Research with electrodelessly discharged gases - ACS Publications

43 (6), p A497. DOI: 10.1021/ed043pA497. Publication Date: June 1966 ... and proteins (Bryson, Vernon; Vogel, Henry J.; eds.) Journal of Chemical ...
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Edited by S. 2. LEWIN, New York University, New York 3, N.Y.

and technological applicstions of excited gases. "One can perceive from the literature that up until now the applications have involved oxygen, nitrogen, ea~bon mono- and dioxide, helium, and argon primarily." There is still a.vmt amount of untried reactions, processes and applications involving excited earhonyls, halides, hydrides, gases containing sdfur, nitrogen. phmphonn, silicon, ete.

These articles, most of which are to be contributed by guest authors, are intended to serve the readers of this JOURNAL by calling attention to new developments i n the theory, design, or availability of chemical laboratory instrumentation, or by presenting useful insights and explanations of topics that are of practical importance to those who use, or teach the use of, modern instrumentation and instrumental techniques.

Discharge Experimental Requirements

XXVIII. Research With Electrodelessly

Radiofrequency Generation and Gas Excitation

Discharged Gases John R. Hollohan. Trocerlab, A Division of Loborofory for Elecfronics, lnc., Richmond, California This paper will describe some rather straightforward uses of excited gases for resehreh or technological purposes, and some general laboratory, vacunm, and R F engi~leeringrequirements for assembling and operating dinchsrge apparatmes. There are m y itumber of pnhlished work? on some of thc deeper kinetic and sppectrcscopie aspects of gaq phase processes occurring in the discharge. l\fannella (2), for ousmple, hm disewsed the nat,ore and recent interoretations of active nitroeen wluvh I II. I w I)IOIIIICPII i l , elrl.troddt.-. ~ l i c I : . 'I'lw ila.c>t-.ion .sf lht, t . 8 1 d 1 y .S~mrty,So. :K, I - C , I I P V O ~of , ~ ~. . r l i . w reactions and processes some of which were induced hy ddischarge met,hods and simulate those occurring in the upper sir mosphere (3). The atom-molecule and atom recombination reactions, and chamcte~istic spectra due to various de-excitation modes are discussed. Recently, Young (4) presented current theories and experimenbd results from st.udies on the airglow, most of which were performed iu a microwave discharge. The plasma t,ype encotmtered in the n~icrowaveor rediofrquenry electrodel&q discharge is a "low temperature," low p r e s sure plamm, not, too unlike the kind of cold discharge set up het.ween a cathode and anode of the internal electrode glow discharge apparatus. Thin "cold plasma" (temperatnre usually i ~ pto 500°K) di* charge a t about 100 microns ta several ndlimetea prewnre is in eontrant t,o the more commonly taken description of a plamm, that is, a much higher temperature (50110 to 50,OOO'K) and density plasma, surh ai that of aplasma jet. I n the cold plasma one has, however, a non-isolhrmd plnxns, in t,hat the temperature of atoms and molecules, ionic or neutral, is much less than the temperature of the elerbrons, which have a concentrsr tion of lO'0-lO's ern-' under the u s u d d i s charge conditions. The temperatures of

the electrons may be on the order of ten3 of thomands of degrees while the atomic and molecular species have moderat,e gas temperatures of a few hundred degrees. The temperatures one measure-, however, will always be that composite temperature of the plasma due to the neutral and ionic species. The electronic temperature can he defined if we assume a Maxwellian velocity distribution and calculates corresponding temperature. The excited ges plasma, once produced in the flow diseharee manner.. ~rovidesone wit,h a oowerfd means to induce chemical



kinetic experiments. The general motivation behind using excited gas reactive atomic, ionic, and energetic species ir that one can carry out chemical reactions or processes a t temperatures mueh lower t,han those usually required, or a t a. mueh faster rate than is observed a t a given bemperature. The electrodeless method freeri one from problems of contamination by consumable electrodes and provides a uniform volume of excited, reactive ga?. It hss been amply demonstrated that free radicals, ions, and excited molecules generated in a closely-controlled, stahle electrodeless diachxrze can he utilized to nrodnce useful non-excited gase?. Systems of interest can he quite diverse: homogeneous gas reaction a t discharge conditions; gas-solid reactions; reactions involving solids of different physical diiponition, such as ultrafine sub-micron powders, organic or inorganic phases; reactions producing products in the gas p h a ~ ewhich are pumped out for suhseqnent analysis; reactions for effecting syntheses, or reducing organic media to residual inorganic ash. There exist9 a. wide variety of research

