Research Watch: Heavy metal pollution - ACS Publications - American

groundwater by Giardia and Crypto- sporidium is infrequent, these mi- crobes occur in some groundwater systems. (Hancock, C. M.; Rose, J. B.;. Callaha...
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RESEARCH WATCH Air Atmospheric transport of metals. In Norway, long-range transport of metals from Europe and elsewhere accounts for most of the observed deposition and trends. (Berg, T.; Steinnes, E. "Recent Trends in Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements in Norway as Evident From the 1995 Moss Survey," Sri. Total Environ. 1997, 208(3), 197-206) Ozone trends analyzed. Results suggest that observed decreases in daily maximum ozone concentrations in the Vancouver region of British Columbia are a product of enhanced NO scavenging. (Pryor, S. C. "A Case Study of Emission Changes and Ozone Responses," Atmos. Environ. 1997, 32(2), 123-131) Ozone vegetation impacts. Current knowledge of the impacts of ozone on vegetation in Europe is reviewed and discussed. (Fuhrer, J.; Skarby, L.; Ashmore, M. R. "Critical Levels for Ozone Effects on Vegetation in Europe," Environ. Pollut. 1997, 97(1-2), 91-106)

Assessment Dioxin emissions. Emissions of dioxins and furans from heavy-duty diesel vehicles are 0.28 ± 0.13 ng-TEQ/vehicle-mile, a factor of 3 lower than a previous EPA estimate. (Gertler, A. W; Sagebiel, J. C; Dippel, W. A; Farina, R. J. "Measurements of Dioxin and Furan Emission Factors From HeavyDuty Diesel Vehicles," /. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 1998, 48, 276-278)

Biodegradation Activated sludge biodegradation. The toxicity to activated sludge and biodegradation in wastewater are important determinants of the fate of 2,4-dinitrophenol in treatment systems. (Jo, K-H.; Silverstein, J. "Substrate Inhibition of Degradation of 2,4Dinitrophenol in Activated Sludge," Water Environ. Res. 1998, J, 94-100)

Leaching of phosphorus from soils Deterioration of lake ecosystems by high levels of soluble reactive phosphorus transported from fertilized soils to surface waters is a serious problem. Studies of phosphorus loss have focused on erosion and surface runoff mechanisms. To address whether soil leaching is also an important transport pathway, R. Gachter and coworkers performed an in situ sprinkling experiment at watershed scale with dye and bromide as tracers. Soil macropores and artificial drainage systems were identified as the most important pathways for vertical and lateral transport of phosphorus from soil surfaces to surface waters. These findings indicate, contrary to conventional wisdom, that leaching and not surface runoff is the most important phosphorus transport mechanism. (Environ. Sci. Techno!., this issue, pp. 1865-1869)

Fumigant degradation. Organic soil amendments accelerated the degradation of a commercial fumigant and reduced air emissions. (Gan, J.; Yates, S. R.; Crowley, D.; Becker, J. O. "Acceleration of 1,3-Dichloropropene Degradation by Organic Amendments and Potential Application for Emissions Reduction," /. Environ. Qual. 1998, 27, 408-414)

Contaminants Tributyltin research. The status of research about tributyltin pollution and impacts is discussed. (De Mora, S. J.; Pelletier, E. "Environmental Tributyltin Research: Past, Present, Future," Environ. Technol. 1997, i8(12), 1169-1177)

Drinking Water Trihalomethane abortion link. Results indicate an association between spontaneous abortion risk and trihalomethane-contaminated drinking water. (Swan, S. H.; Waller, K.; Hopkins, B.; Windham, G.; Fenster, L.; Schaefer, C; Neutra, R. R. "A Prospective Study of Spontaneous Abortion: Relation to Amount and Source of Drinking Water Consumed in Early Pregnancy," Epidemiology 1998, 9(2), 126-133)

Health Lead exposure. Application of a year-long cleaning protocol significantly decreased levels of lead in exposed surfaces to which children have contact. (Lioy, P. J.; Yiin, L-M.; Adgate, J.; Weisel, C; Rhoads, G. G. "The Effectiveness of a Home Cleaning Intervention Strategy in Reducing Potential Dust and Lead Exposures," /. Exposure Anal. Environ. Epidemiol. 1998, 8(1), 17-35) PCBs and health. There is no conclusive evidence that PCB levels in the general population are causing intellectual deterioration in children exposed in utero, and evidence for estrogenic effects of environmental PCBs remains weak and circumstantial. (Danse, I. R.; et al. "Position Paper of the American Council on Science and Health: Public Health Concerns About Environmental Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)," Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 1997, 38(2), 71-84)


Groundwater Microbial contamination. Contrary to beliefs that contamination of groundwater by Giardia and Cryptosporidium is infrequent, these mi-


crobes occur in some groundwater systems. (Hancock, C. M.; Rose, J. B.; Callahan, M. "Crypto and Giardia in U.S. Groundwater," /. Air Wastewater Assoc. 1998, 90(3), 58-61)

Heavy metal pollution. Agricultural intensity has been found to influence pollution patterns in Germany. (Pudenz, S.; Bruggemann, R.; Komossa, D; Kreimes, K. "An Alge-

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