Research supported by industry through scholarships, fellowships and

A scholarship has been established at Carnegie Institute of. Technology, for research on metallurgy of aluminum. Two fellowships are maintained at the...
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Research Supported by Industry through Scholarships, Fellowships, and Grants CALLIE HULL and MILDRED MICO !Vational Research Council, Washington, D. C. HE first list of Research Scholarships and Fellowsh~psSupported by Industry was compiled by the National Research Council in 1929. The N m s E d i t i a of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry published the compilation in the issue of July 20 of that year. Fiftysix companies reported the support of 95 fellowships and scholarships. During the 15 years which have passed, there has been sufficient interest in the compilation to make it worth while to revise it several times. The support of this type of research has steadily increased. Two hundred and one companies in the present list report a total of 956 fellowships, scholarships, or grants for research. Subjects of research range over as many fields as are represented in the interests of the supporting companies. The largest number is awarded for work in chemistry, engineering, and food and nutrition. Pharmacy, pharmacology, and medicine compose the next largest number. It is interesting to note the 20 or more other subjects which engage the attention of from one to forty workers. While there are 54 new companies reporting for the current list, there are about one-fourth of the comoanies in the 1941 list which have discontinued their sipport for the duration of the war. A number of these companies indicated that the funds for support of such work are available for use whenever the right applicants may he found. Corrections and additions to the list will be welcome. They should be sent to the library, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington 25, D. C.


ALLOYCASTING INSTITUTE, 39 Broadway, New York, N. Y.

Research on the e5ect of corrosion and temperature on highalloy heat and corrosion castings is sponsored a t Battelle Memorial Institute. Grant, $36,000. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA, Pittsburgh, Pa. A scholarship has been established a t Carnegie Institute of Technology, for research on metallurgy of aluminum. Two fellowships are maintained a t the Battelle Memorial Institute for research on extruded coatings for aluminum arc welding electrodes and the use of alumina in the ~eramicindustry. A grant is made to Louisiana State University for the investigation of cryolite as an insecticide. AMERICAN A G R I C U L T ~ CHEMICAL AL Co., 50 Church St., New York, N. Y. Contributions are made to fellowships at: National Bureau of Standards, for research on bone black (through U. S. Cane Sugar Rehers). Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, for research on gelatin as an emulsifier (through Edible Gelatin Manufacturer5 Research Association). Michael Reese Hospital, for research on gelatin as a blood plasma substitute. University of Chicago, for research on gelatin as a nutriment in p a r e n t e d feeding. Harvard University, for research on gelatin as an antithrombotie agent. Northwestern University, for studies on physical properties of gelatin. AMERICANASSOCIATION OP TEXTLE CHEMISTS AND COLORISTS. Care of L. A. Olney, Chairman. Research Committee, Lowell Textile Institute, Lowell, Mass. A scholarship has been established a t Lowell Textile Institute. far research on standard test methods of dye fastness. Grant. $1000. AMERICANCASTIRON PIPE CO., 2930 North 16th St.. Binningham, Ala. A fellowship is maintained a t Vanderhilt University, for research on the chemistry of cast iron. Stipend, $800. AMERICAN CHEMICAL PAINTCo., Ambler, Pa. Fellowships are maintained at: University of Maryland (two), for research on plant physiology and for potato studies. Stipends, 5600 and $1000. Aesorr LABORATORIES, North Chicago, I U . Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, for research Fellowships of $750 each for research in organic chemistry are on plant hormones. Stipend, 5600. maintained at: Universitv of California: Universitv of Illinois: DENTALASSOCEATION, RESEARCHCOXMISSION, 212 University of Michigan; b i v e r s i t y of h;linnesota; &due ~ n i : AMERICAN versity; University of Rochester; Stanford University. East Superior St., Chicago, 111. Fellowships of $750 each for research in biochemistry are mainResearch associates (two) are maintained a t the National Bureau of Standards, for research in dental materials. Grant. tained at: Duke University; University of Pittsburgh. Grants are made to: Northwestern University, for the study $15,000. A fellowship is maintained a t the ~ i t i o n aInstitute l of Health. of hormones, 51000; University of Pennsylvania, for studies in for research in Vincent's disease. Grant, $5000. chemotherapy, $1500. Applications should be sent t o Daniel F. Lynch, Swetary of ALLIED CHEMICAL & DYECORP.,61 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Graduate fellowships with a stipend of $750 each have been the Research Commission, 1678 Primrose Road, Washington. established for 194344 at: University of California; California D. C. Institute of Technology; Columbia University; Cornell Uni- AMERICAN GASASSOCIATION. 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17, N V versity; H a m d University; University of Illinois; State Uni-. versity of Iowa; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; UniResearch projects are assigned to the American Gas Association versity of Michigan; University of Minnesota; Northwestern Laboratories in Cleveland, the Institute of Gas Technology, the University; Ohio State University; University of Pennsylvania; National Bureau of Standards, the Savory Equipment, Inc.. and Pennsylvania State College; Princeton University; Purdue the Selas Co. Budget for the current year is in excess of $150.000. University; University of Wisconsin; Yale University.