I n Figure 1 of the previous article (1) the critical components of a flow di~charge configuration were schematically shown. The experiment,d section here r i l l assume familiarity with the layout of a typical discharge set-up. The crit,ical components of a discharge system sre:

1. the radiofreqmncy generator or microwave magnetron, the region of excitation, i.e., coil or microwave cavity, and the plasma reactor, 2. tLvrteuum pump and means of monitoring the pressure, gas handling regulator, flowrstor, and bleed valves. Aside from these very essential components, one may he involved with the appropriate temperature measuring device, atom concentration probe?, gas titration assembly, traps, etc. Since the rwearch application areas of excited gases are so diverse, i t is impossible to generalize in the description of apparatus and discharge requirements. Moreover, one can work with either the microwave or radiofrequency method of diccharge. The microwave nece~sitattes the use of terminal wave-guide cavities (see Figure 2 of the previous article) from which the microwave radiation pours and the excitation takes place. Sinee in general the microwave discharge apparatus is more diklicult in an engiweering sense to set, up and, is less versatile, the R F discharge technique will be the one emphz-ized here. The radiofrequency method depends npun delivery of the energy from the R F generator to a "plasma activator" hy means of coaxial cable. From there the energy is delivered to the region of excitation. There are two primary ways gas can be excited using KF energy. These are the ring type or inductive discharge and the parallel plate or capacitive diichnrge methods. These two configuration.; are shown in Figures 1 and 2. I t is into either of these types of discharge regions that. energy comes from the generator. The electrodeless nature of the discharges is evident. The glassware of the vacuum (Continued on page A498)

Volume 43, Number 6, June 1966



Chemical instrumentation

Figure 1. A ring or inductive type of dirchorge coil.

syslem passes either axially dc,w~,1Iw indwlive coil or hetweeu the parallel, capacitive disrharge plates. Each method h w its ndvnntnpe; dependingon theproject at hand. It shmdd he menlioned at this point that the glow chararterislies of the m i c n w a v ~and I1F ave quite different. The RF glow can he made to extend virtually thmughout the entire system, while ihe microwave has its greatest glow intensity at the rnvify then diminishm rat,her rapid1.v until o w ran find nrtive species from the disrhxrge still persiding into a region free of the glow of the plasmn. I t ir for this reason, pl.irnarily, thal, gas renclions are sltldicd spectroscapirally wilh the mirrownve method, since thenpertranrenot cornplir;rled hy the confusing spertra of the glowing plasma. Any glow or light lhnt is seen in ihi-; ]region

Figure 2. A system orrembled far rapocilive dixharge5. A manifold of four tuber is shown entering a large reaction chomber containing o sample o f polymer foam to be treated with excited oxygen.

(Continued mz page ~1500)



Journal o f Chemical Educofion

Chemical instrumentation




downstream from the microwave cavity raises from chemilnmineseent reactions or emissionsfrom de-excitingspecies. The ILF exciter region, inductive or cspacit,ive, can be seen in relation to the rest of the components in Figures 3 and 4. I n either method, the optimiaztion of coupling the R F energy into the disch~rging gas is done by matching t,he gas load impedance to t,he impedance of the amplifier plate ontput circuit oi the generator. The impedance matching is achieved by a tuning process in the plasma activator and, once tuned, the matched circuit is quite stable so long as the dischasge parameters-gas, pressure, and flow rnte--do not change. The power is coupled into the plasma with the plasma. acting essentially ass, core. Some of the power is lost due to heating efiects, while the remainder goes into ionization of the gas. This is the sum total of the fornard power, approximately, from the generator. There is s n amount of Dower which is reflect,ed back to the

the gas, one can measure the net power being supplied to the h d , i.e., excited gas, as the difterende between the forward and reflected power. This is measured conveniently with an R F wattmeter inserted in the circuit as shown schematically in Figures 3 and 4. I n a. commercial version, the power meter can be m integral part of the circuitry of the R F generator (the KFG-BOO, Tracedab, Inc.). One "tunes"



