Research within an Industry Creates the Demand—and Supplies It

Research within an Industry Creates the Demand—and Supplies It. Everett P. Partridge. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1929, 21 (1), pp 37–40. DOI: 10.1021/ie502...
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January, 1929



8-Lueck and Blair, IND. ENG.CHEM.,20, 443 (1928). 9-Mantel1 and Lincoln, Can. Chem. Met., 11, 29 (1927). 10-Muller, Z . Elektrockcm., 30, 401 (1924); Monatsh., 48, 61 (1927); Muller and Noack. I b i d . , 48, 293 (1927); see also Evans, Chemistry Industry, 46, 1219 (1927). 11-Strauss, 2. Elektrochem., 33, 317 (1927). 12-Benedicks and Sundberg, J. Iron Steel Insf., 14, 177 (1926). 13-Stiiger and Zschokke, Z.angew. Chem., 44, 1265 (1927).

14-Evans, J . Chem. Soc., 1927, 1020. 15--Callendar, Proc. Roy. SOC.London, A l l l , 349 (1927). 16--Hudson, Proc. Phys. SOC.London, 40, 107 (1928). 17-Vernon, Trans. Faraday SOC.,23, 113 (1927). 18-Rawdon and Groesbeck, Bur. Standards, Tech. Paper 367, 410 (1928). 19--Hatfield, Engineering, 123,653 (1927). ZO-Rohn, Korrosion Mclallrckutz, 4, 25 (1928). 2l--Fry, Krupp. Monalsh., 7, 165 (1926).

Research within an Industry Creates the Demand-and Supplies It' Everett P. Partridge2 1440 EASTP A R K PLACE, ANNARBOR,MICE.

The demand f o r vanadium is created, and then supplied, through the work Vanadium Corporation of America. INCE 1907, when the American Vanadium Company erected its first smelting plant, this company and its successor, the Vanadium Corporation of America, have produced ferrovanadium as the chief of their ferroalloys. Ferrovanadium is like power or money-it isn't worth much unless you can use it. Taken by itself, its intrinsic properties make it suitable for nothing much but a souvenir. Properly utilized in the making of alloy steel, however, it produces an engineering material with uniformly admirable properties. Research was early thrust upon the manufacturers of ferrovanadium. Ordinary metallurgical processes were found inadequate for the reduction of vanadium ores, and new methods of treatment had to be derived experimentally. Even when successful production had been attained, continued extensive research was necessary to determine the fields of application of vanadium steels in order that the company might dispose of its product. Once started in this way, i t was necessary for this industry to find increasing markets for its increasing production, and then, in turn, to obtain increased production for its increasing markets as the demand rose for vanadium steel in the rapidly developing automotive industry. By being called upon in these two vital capacities of creating a market and of improving methods of manufacture, research was thus established in a keystone position in the vanadium industry. As a result, the experimental laboratory of the Vanadium Corporation of America touches, at one end, ore-dressing problems, in the middle, metallurgical problems in vanadium ore reduction, and a t the other end, the problems of the countless industries from automobile manufacture to sulfuric acid production in which vanadium has been or may be utilized to do good work better, or the best work more rapidly. The range of the industries affected by vanadium will be indicated briefly in the succeeding sections of this article. The main purpose is, however, not the cataloging of applications, but rather the placing of emphasis on the practical achievements of a consistent, continuous program of research. Before doing this, a slight digression is necessary to obtain a condensed idea of the relation of vanadium to industry in general.


Importance of Vanadium The calculated world demand for vanadium in 1930 is 2,600,000 pounds, of which 1,800,000 pounds will be consumed 1 Received 1 Associate


of the Research Laboratory of the

in the United States. This total expected consumption will be worth approximately $8,700,000 a t the prices current for the past three years. As a contrast, it is interesting to note that the world consumption in 1906 was 750 pounds, all of which was used in the United States for experimental purposes. The most recent available figures on the distribution of vanadium among the industries of the country are those of 1924, which are given in Table L 3 Table I-Distribution of Vanadium Consumed in t h e United States, 1924 CONSUMPTION FIELDOF UTILIZATION Pounds Per cent Automotive industry-spring steel, bars, forgings, and 466,100 47 castings Motive power, railway equipment, cranes, etc.-forgings castings and'springs 317,400 32 Tools-&igh-sp&d aAd other tool steels, cutting tools, drills, saws, and oil-well tools 119,100 12 Miscellaneous-forgings and castings for heavy-duty machinery, nonferrous alloys, and chemicals 89,300 9