AMERICAN INsrITuTE OW .%EEL C o m ~ n u c r r o n 101 , Park Aw.. New York, N. Y. Grants are made to: Northwestern University, for the study of laced column elements, $1000. Weldinn Research Council, for the study of fatime and impact in butt and fillet welded members, $750. Taylor Model Basin, U. S. Navy, for the study of stress distribution in rigid frames knees, $500. National Bureau of Standards, for the study of stFess distribution in perforated cover plate compression members, $500. A fellowship is maintained a t Lehigh University, for the investigations of continuity in steel building frames and the elastic buckling of plates. Stipend. $2400. AMER~CAN MAIZE-PRODUCTS CO., 100 East 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Fellowships are maintained at: Iowa State College (two) for research on characterization of starches. Stipend, $1500. Massachusetts State College, for research an corn simp solids as an ingredient in ice cream. Stipend, $750. Purdue University, for research on starch and sugar derivatives. Stipend, $750. University of Wisconsin, for research on the use of corn sirup solids in ice cream. Stipend, $1100. AXERICAN P s m o L s m INSTITUTE, 50 West 50th St.. New York. N. Y. Fellowships are maintained a t : California Institute of Technology (two) for a study of the fundamentals of hydrocarbon behavior. Grant, $14,500. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (three) for a study of the effect of radioactivity on the transformation of marine organic materials into petroleum hydrocarbons. Grant, $4500. Ohio State University Research Foundation (thirteen) for research in the field of pure hydrocarbons. Grant, $35,000. Pennsvlvania State Colleee (two) for a studv of the svnthesis and properties of hydrocarbons of high molecular weight. Grant, $8625. Pennsylvania State College (five) for studies on the formation of petroleum. Grant, $8600. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (three) for studies on the role of microorganisms in the transformation of organic material into petroleum. Grant, 56500. University of Michigan (four) for research an the function of water in the production of oil from reservoirs. Grant, $7700. Research associates a t the National Bureau of Standards (four) for study of the isolation and identification of hydrocarbons in petroleum. Grant, $30,000. Research associates a t the National Bureau of Standards (two) for collection and analysis of data on the properties of hydrocarbons. Grant.$6800. The above grants cover both salaries and equipment. AMERICAN P ~ C E U T Z C A ASSOCIATION, L 2215 Constitution Ave., Washington, D. C. Fellowships are maintained s t : Purdue University School of Pharmacy, for work on precipitates in fluid extract of senna. Stipend, $400. University of Washington College of Pharmacy, for the study of dumatologic medication preparations. Stipend, $500. AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE, INC.,1155 16th St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Thirty-seven projects for research in potash and boron are supported in universities, agricultural colleges, and experiment stations. AMERICAN SOCIETY OR MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, 29 West 39th St., New York 18, N. Y. Research projects are supported by grants from industry and the Engineering Foundation as follows: National Bureau of Standards. Project: Flow nozzles and valumeters. Ohio State Uniwsity. Project: Effect of pulsations on differential head meters.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Project: Strengh of gear teeth. Battelle Memorial Institute and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Project: Effect of temperature on the ~ .r o.~ e r t i e s of metals. Purdue University. Project: Critical pressure steam boilers. University of Pittsburgh and Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company, Research Laboratories. Project: Rolling of steel. Columbia University. Project: Unsteady heat flow investigations by electrical analogy. Undesignated institution. Project: Furnace performance factors. AMERICAN SOCIETY ROR TESTISGMATERIALS, 260 South Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Research is sponsored a t : Battelle Memorial Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Michigan, for researches on the effect of temperature on the properties of metals (with American Society of Mechanical Engineers). Funds are contributed by industrial companies, with grants from the National Research Council and the Engineering Foundation. Engineering Foundation, Welding Research Committee. Research project: Effect of carbon and manganese on the weldability of carbon steels. Funds contributed from A. S. T. M. research fund. National Bureau of Standards. Cement Reference Lahoretory, sponsored jointly by the bureau and A. S. T. M. Committee C-l on Cement, makes regular inspection and tests of cement testing equipment. Funds contributed by industry. Pennsylvania State College, for investigation and subsequent development of standardized methods of determination of water vapor in gaseous fuels. Funds contributed from A. S. T M. research fund: Various laboratories, including University of Illinois, for investigations on fatigue of metals, involving particularly effect of type of testing machine on results of fatigue tests. Funds contributed from A. S. T. M. research fund. Various test sites assigned by universities and Government branches for atmospheric corrosion tests of metallic products including wire in virious forms, coated and uncoated steel sheets and hardware, shapes, etc. Some 15 test sites throughout the country are used for exposure of specimens with inspection a t intervals by members of techical committees sponsoring the work. AMERICAN TOBACCO Co., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. A grsnt is made t o the Medical College of Virginia, for research on the pharmacology of tobacco and tobacco smoke. $10,500. AMERICAN VISCOSECorn., P. 0.BOX468, Wilmington, Del. Fellowships are maintained a t : West Virginia University, for the study of industrial chemistry. Stipend, $1500. Pennsylvania State College, for the study of fabric testing. ANHEUSER-Busc~, INC., St. Louis, Mo. Fellowships (one each) are maintained at: Kansas State College, for research on feeding of yeast to turkey poults. University of Missouri, for research on feedinn to .of veast . hogs. Washington University, St. Louis, for research on the genetics of yeast. ANTHRACITE INDUSTRIES. INC.,101 Park Ave., New York. N. P. A grant is made t o Pennsylvania Staie College, for research on the generation of water-gas from anthracite coal, and for the development of commercial carbon from anthracite. $7200 an-

ASHLAND OIL AND REPINING CO.;ihshland, KY. ' Two scholarships are maintained a t the University of Kentucky, in mechanical engineering and industrial chemistry. $250 each, annually.

ASPHALTROOFINGINDUSTRY BUREAU.2 West 45th St.. New York 19. N. Y. Research associate a t the National Bureau of Standards. Project: Asphaltic roofing materials. AIITOMOBILE MANIJPACT~ERS' AS~OUATION, 320 New Center Bldg.. Detroit, Mich. Research associate a t National Bureau of Standards. Project: Cooperative fuel research. BABCOCK AND WILCOX CO.. 85 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Fellowships are maintained a t Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for research on refractories, heat transmission, and creen of- -steel. ~ ~ -~ - ~ r BAKER, J. T., CHEMICAL CO., Phillipsburg, N. J. Analytical chemistry &search fellowships (two), which may be assigned each year, one t o an institution in the eastern territory. and one to an institution in the midwestern territory. For 194M3, assigned to: Purdue University. Stipend, $1000. Eastern area, unassigned. BATTELLE MEMORIAL IN~TITUTE. Columbus. Ohio. Fellowships (normally three) are maintained a t Ohio State University for candidates for Ph.D. degree, for fundamental research in the fields of physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, metallurgy, ceramics, and fuels. During 194243 the investigations have been concerned with metallic replacements from fused salt baths and the application of thermodynamic methods to such processes. Stipend, $600 each. Appointment is for 10 months. Applications should be sent t n Graduate School. Ohio State University, by March 1. Research associates (normally four supported by Battelle Memorial Institute, and others by industrial companies) are maintained for research on various fundamental and technical problems. Stipend varies from $1200 to 51800. and appointment is for one year. Applicationsshould be sent to Clyde E. Williams, Director, Battelle Memorial Institute. Applications are received a t any time; awards are usually made during June. BAUSCHAND LOMEOPTICALCO., 635 St. Paul St., Rochester. N. Y. Grants are made to: University of Chicago, for research on visual performance of school children. 81500. Ohio State University, for research in visual science and optometry. $13,000 for three years. BEECH-NUT PACKINO CO., Canajoharie, N. Y. A grant has been made to Northwestern University. B E T ~ E H ESTEEL M CO.. Bethlehem. Pa. Research programs are supported directly at: University of Michigan, for electroplating research and spectrographic analysis. Ohio State University, for refractories research. Pennsylvania State College, for refractories and metallurgical research. Columbia University. for heat transfer research. Support to cooperative research programs includes: Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. University of Illinois, for steel rail and wrought steel wheel research. BlrUMlNoUs COAL RESEARCH,INC., 804 Southern Building. Washington, D. C. Research on bituminous coal (constitution, utilization, mining. broadening of markets) a t Battelle Memorial Institute, Coal Research Laboratory of Carnegie Institute of Technology, and the Universitv of West Virrinia. $98.000 a vear. ~~

