Research Watch: Antarctica is getting colder

Ballast water is considered to be one of the most important ways that non-native aquatic species are trans- ported and introduced to new loca- tions. ...
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ResearchMWatch Anticorrosion technique limits invasive aquatic species

turning to fluorinated products. Microbes have a difficult time degrading Deoxygenating ship ballast tanks to halogenated compounds, but they esreduce corrosion may also prevent pecially struggle with the strong bond the introduction of non-native aquatbetween carbon and highly electroic species, report Mario Tamburri of negative fluorine. the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research The researchers isolated the three Institute and colleagues. bacterial strains from sediments collected in a drain that had received fine chemical and agrochemical effluMean percent survival of Australian tubeworm, European green crab, and European zebra ents at a northern Portuguese indusmussel in water exposed to air (normoxia) and in water purged with nitrogen gas (hypoxia). trial site for more than 50 years. The Normoxia ( >6.8 mg/L)member strain classified in the β100 Hypoxia (