Total consumption


When i t is realized that vanadium is used as an alloying element only to the extent of from 0.15 to 0.25 per cent in spring and forging steels, to not more than 2 per cent in ordinary high-speed tools, and only occasionally to as large amounts as 2.5 or 3.0 per cent, the amount of vanadium steel produced is seen to attain considerable magnitude. The United States has been the pioneer in the development of vanadium. From 1906 to 1923, 75 per cent of the world's supply came from American-owned and American-operated deposits in Peru. At present over 90 per cent of the world's available supply is under American industrial control, although only 16 per cent of it occurs as mineral deposits within the United States. Next to the Peruvian source, the next most important one is located in South Africa. The demand for vanadium is increasing a t a rate which will exhaust the known resources of the world within thirty-five years, although there is some hope that additional deposits of workable minerals will be discovered. I n the past vanadium used in alloy steel was not recoverable, since remelting took place largely in basic open-hearth furnaces. At present the vanadium in scrap steel is recovered in acid open-hearth furnaces, or in electric furnaces, conserving the supply of this valuable material. During the World War a t least 6,000,000 pounds of vanadium were used up by the tremendous demand for high-speed tool steels and for other special alloy steels used in the manufacture of armor plate, gun parts, shell cases, and airplane and automobile parts. This vanadium,

* Report of Sub-committee on Vanadium, Mining and Metallurgical Society of America, Bull. 176 (1925).



which was not recovered, represents 35 per cent of the total world production up to the end of 1924. Work of the Research Laboratory

NI of the experimental work conducted by the Vanadium Corporation of America is carried out in the laboratory connected with its Rridgeville, Pa., plant. Routine plant control and analytical work arc coinpletely separated from research, being placed in a separate laboratory witli an entirely

Figure I-Corner of MetsIlurBiCal Laboratory Pouring experimental mell. from 35-kw. A i a i Xorthnrp hip-h-ireguency furnace used for high temperature or vrcuurn melting.

separat.e staff. The research st,aff consists of a permanent group of experts, one for each of t,he fields of work in which the company is interested, wlio direct research units which vary in size according to currerit requirement,s, but are maintained as continuous orgaui7.a t’LOIIP. Close contact is maintained between each research group and t.he plant departinent to which its work is related, as well as with industrial problems developed by tile sales department tlirougli contact with consumers. S s a result of emphasis on this point, the rosearch units are scattered throughout the plant, tlie metallurgical research uuit, for example, being located adjacent to the plant smelting operations. The research n.ork inay tie divided into t1T-o main parts-the first concerned with the development of the maniifactiiri,ig processrs of the Vanadium Corporation itself, the second with the utilization of the products resulting from these manufacturing processes. The first part is again subdivided to include, in one g o u p , problcms on the concentration of ores, aud in another, problems in the metaliurgieal treatinout of these coiicent.rratt‘s to produce vanadium alloys, or in their chemical t.reatinent to produce various vanadium compounds. The second of the two main fields, that dealing with the utilizat,ion of products, was until recent,ly limited to the improvement of alloy steels nud t o their npplicadion in new fields. I n the last three or four yelvs, however, the scope of research has been reinarkably broadened to include the application of vanadium to nonferrous metallurgy, to oxidation catalysis, and to chemotherrrpy. Research on Manufacturing Processes

The real import.ance o i the rcsearch laboratory to the continued success of this industry may best be realized by referring to some of the outstandina achievements in the various-phases of the work outlined-above. ProbabIy the

Val. 21, No. 1

most valuable piece of research in the field of ore dressing was the development, a few years ago, of a concentration process for the treatment of patronitc ore. This ore is mined at aii elevation of 18,000 feet in the I’eruvian Andes-incidentally this is t,lie loftiest commercial miiring operation in t,heworldand coucentration at the mine is an economic necessity because of heavy transportation charges. Patroiiite ore is rssentinlly a vanadium sulfide containing some vanadium sulfate and vanadium oxide as products of weathering. ht,ternpts a t concentration of the lower grades by Rotation were reportcd upon unfavorably by various consultants hefore the problem was assigned to the company’s own research g o u p . In t,lie hands of the latter the proposition was reduced to it,s fundamentals. A comldete mineralogical separation of the ore was made, with separate studies of the cornpoiient materials, followed by some tliousnnds of cxperimeutal flotation tests, which finally resulted iii the development of :L successful sequence of operations. In this case neither the application of new resgent,s nor new appnratus mas necessary, but rather a persistent attack upon the fundninental aspect,s of the problem. The metallurgy of vanadium-ore reduction presents a series of irnportaut improvements in method which have been worked out as part of tlx continuous program of research.‘ In tlie e d y days of the industry an electric furnace was tried, using silicnn 8s the reducing agent, but owing to the cost of this ruat,erial tlie process was not dsvclopcd on any considerable scale. Following this, reduction with alruninnin was adopted, using a t first magnesite-lined iron crucibles whiclr produced from 100 to 150 pounds of alloy per run. Over a period of years this process \vas coiit~iiiually iurprored, until finally tlie operation was carried out in small shaft furiiaccs, producing 125,000 pounds of alloy per ruii. In additsion to the large increase in capacity, this development allowed the direct reduction of complex si1icat.e mixtures, rather than requiring prdirniniiry wet extraction of the ore to give vanadium oxide. Ahunino-thermic reduction, how-