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A grartl of approximatrly $180 in made to the Sational Council for S m n m Improwownt. Pulp. Pspcr. and Paper Uoard Industries, Inc. BREON,GEORGEA,, AND CO., INC., 2503 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Fellowships (one each) are maintained a t Iowa State University and University of Missouri for chemical and pharmacological studies on new drum. Sti~ends.$75&$800. Grants are madeto the university of Minnesota and the Uni-

versity of Nebraska for research on cardiac drugs and sulfa drugs for topical application. Variahle amounts. CABOT.GODFREY L., INC.,77 Franklin St., Boston, Mass. A grant of 816,000 has been made t o the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for investigations of the fundamental structure of natural rubber and synthetic elastomers, in both the reinforced and unreinforced states. CALCIUM CrnoR1~EASSOCIATION, H. F. Clemmer, Acting Adviser (Engineer of Tests for the District of Columbia). District Building. Washington, D. C. Research associates are maintained at: National Bureau of Standards. Project: Effect of calcium chloride on cements and concretes. (H. F. Clemmer.) West Virginia University. Project: Treatment of coal with calcium chloride. (R. A. Giddings, Sewetary, Calcium Chloride Association, Detroit, Mich.) CARROLL DUNHAM SMITHPHARMACAL CO., 350 Scotland Road. Orange, N. J. A fellowship is maintained a t the New York University. Department of Therapeutics, College of Medicine, for research on sedatives, cardiacs, and antiluetics. Stipend, $6000. CARTER COALCo., 630 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnegie Institute of Technology. CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC CO., 1700 Irving Park Road, Chicago, Ill. Industrial fellowships (two) are offered t o students majoring in physics, awarded for one year's tenure in the Research and Development Department of the Central Scientific Co. Stipend. $1200 each. Apply to M. N. States a t the above address. Appointments are made by April 1. C E R O P HLABOFATORIES, ~ Kansas City, Mo. Fellowships are maintained at: Comell University-stipend, $1350. University of Wisconsin-stipend, $3000. University of Illinoisstipend, $1800. Massachusetts State C o l l e ~ e - s t i ~ e n d . $1200. Subjects of research: Nutritional research an dehydrated grasses; plant physiology relationships between plant growth and nutritions1 values. CHESAPEAKE ASD 01110 RAILWAY CO., Clrvrland, Ohio. A wntnbution is ma& tu thr Coal Rerarch 1.atmratory. Clunegie Institute of Technology. CIBAPHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS CORP.,Summit, N. J. Fellowships or grants are assigned to: American Foundation for Tropical Medicine; Cornell University Medical College; Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts General Hospital; Mt. Sinai Hospital; New York Academy of Medicine; University of Georgia, School of Medicine; Louisiana State Univeristy, School of Medicine; University of Minnesota, The Medical School; University of Missouri; University of Pennsylvania, Institute of Gynecologic Research; University of Rochester, Medical School; Wayne University, College of Medicine (two). Subjects of research: Investigations in endocrinology, pharmacology, and clinical medicine. CINCHONA Pnonums INSTITUTE,INC., 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Grants are made to: Corncll Univerriry Mcdml College, fur >tudy ou the action ulcinchuna alkaluidson cxpcrimcntal infections SS000. Sew York Cnivusity, for threefold investigation of absorption and distribntion, mode of action on myo-neural system. etc., and action on isolated enzyme systems of cinchona alkaloids. $21,000, Johns Hopkms University, for research on quinine and malaria in the Upper Mississippi Valley. $1500. Battelle Memorial Institute, for the study of industrial uses of cinchona alkaloids. $6000. Two fellowships for the study of cinchona are unassigned. C L E A ~ I E LBITUMINOUS D COALCORP.,Indiana, Pa. A contribution is made to the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. CLOVER SPLINTCOALCO., Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. A contribution has been made to the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology

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COLGATE PALMOLIVE-PEET CO.. 105 Hudson St., Jersey City, Fellowships for dental and soap research are maintained at: Northwestern University; Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Stanford University; University of Southern California. COMMEECUL SOLVENTS CORP.,Terre Haute. Ind. Fellowships are maintained at: Northwestern University. Applications should be sent to C. D. Hurd. Department of Chemistry. Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. Purdue University (five). Applications should be sent to H. B. Hass. Head, Department of Chemistry. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. University of Cincinnati, Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology. University of Wisconsin. Applications should be sent to C. A. Elvehjem, Department of Agricultural Chemistry. University of Wisconsin, Madison. Wis. CONSOLIDATED EOISON Co., INC., 4 Irving Place. New York, N. Y. The company supports, through Pants, research Cornell university and certain projects sponsored by E n s n e e m g Foundation. CONTINENTAL OIL CO., P O ~ CCity, B Okla. Fellowships are maintained at: University of Illinois, for study of lubricants and lubrication. Stipend, $750. Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, for research on insecticides, fly spray, etc. Stipend, $750. ASSOCIATION. 420 Lexington Ave., CoppEu AND BRASSRESEARCH New York 17, N. Y. Research oroiects an comer and brass are s~onsoredat: National ~ u r e i ui f standards- Battelle ~ e m o r i hInstitute; University of Illinois. CORNINDUSTRIBS RESEARCH FOUNDATION. 5 East 45th St., New




Fellowships are maintained nt: Indiana University, for studiu on conjugated systems. Columbia Vniveraity, for research on the sizes and shapcj of starch molecules. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for studies on the optical behavior of starch. Washington University, for research on enzymic synthesis of polysaccharides. Northern Regional Research Laboratory, for research on moisture relations in starch. Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, for research on the structure of corn and cornstarch. University of Toronto, for research on branched chain structures of starch. Columbia University, for studies on the enzymic reactions on .L---L

Member Company Laboratory, for research on starch paste characteristics. Member Company Laboratory, for studies on carbon evaiuation. CORN bP1mNo Co.. 17 Battery Place, New York. ..PRODUCTS .-

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Fellowships (one each) are maintained a t : New York State Experiment Station, for the determination of the relative sweetness of sugars. Stipend, 8000. University of California. College of Agriculture, Berkeley, for research in connection with the use of the company's products in dehydrated h i t s , fruit juices, and vegetables in which sweetening agents are used. Stipend, $3WO. Agricultural Research Foundation, Oregon State Agricultural Collepe. .. Cowallis. for the stndv of dextrose. CSU. and other corn products on the freezing, preserving, and processing characteristics of fruit and other products. Stipend. $3100. State University of Iowa, for study of the chemistry of condensation products of dextrose. Stipend, $800. Northwestern University, for research on the chemical reactions of carbohydrates. Stipend. $850.

