Research Watch: Redfield ratio - Environmental Science

Research Watch: Redfield ratio. Modeling. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 2000, 34 (17), pp 395A–395A. DOI: 10.1021/es003415t. Publication Date (Web): June...
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Emissions Rice field emissions. This analysis of rice yields in Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and Nepal indicates that up to now, rice yield increases in countries with high modern rice variety adoption have not resulted in increased CH4 emissions/unit harvested area; and that global annual rice field emissions may be considerably lower than generally assumed. (Van der Gon, H. "Changes in CH4 Emission from Rice Fields from 1960 to 1990s 1. Impacts of Modern Rice Technology", Global Biogeochem. Cycles 2000, 14 (1), 61-72)

Groundwater Bacteria transport. A sensitivity analysis using an advection-dispersion model lA^as penormed to elucidate the enects of an intiuent suspension of bacteria composed of two subpopulations, each with distinct sticking efficiencies, on the removal and transport of bacteria over distances of tens of meters. (Bolster, C. H., et al. "Effect of Intra-Population Variability on the Long-Distance Transport of Bacteria", Ground Water 2000, 38 (3), 370-375)

Indoor Air Aircraft cabins. This review covers the available measured air quality data for aircraft passenger cabins and includes a discussion of the influence of filter efficiencies on air quality and a few medically documented and anecdotal cases of illness transmission aboard aircraft. (Hocking, M. B. "Passenger Aircraft Cabin Air Quality: Trends, Effects, Societal Costs, Proposals", Can. Chemosphere 2000, 41 (4), 603-615)

Metals Uranium accident. Four investigative teams were sent to the site of a criticality accident in 1999 at the uranium conversion facility of the JCO Company, Ltd., in Tokai-mura, Japan, to collect samples and assess

Swine emissions faulted The health of nitrogen-sensitive ecosystems has been impaired in many regions of the country by emissions and runoff associated with transportation, energy production, and agricultural operations. It is essential to understand all these inputs as fully as possible in order to understand how best to protect these fragile systems. J. Walker and co-workers investigated trends in ammonium concentration in precipitation and atmospheric ammonia emissions at a coastal plain site in North Carolina The state's coastal and estuarine waters are showing signs of excess nutrient input The results of their analysis indicate that inrrpases in averanp annual swine emissions account for as mnrh as

84°/ of the increase

in averanp annual emissionc: from

respiration of the resulting organic matter; the authors outline various feedback mechanisms that have been proposed to account for these remarkable correspondences and construct a model to test their effectiveness. (Lenton, T. M.; Watson, A. J. "Redfield Revisited. 1. Regulation of Nitrate, Phosphate, and Oxygen in the Ocean", Global Biogeochem. Cycles 2000, 14 (1), 225-248)

Soil Remediation Electrokinetic remediation. This study investigates the application of enhanced electrokinetic soil treatment to remediate soils contaminated with phenol and PCP. (Kim, S.-O., et al. "Enhanced Electrokinetic Soil Remediation for Removal of Organic Contaminants", Environ. Technol. 2000, 21 (4), 417-426)

all sour riuring the nhcon/ation norinrl

(1982-1997) V a r i a t i o n in lo

cal amounts of ammonia emissinnc r



face temperature accmintprl — i n 0 / of the obser •







ume-weighted) average NH concentrations in precipitation at the study site, (Environ- Sci. Technol., thethis environmental impact. (Komura, issue, pp. 3527-3534)

K., et al. "The JCO Criticality Accident at Tokai-mura, Japan: An Overview of the Sampling Campaign and Preliminary Results", /. Environ. Radioact. 2000, 50 (1-2), 3-14)


Predicting aerosol response. The authors present a multicomponent aerosol dynamics model capable of solving the condensation/evaporation equation of atmospheric aerosols and use this model to predict the dynamic response of marine aerosol entering an urban area. (Pilinis, C, et al. "MADM-A New Multicomponent Aerosol Dynamics Model", Aerosol Sc.. Technol. 2000, 33 (5), 482-502) Redfield ratio. The oxygen available from dissolution in ocean water is, on average, just sufficient for the

Pesticide contamination. This study shows that supercritical fluid extraction can be as effective as other emerging technologies in removing contaminants from soils. (SahleDemessie, E.; Richardson, T. "Cleaning Up Pesticide Contaminated Soils: Comparing Effectiveness of Supercritical Fluid Extraction with Solvent Extraction and Low-Temperature Thermal Desorption," Environ. Technol. 2000 21 (4), 447-456) TCDD remediation. In this study, chemical pretreatment (partial oxidation) in combination with a biodegradation technique was developed to efficiently remediate TCDDcontaminated soils. (Kao, C. M.; Wu, M. J. "Enhanced TCDD Degradation by Fenton's Reagent Preoxidation", /. Hazard. Mater. .000, ,7 (3(3 197-211)

Toxicology Nonylphenol in trout. Nonylphenol is a biodegradable product of nonionic surfactants and has recentiy attracted considerable attention due to its estrogenic potential. (Burkhardt-Holm, P., et al. "Nonylphenol Affects the Granulation Pattern of Epidermal Mucous Cells in Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss", Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 2000, 46 (1), 34-40)