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Lakes and their tributaries has resulted in fouling of water intake systems and other engineered surfaces. S. W. Effler and colleagues studied the heavily infested Seneca River in New York to determine the potential of the zebra mussel to negatively affect water quality in streams and lakes. Changes in the river's water quality attributed to this organism were enough to violate state standards. Formerly ch3.r3.cterized 3S turbid, phytoplankton rich, cincl nu~ trient-depleted with nearly saturated concentrations the river now has high clarity and low phytoplankton concentrations and is enriched with nutrients and undersaturated oxveen concentrations because of the mussel Results indicate the zebra mussel is an oxveen depleter capable of transforming stream and lake water qualitv These data add a new dimension to the Great Lakes zebra mussel nroblem [Water EnviRp