CO.. I N C 787 , First Ave., New York. DEVOEAWD RAYNOLDS N. Y. A fellowship is maintained a t Lehigh University for research on paint and varnish. OP AMERICA, 393 Seventh Ave.. New DOUGHNUT CORPORATION York, N. Y. A grant is made to Wayne University, for vitamin research on the doughnut as a nutritious food. 53500. Dow CHEMICAL CO., Midland, Mich. Fellowships are maintained at: University of Louisville, far research on protective coatings. stinpna -..r-..-," 1mn Carnegie Institute of Technology, for the study of metallurgical problems. $1300. A scholarship has been established a t the Case School of Applied Science, for thestudy of ethylcellulose. $150. DU PONT DE NEMOURS, E. I., AND CO., INC., Wilmington, Del. Postgraduate fellowships in chemistry and chemical engineering, with a stipend of $750 each, are maintained at: Columbia University; Cornell University; Harvard University; Johns Hopkins University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; ~orthwesternuniversity; Ohio State University; Pennsylvania State College; Princeton University; Purdue University; Stanford University; University of California; University of Chicago; University of Illinois; University of Michigan; University of ~ i university~ f,, ~~~h ~carolina; University ~ of ~ permsylvania; University of Virginia; University of Wisconsin; yale Uniwsity. EASTMAN KODAKCO., Rochester 4, N. Y. six fellowships for graduate work are at ous universities, for the study of chemistry and chemical engineenng. ECONOMICS LABORATORY, INC.. 914 Guardian Bldg., St. Paul. Minn. A -mant of 8300 is made to the New York State Aericultural Experiment Station, Department of Bacteriology. Geneva. N. Y.. for research on the cleaning and sterilization of eating utensils. EDIBLE GELATINMANUPACTUUER~ RESEARCH SOCIETY oa AaenIc.% INC.,55 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Fellowships (one each) are maintained at: Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, for the study of gelatin in pharmaceuticals. Stipend, $1000. Massachusetts State College, for the study of gelatin in ice cream. Stipend, $1000. Grants (one each) are made to: University of Chicago, for the study of gelatin as substitute for blood plasma. $8350 a year. Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, for the study of gelatin as substitute for blood plasma. $7906 a year. Haward College, for the study of gelatin as antithromhic aeent. $2500 a vesr. . ELEcmo METALLURGICAL Co., Metallurgical Laboratory, Royal Ave., Niagara Falls, N. Y. A fellowship is maintained a t Battelle Memorial Institute for the study of uses of alloys. Correspondence should be addressed to G. C. Furness. Carbide and Carbon Buildine. -. 30 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. ELECTRO REaucronrss AM, ALLOYSCORP.. Vars Building. Buffalo, N. Y. A fellowship is maintained a t Alfred University, for research on superrefractories. Stipend, $300. ELGINNATIONAL WATCIICO., Eigin. Ill. Fellowrhips for the study 01 watch technology are maintnincd at: Armour Research Foundation and Battelle Memorial Institute. EMERSON Duuo Co., Eutaw and Lombard Sts., Baltimore. Md. Chair of Bio-Assay is supported a t the University of Maryland School 01 Pharmacy. A fellowship is maintained a t the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology. Stipend.




EFSTEIN,REYNOLDS, AND HARRIS, 5 South Waha5h Ave., Chicago, Ill.: EMUSOL CORP.,59 East Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Fellowships are maintained at: Georgetown University Medical School, for research on the pharmacoiogical properties of an interface modifier. Stipend, $600. Illinois Institute of Technology, for study of the reduction of bacterial contamination in frozen and dried egg products. Stipend, $1600. ETHYLGASOLINE CORP..Chryder Bldg., New York. N. Y. Fellowrhips are maintained at: University of Cincinnati, for reseatch in medicine. Brown University, for research in chemistry. Cornell University, for research in mechanical engineering. Duke University, for research in chemistry. Iowa State University, for research in chemistry. Louisiana State University, for research in chemistry. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for research in chemical engineering. University of Michigan ( t w ~ )f, o ~research in electrical and chemical engineering. University of North Carolina, for research in chemistry. University of Oklahoma, for research in chemical physics. Pennsylvania State College, for research in petroleum engineering. Princeton University, for research in chemistry. Stanford University, for research in mechanical engineering. University of Texas, for research in petroleum engineering. University of Tulsa, for research in petroleum engineering. Wayne University (two), for research in chemistry. Yale University, for research in mechanical engineering. Purdue University (three), for industrial research. Stipend. $750 in most cases; 8 7 5 in two cases. FANSTEEL METALLURGICAL CORP.,North Chicago, Ill. A fellowship is maintained a t BatteUe Memorial Institute, for research on tantalum and tantalum alloys. Stipend, variable; established on semiannual or quarterly basis. CLUBS,KenF ~ o s l ~ l r oOP N PAINTAND VARNISHPRODUCTION neth J. Howe, Chairman, care of Thihaut and Walker Co.. Long Island City, N. Y. A fellowship is maintained a t the University of Louisville. FIRESTONE TIREAND RUBBER CO..Akron. Ohio. Fellowships are maintained a t : University of Akron, for research on rubber chemistry. Stipend. $1000. University of Minnesota, for research on plant pathology. Stipend, $1000. Ohio State University. for research on synthetic rubber Case School of ~ .o.~ i i eScience, d foz research on synthetic rubber. -Research Associate a t the National Bureau of Standards. Project: Ignition research. FREEPORT SULPHURCO., 122 East 42nd St., New'York, N. Y. Scholarships are maintained a t : Tulane University, $1000. Louisiana State University (two) for male Cuban students in engineering or accounting, $750 each. Grants have been made to: Louisiana State University. for control of coccidio:is of chickens, $1500; insect control investigation of cotton, etc.. $1000; soil acidification investigations, $275. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, for poultry parasite control investigation, $800. New York Agricultural Experiment Station, for sulfur spray material investigations on apples, peaches, and cherries, $300. Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, for sulfur spray equipment investigation on apples, peaches, and cherries, 6300. Ohio Amicultural Experiment Station, for sulfur dust mixture ~ i c c i g a n Agricultural Experiment Station. for sulfur

spray material investigations on apples and cherries. $300. Am:cultural Emeriment Station of Universitv of, for potato scab control invcstigationc, WOO. Georgia Agricultural Kxperiment Stalion. 51000. rerar Agriculrural and Mcchanicd College, for goat dipping investigations, $500. Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, for potato psyllid control investigations, $150. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, for black spot control demonstrations of roses, $250; for soil sulfur in rose chlorosis, $275. Virginia Agricultural Extension Service, for peanut dusting demonstrations, $100. North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service for peanut dusting demonstrations, $100; for peanut leafspot control investigations, $100. GENERALANILINEAND FILM CORPORATION. 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. Four fellowships are maintained a t the following institutions: University of Illinois, for organic chemical research. Stipend. $750 annually. University of Texas, for organic chemical research. Stipend, $1000 annually and incidentals. Stevens Institute of Technology, for powder metallurgy research. Stipend. $5000 annually. Purdue Research Foundation, for the study of thermodynamic data on organic compounds. Stipend, and incidentals, $2000 annually. GEXERAL ELECTRIC CO.. 1River Road, Schenectady. N. Y. Charles P. Steinmetz Memorial Scholarships (one, two, or three each year), a t Union College, for engineering or academic courses. Stipend, up to $500; usually $250 or 8375annually for four years. GENERAL FOODS CORP.,Research and Development Department. 11th and Hudson Sts., Hoboken. N. J. Fellowships (one each) are maintained at: Cornell University, for research on the nutritional value of frozen foods. Amount, $1200. University of Nebraska, for a survey of availability of waxy sorghum. Amount. $3000. Purdue University, for research on the improvement of wheat varieties. Amount, $5500. University of Illinois, for research on the improvement of white corn by breeding. Amount. $1200. GENERAL RADIOCo., 30 State St., Cambridge, Mass. Grants are made to: Harvard University; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Northeastern University. GLIDDBN CO., 1396 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. Fellowships are maintained a t : Northwestern University. Stipend. $1000. Cornell University. Stipend, 8 5 0 0 . GOODYEAR TIREAND RUBBER CO., 1144 Ea?t Market St.. Akron. Ohio. Fellowships (one each) are maintained at: University of Akron, for research on rubber chemistry. Stipend, $1200. University of Florida, for research on pliofilm packaging. University of Iowa, for research on pliofilm packaging. G R I ~LABORATORIES, I ~ 1415 West 37th St., Chicago, Ill. Grants for biochemical and clinical research on human beings and animals relative to nutrition and chemotherapeutic products and'for food research problems are made to: Northwestern University Medical School, $750. Wayne University Medical School, $1000. Howard University Medical School, $300. Department of Therapeutics. County Hospital, $600. University of Illinois, Department of Chemistry, $500. St. Luke's Hospital, Chicago, Department of Surgery, $300. G -~ n a OIL CORP..3800 Gulf Blde.. - . Pittsburzh, - . Pa. Fellowships for research in physics, chemistry, geology, and enc-ineerinv are Institute of -..o.-.-.-n . maintained at: Massachusetts Technology; Pennsylvania State College; University of Chicago; University of Wisconsin; University of Minnesota; University of Texas: Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas ~






