological Gases. C. A. Ziegler and D . J. Chleck. Determination of Hydrogen in Alkali Metals by Isotopic Dilution Method. B. D. Holt. Techniques for Determination of Low Level Radio­ isotopic Concentration in Marine Biological Samples. C. W. Thomas and L. F . Lust.


3:50 4:10 4:30

4:50 6:30

Determination of the Ratio of Methyl to Phenyl Groups in Silicone Polymers by Infrared Spectroscopy. J. H. Lady, G. M. Bower, F . P . Byrne, and R. E. Adams. Determination of Maleic Anhydride in Polyesters. P. D. G a m and II. M. Gilroy. Analysis of Red Fuming Nitric Acid. Determination of Water by the Karl Fischer Titration. E. A. Burns and R. F . Muraca. Precise Determination of the Molecular Weight of Trinitrobenzene Complexes. J. C. Godfrey. Business Meeting of Division Members. Division Dinner. Speaker: Paul L. Kirk, School of Criminology, University of California.

Wednesday Morning and Afternoon SECTION A Fisher Award Symposium on Eleetroanalytical Techniques Honoring James J . Lingane Ε. Η. Swift, Presiding


9:00 9:05



John H. Yoe, Presiding 2:00 .2:05 2:25 2:45 3:05

Introductory Remarks. J. H. Yoe. Chemical Microscopy of Isoquinoline: Identification of the Noble Metals. H. F. Schaeffer. Titrimetric Determination of Unsaturation by Catalytic Hydrogénation. William Seaman. Détermination of Unsaturation Distribution in Polybutadienes by Infrared Spectrometry. R. S. Silas, Joy Yates, and Vernon Thornton. Effects in the Solid State Infrared Spectrum of Cyanuric Acid. W. M. Padgett I I , J. M. Talbert, and W. F. Hamner.


9:35 10:00 10:25 10:50 11:15

Introductory Remarks. Ε . Η. Swift. Amperometric Determination of Tin with Cupferron. S. S. Yamamura, J. E. Rein, and G. L. Booman. An Extraction, Controlled-Potential Coulometric Method Specific for TJranium(VI). G. L. Booman and W. B. Holbrook. Determination of Cysteine with Cupric Ion by Titra­ tion with Two Dissimilar Polarized Electrodes. J. M. Katyal and G. Gorin. Polarized Electrode Systems. L. B. Rogers. Substituent Effects in the Reduction of Aromatic Nitro Compounds at the Dropping Mercury Electrode. A. M. Hartley. Constant Potential Coulometric Reduction of Organic Halogen Compounds. V. B. Ehlers and J. W. Sease. Controlled Current Polarography at the Dropping Mer­ cury Electrode. I. M. Kolthoff and Y. Okinaka.


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