Journal o f Chemical Fducafion






Figure 3. Schmotic of o dixharge orrembly utilizing on inductive discharge coil. case, the inductive exciter coil ir an integrol part of the plasma activator.

to minimum reflected pawer by means of adjusting variable condensers in the plasma activator. Thus, for example, of 250 watts being generated, as little as 0.5 watts can be found reflected after optimizing the line impedance t,o the load impedance by means of tuning with the plasma. activator. A commercially avdilable plasma. activatar which inchtdes the discharge (induetive) coil, associated tuning circuitry, and flawmeter is shown in Figme 5. This low temperature plasma discharge unit (the PAI-BOO, Tracerlab, Inc.) is to be tmed in conjunction with the RFG-600 R F generator, Figure 6. This generator has a maximum discharge power of 300 watts. Coaxid cable (RG/8p 50 ohm) provides

In this

energy transmission to the plasma activatar and discharge coil from the generator. As mentioned earlier the use of the eapscitive discharge configwation may be mare desirable. This allows discharges to be set up under identical conditions in several inlet tubes simultitneonsly. The front cover of this issue shows such a manifold system under discharge conditions. The advantage of this disch:trge method is that t,he plasma reactor, hence thesystem under study, can be made much more isothermal than a reactor that eonsists of a single inlet of discharged gas which passes thrangh the reactor and out a downstream exit. In this case tempera(Conlinued on page A608)

01 auo sa:uoj nn!r{aq s!ql u! a1dnras aq1 01 .m1nxp~1arl.~ad w m q d ar[i jo ~ q l n l u a ! . ~ o ar[l 'lanah%oH ,na.~4apa a r q U!~I!M 01 Iunlslroa SVM :wp aqi jo ware ayl lano art), -a.~adrua$aq.1 'ap!xo ["lam aql ilyaupar aldoms aql q p i B ~ q a w aufioqs ~ s! ma -oapSq pa4.raqmp Llssappoqaap pus 'MOB jo rlo!l3a.up ayl o? L[n?[impuaddad palna!.~o s! 'ape p p r r l 1: aswa s q l rl! 'laaralrq ju eldues ag? a q f i '8 a.r114!& TI! n ~ u q s sr 'pann,rdm! aq uan a4iaqayp adLl 7!03 .TO4q.1 1: TI! ~ 8 pal!ara 4 aq+ r[i!M 411!la?11alu! T%!nlwrn aql jn Ll!auaaomoq a,rnlsradrual ar[l "wa 'p![ns",apMod '.a,! 'aldan?s aql 10 uo!l!sods11 agi no %r!paacIa(l 'lnan!l!u

Chemical Instrumentation

Figure 6. An RF generator r a p ~ b l eof 300 watts of output power. An integral RF wan. meter i s shown on the front p o d ; this allows viwal indication of minimum reflected power by the tuning controls on the plarmo ostivotor.

wing 1500 watts of power (the RFG-3000, Tracerlsb, Ine.). One can perform st,i~dies or syntheses involving larger quantities of reactants. If the 1500 watts of available power are not used strictly in the lower temperature ranges of study, the use of this much power with smaller diameter, water-cooled coils can obviously enable one to warket higher temperatures. Stilleven larger capacity or higher temperature oapability is obtainable with a 5000 watt RF generatar (the RFG 10,000, Tracerlab, Inc.). I n s, capacitive discharge where bhere are several entry tubes into a plasma reactor, the discharge power divides up approximately equivalently into each tube. Thus instead of 300 watts, for example, going into one tube as in an inductive coil ~ihintion,with a capacitive 300 watt dis-




Figure 7. The variation of temperotvre with distonce d o n g reactor tuber is shown for the inductive and capacitive discharge techniques. In 1.1 the temperotvre gradients may be high. 30 to 40°C/in. for larger samples. The temperature uniformity i s much improved in (b); however, the discharge power divides into each of the entry tube..