Stipend, standard grant. $900 (total for seven fellowships, $6500). HAMMERI~ILL PAPERCo.. Erie. Pa. A grant is made to the Institute of Paper Chemietry, far research on pulp and paper processes. HARSHAW CHEMICAL CO., 1945 East 97th St.. Cleveland. Ohio. Fellowships are maintained a t : Western Reserve University (two), for research in inorganic chemistry. Stipend, $1200 each, annually. University of Wisconsin, for the study of fluorine chemistry. Stipend, $750 annually. Grants are made to: Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, for study of the use of copper fungicides and nutritional sprays on vegetable and tree crops. $700. Cornell University for the Xew York Agricultural Experiment Station, for study of fungicides and disease control on plants with copper oxychloride sulfate, $700. Cornell University for the New Y a k Agricultural Experiment Station, for study of nutritional sprays with soluble frits. manganese sulfate, etc., $300. HASKINSLABORATORIES. INC.. 1188 Avon Road. Schenectady. N.Y. Fellowships are maintained a t : Harvard University (two); Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Union College. One or two fellowships in physics, chemistry, and/or biology each year will he announced specially, a t irregular and infrequent intervals. Applications should be made to the Research Director. Haskins Laboratories, Inc. HERCULES POWDER Co.. Delaware Trust Bldg.. . Wilmington. Del. Fellowships are maintained at: Institute of Paper Chemistry, $2500. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $650. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, $1800. Rhode Island State College, $500. Pennsylvania State College. $2500. University of Cincinnati, $3000. University of Delaware. $5500. University of Oklahoma, $1400. Subjects: Paper chemistry, oxycellulose, polymer chemistry. chemical oxidation, chemistry of terpenes, terpene reactions, insecticides, electrochemical reactions. Three scholarships with a stipend of $500 each have been established a t the Institute of Paper Chemistry. HEYDEN CHEMICAL CORP.,M e l d , N. J. Two fellowships are maintained a t the University of Wisconsin for research on fermentation ptoblems. HOBERG PAPERMILLS.Green Bay. Wis. A contribution is made to research a t the Institute of Paper Chemistry. HYNSON, WESTCOTT AND DUNNING. INC.. 1030 North Charles St.. Baltimore. Md. Fellowships are maintained at: Johns Hopkins University, Dunning Fellowship in Chemistry. stipend, $1000. University of Maryland, Schml of Pharmacy, Dunning Fellowship. Stipend. $1000. Washington College. Dunning Fellowship. Stipend, $1000. Grants are made to: Johns Hopkins University, for research on isotope separation.


Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemistry, for student research. $1000. Johns H ~ p k i n sHospital, Brady Clinic. research. $2000. Tohns Honkins University. for special gas research. $2000. johns ~ o b k i n ~niversity; s sust&ing, $3500. ILLINOIS CLAYPRODUCTS Co., 214 Barber Bldg.. Joliet, IU. A scholarship is maintained a t the Illinois State Geological Survey, University of Illinois, for research on mineralogy and bonding properties of fire days. Stipend. $6000. INNISSPEIDENAND CO.. 117 Liberty St.. New York, N. Y. Fellowshipsare maintained at:

Cornell University, for research on Larvacide (chlorpiain) for soil disinfection. Stipend, $1400. Boyce-Thompson Institne for Plant Research. Stipend and incidentals, approximately $7000. INSTITUTEoa GASTECHNOLOOY. 3300 Federal Street, Chicago, Ill. Member companies (sixty) support the Institute, which offers 21 fellowships a t the Illinois Institute of Technology, each with a stipend of $1400. The subjects of research are basic problems of interest to the gas industry, including the manufacture of fuel gas, combustion of gases of all kinds, heat transfer and related problems, and chemical processes related in some manner t o gas production or utilization. JEWELLR ~ OCOAL E CORP..Tazewell, Va. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnepie Institute of Technolow. -. J o m s AND LAUCHL~N STEELCORP.,Jones and Laughlin Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. A grant fox the company's research is made to Pennsylvania State College, for cooperative research in metallurgy, 5250. Work being done for the company on a paid basis is being handled a t University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, and Pennsylvania State college. A contribution has been made to the Coal Research Laboratory, b e g i e Institute of Technology. KELLOGG Co., Battle Creek. Mich. Cooperative research is carried on at: Michigan State College; University of Illinois Medical School; University of Notre Dame. KELLOGG, M. W., CO., 225 Broadway, New York, N. Y. A grant is made to Princeton University for research on catalysis. KNOX,CHARLES B., GELATIN CO., INC..Johnstown, N. Y. Grants are made to: University of Pennsylvania, Harrison Dept. of Surgical Research, f o ~research on blood substitutes. University of LouisvilleMedical School, Dept. of Physiology. for research on hlood substitutes. Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, for research on blood substitutes. Johns Hopkins University. School of Hygiene and Public Health, Dept. of Biochemistry, for research on the chemistry of proteins and amino acids. University of California. Dept. of Medicine, for dietary studies. KOPPERSCO., Reseillch Dept., Koppers Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa Fellowshipsare maintained a t : University of Delaware, for research on fungicides. University of Illinois, for research on insecticides. University of Minnesota, far research on weed killers. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnegie Institute of Technology. LAMBERT PHARMACAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. Grants (one each) are made to: Northwestern University Dental School, for the study of mouth odors, $50'20. New York Post-Graduate School and Hospital, for the study of filtrahle viruses. $5000. American Foundation for Tropical Medicine, Int., $1000. LATROBE ELECTRICSTEEL CO.,2626 Ligonier St., Latrobe. Pa. A mant - is made t o the Pennsylvania State College, for research on tool steel. LEDERLE LABORATORIES, INC.. 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York. N Y~ .. Forty subventions or fellowshipa are maintained with universitier, clinics, medical schools, ana private workers for research in medical and veterinary medicine projects, especially biologicals. involving annual stipends up to $5000 yearly. LEVERBROTHERS Co., 164 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. Fellowships for research in organic chemistry with a stipend for each under $5000 are maintained at: Stanford University; Pennsylvania State College; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Southern California. LILLY,ELI, AND COMPANY. Indianapolis. Ind.



