Research Watch: Hazardous waste treatments - Environmental

Jun 9, 2011 - Research Watch: Hazardous waste treatments. Technology. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 2000, 34 (9), pp 227A–227A. DOI: 10.1021/es0032576...
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Abatement To Reduce Children's Blood Lead Levels", Environ. Res. 1999, 81 (4), 334-338)

Methods Bioaccumulation tests. This study examines the potential value of including bioaccumulation parameters in whole-effluent assessments and concludes that screening for the presence of potentially bioaccumulating compounds leads to a more comprehensive hazard assessment. (De Maagd, P. G.-J., "Bioaccumulation Tests Applied in Whole Effluent Assessment: A Review", Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2000 19 (1) 25-35)


Toxicity of landfill leachate Groundwater contaminated with landfill leachate contains a complex chemical mixture that may cause severe biological effects—at unlined landfills, the compounds may leach directly to the groundwater, posing serious risks for ecosystems and human health. A. Baun and co-workers studied the toxicity of organic chemical pollution in groundwater downgradient of a landfill in Grindsted, Denmark. On the basis of biotest results that used algae and luminescent bacteria it was concluded that solid-phase extraction extracts of groundwater collected close to the landfill were toxic Toxicity decreased with the distance from the landfill Overall findings indicate that a battery of biotests annlied on preconcentrated groundwater samples

Mercury in incinerators. Two largescale municipal solid waste incinerators located in Taiwan were selected for conducting flue gas sampling to determine the chemical speciation of mercury by both U.S. EPA Method 29 and Ontario Hydro Method. (Chang, M. B., et al. "Evaluation on Speciation and Removal Efficiencies of Mercury from Municipal Solid Waste Incinerators in Taiwan", Sci. Total Environ. 2000 246 (2-3), 165-173)

Risk Assessment Assessing hazards. Comparisons to field conditions indicate that WET tests are not reliable predictors of effects or lack of effects in the receiving environment. As only the first stage in a risk assessment, WET tests identify the hazard, not the risk. (Chapman, R M. "Whole Effluent Toxicity TestingUsefulness, Level of Protection, and Risk Assessment", Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2000,19 (1), 3-13)

Sediments Marine sediments. Depositional conditions of sediment pore water and specific features of its release due to the compaction of marine sediments are examined in this study. (Dzhamalov, R. G.; Safronova,

can be a useful tool for tnYtcity charact e r i z a t i o n anrl h a z a r d ranlcing of

i chemical mixtures tFnvimn Tprhnnl

Hazardous waste treatments. This review discusses the performance of five innovative technologies that were demonstrated on a full-scale commercial basis: ecological gasphase chemical reaction; GTS Duratek Electric joule-heated glass melter; molten metals catalytic; Retech plasma-arc centrifugal treatment; and GTS Duratek steam-reforming process. (Cudahy, J. J. "Review of Commercial Innovative Technologies for Hazardous Waste", Environ. Prog. 1999 18 (4), 285-292)

Toxicity Aquatic plants. This review focuses on algae for phytotoxicity studies, vascular plants for phytotoxicity studies, duckweed, rooted species, seedling growth and germination, and applications. (Mohan, B. S.; Hosetti, B. B. "Aquatic Plants for Toxicity Assessment", Environ. Res. 1999, 81 (4), 259-274)