Journal of Chemical Education

Chemical Instrumentation

Figure 8. An inductive coil discharge with the flow of e x i t e d go5 impinging perpendicularly on the met01 oxide sample.

charge of r~ manifold of five entry tubes, each tube will receive about 60 watts of discharge power. Thus, for large reactors with a manifold inlet of several tubes capacitively discharged, the higher power generat,ors become more necessary to provide the higher temperatures in the reactor, depending on the experiment or sample, the size of the reactor, and number of entry tubes. All of the generators discussed operate a t a frequency of 13.5IMC,a prescribed freqnenry of operation by the Federal Communicat,ions Commission t,o prevent interference with other commrm-

Figure 9. A 6 in. in diometer d i r i h m g e coil copable of being w a t e r cooled i s shown or on integrol p a r t of 1 5 0 0 wott plarmo activator.

Chemical lnstrumentation ication hands. Other mam~fnctt~rera of RF equipment are: Chemetran Corp., Voltator Div., 2820 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Thermatron, Div. of Wileox and Gibbs Sewing Machine Co., 3 7 - 1 1 3 5 t h Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. Lepel High Frequency Laboratories, In?., 54-1s-37th Avenue, Woodside, N. Y. Plasma Sciences Laboratory Inr., 13FOi) Victory Rlvd., Van NIIYS, Calif. Reeve Eleet,ronics Inc., 609 West Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. To our knowledge, no company aside from Tracerlab makes commereinlly available plasma activator circuitry 1," permit efficient, stable coupling ai RF energy into the gas load. Several of the companies ahave manufacbure RF equipment for inductive heating purposes rather t,hm for the soleprlrpose of gas exeitat,ian.

Vacuum Requirements and Gas Handling For most experiments one will find that "soft" vacuum engineering will s\~ffice. Since gas excitation in cold plasmas occurs mostly in the pressure range 100 microns to several millimeters, one need not always provide for expensive high v a r m m e q u i p ment. For the assembly of the usual resenrch apparatus pyrex or quarts flow discharge tnbes can he used throughout. For that portion of the vacuum system that does nut become healed to any extent, standard hall and socket or taper joints will suffice. The recommended vacuum grease is n silicone type, eurh as that manufactured by Dow Corning. Apiezon greases readily degrade in the presence of such reactive gases as oxygen. Silicone greases, while the," degrade in lime in the presence of discharged oxygen, have heen found to he the most. resistant. Effective gasketry can be achieved by using hall type joints containing s n O-ring, which can be of silicone or Viton material depending on the gas being disrharged. The use of Teflon sleeves in Caper joint.? had also been found convenient. The vacuum can be established for most, experiments by an ordinary two st,age mechanical pump. A ditTitsion pnmp may bc nerrmsr? if m e is working with high pnrily mllerisls, and needs to evaroatr the system clemrly prior to diwharges with the gas uf i ~ t e r e s t . The chief parameters whirb rharnrteriae gar discharges are the disrharge power, the gas pressure, and the flow rate. \Vith thrsc paramelcrs fixed, the ouncentrstior~ uf the active gar species also becomes defined and presitmebly cowtsnl in the nhsenee of reaciiuns or sporirnw reeomhination effects. The varizlion of the rlic charge power %Beat. the nmouul of active species lleing generated. The How rate of the syslem, henee Lhc system pressure, can be adjusted to the norkinr pressure compatible with atomic lifelimes, mean free plh-,cx as i t r e ~ t d t sin some cases, lern(Cuniinz~erlon paye . l h l O )



Journol o f Chemical Educotion

Chemical Instrumentation perature of the sample. Independent variabion of the flow rate w-hile keeping the system pressure constant can he achieved by a throttling valve between the system and perhaps a larger capacity pump. I n most technological applications of excited gases, and in many research instances as well, one will want to ohserve the effectsof power, pressure, and flow rate variation on the reaction rate between a n excited gas with s condensed phase, for example, or to optimize the conditions of an oxidation, nit,riding, hydrogenation, etc. The pressure can he m a w r e d with the appropriate McLeod gauges having the scale accuracy and sensitivity desired. For rough pressure measurements, a. thermocouple gauge or tilting MeLeod gauge is very weful. All of these gauges e m be isolated far enough from flows of gases reactive towards mercury or injurious to thermocouple junctions. Flow rates can be measured to 1-2% accuracy in the range of 10 to 100 cmvmin N T P with flowmeters such a s those rnannfactured by the Fisher and Porter Co., Warminster, Pa. For flows in the lower flow rate range 5 to 10 cma/min, one call construct his own without too much difficulty. References and information pertaining to mercury-plug flowmeters for lower flaw rates me to he found in ref. (5). Temperature Measurement