Fellowships are maintained in several universities and medical schools throughout the country. LITHOGR~PAIC TECHNICALFOUNDATION, INC.,220 East 42nd St., New York, N. Y. Fellowships (two) are maintained a t the University of Cincinnati, for research on the drying of ink. Stipend, $1500. Applications for the fellowships should he sent t o R. F. Reed, Director, Dept. of Lithographic Research, University of Cincinnati, by April 1. Research associate a t the National Bureau of Standards, for research on lithographic paper. Stipend, $1800. Loursvr~ ~ ~NASHVILLE AND RAILROAD, Loui~ville,Ky. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnegie Institute of Technology. LOUISV~LLE PAINT,VARNISHAND LACQUERASSOCIATION, 922 Heyburn Bldg., Louisville 2, Ky. A fellowship is offered a t the University of Louisville. Speed Scientific School, for research on paint and varnish chemistry. Stipend. $300. McNsrL Laeona~onras,INC.,2900 North 17th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Grants aremade to: Ohio State University Hospital, for a study of gall bladder and liver complications. Research Institute, Lankenau Hospital. Philadelphia, far a study of the metabolism of the sulfur-containing amino acids. Jefferson Medical College. Philadelphia, for a study of barbituric acid derivatives. MASONITE CORP.,Laurel, Miss. Fellowships for research in wood chemistry and related fields are maintained a t : Institute of Paper Chemistry. Stipend, $2000 a year. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Stipend. $4700 a year. MAY,EARLE., SEEDCO., Shenandoah, Iowa. A grant is made to Iowa State College, for the study of basic problems relating t o the growth and development of the corn of Mexico and Central and South America, and the contribution the corn of those areas may he able to make to the United States. $75.000. for five years. INSTITUTE. 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. MELLON See Chemical and Enginwring N m for annual report on Industrial Research Progress (194%43, April 10. 1943). MERCK& Co.. INC.,Rahway. N. J. Fellowships or grants are maintained at: American Veterinary Medical Association, for medical research a t the University of Minnesota, $2400. Columbia University, for chemical research. $1800. Research Corporation, for chemical research a t Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $1000. Rhhode Island State College, far chemical research, $500. Rutgers University:for entomological research. $4000; for microbiological research, $1500. Ssranac Laboratory, for the study of tuberculosis. $1500. Stanford University, for microbiological research, $1500. University of Cslifornia, Los Angeles, for chemical research, $2500. University of Georgia, for medical research, $300. University of Minnesota, for chemical research. $5000. University of Virginia, for chemical research, $1000. MER~ELL, WILLIAMS.. Co.. Locklaud Station. Cincinnati 15. Ohio. The company has allotted $100,000 for research fellowships a t the following universities during the year 1943-4: Laboratory Research Fellowships, for the study of synthetic medicinals at: Cornell University; University of Illinois. University of Indiana; University of Louisville; University of Michigan; University of Nebraska; University of North Carolina; Ohio State University. Laboratory Research Fellowships at: University of Ciucinnati, for the study of vitamins; Kansas State University, for the study of vaccines; Temple University, for the study of vaccines. Clinical .Research Fellowships, for the study of synthetic

medicinals at: Chicago Maternity Center; University of Cincinnati; H m a r d University; University of Louisville; Pennsylvania Hospital; Philadelphia Post Graduate Hospital; Wayne University; Washington University. METALHYDRIDES, INC.,1%24 Congress St., Beverly. Masn. A scholarship is maintained a t Boston University, for research on titanium hydride. Stipend, $1000. MICHIGAN GASASSOCIATION. Grand Rapids, Mich. A fellowship is maintained a t the University of Michigan, for research in gas engineering. Stipend. $750 ($500 to holder. $250 for expenses). MIDWEST RWBERRECLAIMING CO., East St. Louis, Ill. A research oroiect is supoorted a t Massachusetts Institute of Technolow. f& five-ve& &vestiaation of the whole reclaimina process, including natural and syn-thetic rubber, under the fulltime direction of D. S. le Beau, supervised by Ernst Hauser. MONSANTO CHEMICAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. Fellowships (eight) are maintained at: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, for research in polymer chemistry. Stipend, $1500. Princeton University. Depts. of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Stipend, $1000. Purdue Research Foundation, for research in organic cbemistry. Stipend, $2500. Uniwsity of Cincinnati, for toxicological research. Stipend, ~ -1,nnn -2- -. University of Illinois, for research on insecticides. Stipend, $4500. University of Illinois, for organic research. Stipend, $750. University of Michigan, for organic reseatch. Stipend. $1200. University of Wilisconsin. f o r organic research. Stipend. S750. A &ntrihntion has been made to the Coal Research Labaratom. .. Carncgie Institute of Technology. l f o s r o ~ xU L n o a n Co.. 1.143 Oliver Hldg , Pittsburgh. Pa. A contribution has been made t o the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnegie Institute of Technology. MOOEMAN MANVFACTWR~NG Co., Quincy, Ill., and HOOVERMASONPHOSPHATE CO., Chicago, Ill. A fellowship is maintained a t Purdue University, for research on fluorine metabolism of sheep. Stipend, $1000. MORGANCONSTRUCTION CO., 15 Belmont St., Worcester 5. Mass. Scholarships (four) have been established a t Worcester Polytechnic Institute for research in engineering. Full tuition. Monnrs, PHILIP.AND CO.,LTD.,INC., 119 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. A fellowship is maintained a t the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, for research on the physiological effects of smoking. Stipend, $3500. NATIONAL CANNERS ASSOCIATION, 1739 H St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Grants are made to: University of Wixonsin; Pennsylvania State College; University of Chicago. Grants on nutrition studies are supported jointly by the Association and the Can Manufacturers Institute. Total grants, $17,645 ( 1 9 4 3 4 ) . Total cost of project, $50,000. A grant is made to the University of Chicago, for studies on food poisoning, $1500. NATIONALCARBONCO., INC., General Research Laboratory, 1280 West 73rd St., Cleveland. Ohio. A fellowship is maintained a t New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, for development of improved insect repellants. Correspondence should he addressed to G. C. Fumess, Carbide and Carbon Building, 30 East 42nd St.. New York, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. NATIONAL CHEESEINSTITUTE. Grants are made to: University of Wisconsin; New York State Experiment Station, Geneva Subjects of research: Digestibility of cheese, $2000; chemistry and bacteriology of the ripening of Cheddar cheese made from raw and pasteurized milk, $2000; nature and contml of insects