In experiments involving oxidatiol~s, nitriding, etc., of organic or inorganic materials, such as the law temperattlre oxidation of polymerj in ahhtion studies or the nitriding of silicon, one would like to know the temperature of the substrate in the gas-solid reaction. A convenient means to do this is the use of the Infrascope (Huggins Laboratories, Inc., Bunnyvale, Calif.). I n Figure 10, the instn~ment, which is an infrared sensing radintion pymmetpr, is shown with the direct readout of t,ernperature on the associated meter. The scale of the meter can he obtained in degrees Centrigrade from 9.5 t,o 39lloC, 200 to XflOeC, and other models up to 2760°C. However, the first two scale ranges are most useful for low t,emperature plasma research involving condensed phases. The advantage of radiatiou pyrametrr is that the measurement does not involve an internal probe or sensing device which in its possible interactiou with the excited gas plasma can give nrroneous temperature readings. All parasitic and side current effects not associated with temperature sensing are avoided with t,he radialion pyrometer. The instrument, has fast respome, so that varying t,ernperat u r s can be quickly observed. The repeatability and sensitivity of temperature meamrement is given as 0.25% of the temperature. The accuracy is 1% of full scale (2% betwcen 65 and 100°C). The use of the instrument has one restriction, however, and t,hat is the knowledge of the emissivity of the samples or solid phase is required. The emissivit.y range on the instrument extends from 0.05 to 1.0. Lark of exact knowledge of the emissivit,y (Calinued a page A612)



Journol of Chernicol Education

Chemical Instrumentation

Figure 10. An infrnred radiation pyrometer which permits temperature meorurement extern01 to the glowing plasma.

of the sample nr it varies wilh time during tho reaction offers the greatest source of error. One r;tn approximnte the emissivity, eil her From tahles or n knowledge of the sample; lernperxtme errors may theu be S%, of i l ~ escale if the emiisivity is unt i I 0 . 1 More aeauraie iempernture measwement is possible only with some degreo of dittiridty, siuw with R F disrlmrges oirc is wurking directly within l.he glow of the pl~smil,and t h e plasma itrternrlinn, R F Iresling effects, and conductive heat losses with resped Lo the 11rohp can offer severe prohlems of mensoring t,empernture, especially for hornogenmm gas processes in the plnsma. I t is for this reason that Lhe more precise kinetic studies of gas phase prucesses involving temperature us a measllremellt h a w l,een performed wilh the microwave discharge.

Literature Cited (1) HOLLAEAN,J. R., ~rirsJ o c I ~ x A I ~ A ~ O ~ , (1966). 12) XANNELLA. G. ti.. Chem. Revs., 63, 1 (1963). Discussions of the Fsraday Society, No. 37, "Chemical Reactions in the Upper Atmosphere," (1964). YOUNG,R. A,, Scientific Ammican, $14, 102 (1966). RONY,P. ll., UCRL T1epmt 16050, April 20, 1965.

Acknowledgment T h e author is pleased to acknowledge the suggestions and discussions with R. Bersin, J. Ilobinson, and J. Beaudn'. The assistance of J. Pulido and S. Corso is also most valuable

Editor's Note A letter to the Editor, received too late for inclusion with this instalment, calls readers' attention to literature citations also pertinent t o the topic here discussed. Notahle are the paper in Anal. Chem., 34, 1454 (19fi'2) which describes n o appamtus for ashing organic matter and the description of t,he circuit rontained in Anal. Chem., 37, 314 (1965). The complete text of the letter will appear in the July issue.



Jovrnol of Chernicol Education