affecting cheese. $4235; pasteurization of cheese, its effect on quality and bacteria, $3000. NATIONAL FERTILIZER ASSOCIATION, INC.,616 Investment Bldg., Washington, D. C. A grant is made to the University of California, for research on soils and plants, WOO. NATIONAL LEADCO.,TITAN~I~ DIVISION,BOX58, South Amboy, N. J. Fellowships are maintained at: Columbia University, for research on the chemistry of titanium. Stipend, $4000 for two years. Stevens Institute of Technology, for research in powder metallurgy. Stipend, $200 per month. NATION~LLIME ASSOCIATION, 927 15th St.. N. W., Washington 5, D. C. Fellowshipsaremaintained at: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, f a studies in: (1) hydrated lime substitutions in concrete including effects on compressive strength, volume changes, absorption and permeability resistance t o wear or abrasion, durability or resistance to freezing and thawing; (2) volume changes, workability and durability of limecement mortars; (3) development of a mechanical method of measuring relative workabilities of concrete mixes. Stipend, $5000 for fiscal year 194344. University of Illinois, far x-ray and electron microscope studies of lime and its properties. Stipend, $860 for fiscal year 194344. National Bureau of Standards, masonry mortar recearch investigation, the purpose of which is t o obtain information on the relations between the composition and physical properties of mortars made of selected materials and the qualities essential for satisfactory performance in masonry; t o develop data useful in the formulation of specifications for mortars and mortar materials; and to devise methods of using mortars and mortar materials. Stipend, $8000 for the fiscal yea, 1943-44. NATIONAL LNE STOCKAND MEATBOARD.407 South Dearborn St.. Chicago. Ill. Grants for 19have been made to: University of Chicago (two), far the study of the influence of dietary protein upon the regeneration of blood proteins, and the resulting capacity t o fab~icateantibodies; for the study of the retention of B vitamins in braising beef. University of Wisconsin (two), for the investigation of the amino acid content of meats; for research on the vitamin content of meats and the nutrition of vitamins druing cooking. University of Nebraska, for the study of blood regeneration in women blood donors. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, far research on the retention of B vitamins during the roasting of meat. University of Minnesota (two), Division of Physiological Chemistry, for research on f a t metabolism and essential unsaturated fatty acids; Medical School, for research on f a t metabolism in relation t o human nutrition. University of Arkansas, School of Medicine, far research on nutritional cytopenia and vitamin M in the nutrition of the monkey, and related studies. NATIONAL OIL PRODUCTS CO.. INC..First and Essex Sts.. Harrison, N. J. Fellowships (two) are maintained a t : Harvard Medical School, for dermatological research. Stipend, $4000 a year. Lehigh University, for research in tanning. Stipend. $4000 a Year. ASSOCIATION. 951 Munsey Bldg., NATIONAL SANDAND GRAVEL Washmgton. D. C. A fellowship for two years which leads to a Master ofScience is maintained a t the University of Maryland. for research on the properties and uses of minkal ag&gates: Stipend, $600 per year, plus incidentals. No appointment for the period 194244. Funds have been set aside to continue the fellowship as soon a s emergency conditions pennit. NERNAH PAPERCo., Neenah. Wis.

A scholarship is o5ered a t the Institute of Paper Chemistry. for research on paper chemistry. 5700 annually. NEKOOSA-EDWARDS PAPERCO.. Port Edwards. Wis. A grant is made to the lnsrrtutr of Papcr Chemistry. SORFOLK A N D WPSTRRS W A I L W A Y CO.. Roanoke. Va. A contribution is made to the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. NonwrcH PWACAL CO.. Norwich, N. Y. Two fellowships are maintained a t Syracuse University, for the study of synthetic antibacterial agents. Total yearly grant. $2500. N o v o c o ~CHEMICAL MANUFACTURING CO., INC., 2921 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Grants (two) have been made to the New York University College of Medicine, for evaluation of properties of a new anwthetic synthesized in the Novocol laboratory, and for study of the effect of spinal anesthetics on local nervous tissue. Approximately $3000 and 61000. NUTRITION Fou~~~~~o~,I~c.,ChryslerBuiIding, NewYork.N.Y. The Foundation, whose membership consists of food and related manufacturers, supports 72 research studies in 38 institutions of the United States and Canada. During 1943 the grants will amount to more than $159,750. AND MFG. CO., 60 East 42nd St., New York, OHIO CHEMICAL





A fellowship is maintained a t the University of Maryland. Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, for research on anesthetics. Stipend. $4000. ONEIDA,LTD.,Oneida. N. Y. A contribution of $50 to $100 a year is made t o a research nraiect. OWENS-CORPI-IRG I ~ E R G L A CORP., S Toledo. Ohio. For research on basic glass and refractory problems, and physical property measurements of Fiberglas products. grant; of $5000 to $10,000 a year are made to: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ohio State University; Pennsylvania State College; Purdue University; University of Minnesota. PARKE.DAVISAND CO., Detroit 32. Mich. Fellowship grants are maintained at: University of California; University of Cincinnati; Columbia University; Harvard University; University of Illinois; University of Iowa; Iowa State College; Johns Hopkins University; Louisiana State University; University of Michigan; Michigan State College; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Research Corp.); University of Missouri; University of Nebraska; Northwestern University; Pennsylvania State College; University of Texas; Wayne University; University of Wisconsin. PENNSYLVANIA COAL AND COKECORP., 70 East 45th St.. New York. N. Y. A contrihution is made annually through the Central Pennsylvania Coal Producers' Association t o support research carried on a t Pennsylvania State College. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO., Room 908. Pennsylvania Station, Pittsburgh 22, Pa. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. & Co., INC.,81 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. P F I ~ RCrms., , Grantshavebeenmadeto: Spies Nutrition Clinic, for nutrition research, $3000. Wayne University, for studies on the effect of continued low-dosage administration of fumarates, $4800. Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Institute of Patholopy, fn research on ascorbic acid versus the common cold. $4000. P ~ r r s s u n oAND ~ FAIRMONTCOAL Co.. First National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh 22. Pa. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. P ~ r r s s n n COAL c ~ CO., Oliver Bldg.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Four scholarships are maintained a t Pennsylvania State College, for study of mineral industries. $350 each, annually. 1Broadway. New York, N. Y. POCAHONTAS FUEL Co., INC.. A contribution is made t o the Coal Research Laborstory, Carnegie Institute of Technology. r







PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATIOX, 33 West Grand Ave., Chicago. Ill. Research associate a t the Natiooal Bureau of Standards. Project: Constitution and hardening of portland cement POTLATCH FORESTS, INC.,Lewiston, Idaho. Fellowships (two) are maintained a t the School of Forestry, University of Idaho, for research in wood utilization of sawmill and planer mill wastes through coalescence. Stipend, $400 each. Applications should be sent to the Dean, School of Forestry, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. RAEIRMALTING CO., Manitowoc, Wis This company participates through the United States Maltsters' Association in the support of work carried on by the Malt Research Institute of the University of Wisconsin, and also in the program of the Northwest Crop Improvement Association. The annual cost to this company exceeds $1000. ROCHESTER & P I r r s e u R c ~COALCO., Indiana, Pa. Annual contributions are made to the Coal Research Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Technology and to the Battelle Memorial Institute. RUMFORD CHEMICALWORKS,9 Newman Ave., Rumford. R. I . Occasional grants are made to various universities and institutions for research on food products and heavy chemicals. $1500 to $3000 annually. SCHENLEY DISTILLERS CORP..350 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Three grants are made to three universities for research on vitamins, distillers' by-products in poultry rations, biochemistry, and penicillin, $18.300. SCHLITZ.JOSEPH.BREWING CO., 235 West Galena St.. Milwaukee, Wis. A grant is made t o the University of Illinois. $1200 annually. SEAGRAM, JOSEPH E., AND SONS.INC., Seventh Street Road, Louisville. Ky. Eight fellowships are maintained a t the following institutions: Purdue University (three), for the study of distillers' dried solubles ar. a supplement in the rations of poultry and farm animals; the nutritional value of distillers' dried grain as a source of protein; the clarification of mash before fermentation. Stioend. ~%.FA5 ~ each. ,.Purdue Research Foundation, for research on evaporators. Stipend, $1250. Indiana University (three), for research on the effect on the vital organs of chicken fed rations containing distillers' dried d u b l e s with high levels of soybean oil meal, wheat, etc.; hydrolysis of starches by sulfurous acid and carbon dioxide; the investipation of the ohwiolorr of distillers' yeast. Sti. . .~ pends, $600 each. University of Kentucky, for the study of corrosion of dryer house equipment. Stipend, $600. A grant is made to Yale University, Laboratory of Applied Physiology, for the study of the physiological effect of distilled spirits. $12.000. Sixteen active scholarships with grants of $1100 each are maintained at: Johns Hopkins University; University of Louisville; Purdue Universitv: Universitv of Kentucky: University of North Carolina; &ucher ~ o l l e & ; Indiana ~niversity. SEARLE,G. D., AND CO., BOX5110, Chicago 80, 111. Fellowships, both chemical and clinical in nature, are maintained a t several universities and medical schools. SHARP& DOHME,Glenolden, Pa. Fellowships and grants in organic chemistry and biochemistry and for clinical and pharmaceutical research are maintained in a number of universities and medical schools. SHARPLES CHEMICALS, INC.,23rd and Westmoreland Sts., Philadelphia, Pa. Fellow~him --~=. (three) ,are ~~- maintained a t the Kansas State Colleee ol Agriculture and Applied Science. SHELLCHEMICAL CO., Shell Building, 100 Bush St.. San Francisco. Calif. Fellowship for study of the process of fertilization with anhydraus ammonia introduced into irrigation water is maintained a t the University of Arizona. Stipend, $1000, plus expenses to .a total of $300. ~~




Grant in aid. University of California, $1300. A grant is made to the University of California for study and development of a process for fertilizing by direct injection of ammonia gas into soil without the use of irrigation. $500. SHERWIN WILLIAMSCO.. 101 Prospect Ave., N. W., Cleveland. Ohio. Fellowships are maintained at: Ohio State University, for research on insecticides. Stipend, $10,000 a year. Western Reserve University, for research on drying ails. Stipend, $2500 a year. SMITH. KLINEAND FRENCH LABORATORIES, 105 North Fifth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Grants are made to universities, usually for medical or chemical research. SOUTHERN COALAND COKE CO., 1511 Hamilton Bank Bldg.. Knoxville, Tenn. A contribution is made to the Coal Research Laboratory. Carnegie Institute of Technology. SPERRYGYROSCOPB Co., Isc., Clinton Road and Stewart Ave.. Garden City, N. Y. A grant is made to Stanford University, for high frequency research. SQUIBB.E.R., AND SONS, New York, N. Y. Fellowships are maintained a t : Johns Hopkins University; Long Island College of Medicine; New York University; University of Nebraska. Research has reference to the national war effort. STANDARD BRANDS, INC.,595 Madison Ax., New York, h-.Y. Fellowships are maintained a t : University of Texas; University of Iowa; Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Grants are made to: New York University, Nutrition Research Fund; Hillman Hospital; National Farm Chemurgic Council; Malt Institute; American Institute of Baking. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, 225 Bush Street. San Francisco, Calif. Fellowships are maintained a t : California Institute of Technology, for the study of phase behavior in hydrocarbon systems. Stipend, $850. Stanford University, for research in engineering. Stipend. $800. Oregon State College, for research in the field of internal combustion engine lubrication and fuels. Stipend, $750. University of Washington, for research in salts and their solutions of higher alkyl sulfonates. Stipend, $750. University of Texas, for advanced study in the field of geology and geophysics. Stipend, $800. University of Michigan, for the study of multiple liquid phases in hydrocarbon systems. Stipend, $800. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for advanced study in chemical engineering. Stipend, $1500. (This fellowship is usually awarded directly by the Company to one of its employees.) Grants are made to: University of California, Los Angeles, for advanced study in the field of geology and geophysics. Stipend, $800. Universitv of California, Berkeley (three), for advanced study in tde fields of fluid mechan& thermodynamics and heat transfer. and chemical engineering. Stipends. $800 each. STANOLINDOILAND GASCO., Tulsa, Okla. A fellowship is maintained a t the University of Texas, for research on oil well drilling fluids. Stipend, $600. STBARNS,FREDERICK.AND Co., 6533 East Jefferson Ave.. Detroit. Mich. Fellowships are maintained at: University of Michigan; Wavne University: .. College . of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco. A grant is made t o Eloise Hospital, Eloise, Mich., and t o West Virginia University. STEIN,II~LI. AND CO., INC.,285 Madison Ave.. New York, N. Y. in conjunction with STEIN-HALL MANUFACTURING CO.. 2841 South Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ill. A fellowship is maintained a t the Institute of Paper Chem~


istry, for research on the application of starches to paper.

S~NEG COKE A & COALCO.. 2500 Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust

in diet, specific references to Arginine to reproduction. Acadia University, for a study of the thiamin content of some representative foods as commonly served. TANNERSCOUNCILLABORATORY, INSTITUTE OF SCIENTIPIC RESEARCH, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Industrial fellowships (six), donated by industries. Subject: Applied science in tanning research. Stipends: four a t $1000; two a t 5500. Scholarships (two). Stipends, deletion of all fees. Applications should be sent to the director of research. TECHNICAL ASSOCIATION 011 m E PULP AND PAPERINDUSTRY. 122 East 42nd S t , New York. N. Y. Grants are made for research as follows: Institute of Paper Chemistry, $2000. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, $650. TENNESSEE COPPERCO., Copperhill, Tenn. Grants (14) are made to Agricultural Experiment Stations of the following states: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana. Michigan, New Jersey, New York. North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Virginia, and to the Ohio State University. Subjects of research: Research on testing and evaluation of capper fungicides used in spray and dust mixtures for control of plant diseases, and research on use of metallic salts for correcting minor element soil deficiencies. TENNESSEE PRODUCTS COEP.,412American National Bank Bldg Nashville, Tenn. A scholarship is offered a t Vanderhilt University, for research on the composition of hardwood tars. TEXASC O ~ O N S E E CRUSHERS' D ASSOCIATION, INC.. 709 Praetorian Bldg., Dallas 1, Texas. Funds have been set aside for fellowships a t the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, for research in dairy cattle feeding, and a t the Texas Technological College, for research in feeding of beef cattle. TEXASGULPSULPHUR Co., INC., 75 East 45th St., New York.

Bldg., Philadelphia 9, Pa. A contribution of $500 is made annually t o the Coal Research Laboratorv.. Carneeie Institute of Technoloev. -. STRUCTURAL CLAYWODUCTSINSTITUTE, 1756 K St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Fellowships are maintained at: Iowa State College, for investigation of tensile bond strength between grout and brick and for moisture penetration tests on masonry wall panels. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, for the study of the effect of brick texture upon the bond between mortar and brick. University of Wisconsin, for the study of the effect of various mortar nronerties on the bond between mortar and brick. Univrrsity of Illinois, fur test* to drterminc the strength of Iwwl betwcen mortar and rt.inf