Figure l-Part

of Drc-Dressinp. Research Laboratory Rquipmenf for study of zrwity concenlration of ores.

ever, shared the disadvantage of silicon reduction in that it used a relatively expensive material. Coutinued efforts toward the development of a less expensive method of reduction finally bore Emit, with the successful operation of a laboratory electric furnace using coke as the reducing agent. This process had been suggested by Moissaii as early as 1893, hut all attempts to work it out on a comSaklatv,alia. Trona. Am. Wiclrarhem. Soc., ST, 341 11920).

January, 1929


meroial scale had hitherto failed. In 1920, folloving the successful work with a 750-kilowatt furnace, two 4000kilowatt units were put in operation. The electric smelting furnaces of the Vanadium Corporation hold the distinction of being the only continuously charged electric furnaces operating industrially in this country. Their design, described more completely elsewhere,b provides for t.he introduction at a constant rate of a mix of ore, iron turnings, coke, and flux, which is fed directly into the higli-temperature zone between the tips of three 12-inch graphite electrodes, which are spaced so closely that the passage of current produces a blowpipe effect. Almost instantaneous reduction is believed to occur in this region, after which the fluid mixture of ferrovanadium and slag passes into the main part of tlie furnace, where separation takes place. Metal and slag are tapped off at 6-hour intervals. Control on the furnace is ma.intained by an automatic; device which mainta.ins constant power input, with an ingenious device for a.utornatically adjusting the feeding mechanism of each of the three electrodes in such a way that balance is maintained a t all times in the three-phase circuit. One major requirement of t.he process is that tlie temperature of the furnace be maintained a t an extremely even level. This condition is obt,ained by the combination of constant power and constant rate of feed of material. E’nrtliermore, careful design or the electrical eircuit,s has resulted in an average operating power factor of 99 per cent, and an over-all electrical efficiency (if 98.5 per cent. All of this remarkable advance in metallurgy has originated in the research laboratory of the company, uhcre continuons work is being dune in the same field. In a similar way, long-time projects in the extraction of vanadium compounds from ore by chemical means have resulted in the development of a new and efficient process for the preparation of vanadic acid on a large scale.


engine, with damage to the latter from the distortion thus produced. Research rrith .i-arious alloy steels indicated that the desired properties could be obtained in crankshafts of vanadium steel in the normalized condition. W-hile the alloy steel v a s more expensive than the straight carbon steel, its use \vouId eliminate the labor and machiriery charges against the straightening operations and a t t.he same time insure a greater uniformity of product. Practical large-scale, longperiod tests of vanadium-steel crankshafts showed a saving in total manufacturing costs over straight carbon steel, and the former material has accordingly been adopted. Through the work of the research laboratory vanadium has very recently entered still another industry as chromevanadium &el used in the construcdion of apparatus for synthetic ammonia processes. Straight carbon steel used for this pnrpose hccomes bittittle, due to intergranular penetration of gases. This penetration is minimized with the alloy stecl mentioned above, probably because of tho increased

Research on Utilization of Products

Up to this point only the research work deaiing with the improvement of plant processes has been mcittioncd. The other phase OS the work, devoted to tlic ut.ilisation of the products of the Vanadium Corpor:ttion, rill now he briefly described. Prior to 1924 the chief field covered 115, this research was tho study of tlie various possihle applications of vanadium and other alloy steels. This included work oii high-speed tool steels, tlie iirtroductioii of vanadium steels in the manufacture of sucli railroad equipment as locomotivc frames, side and main rods, piston rods, and locornotir.e and car axles; and the application of these steels in the automotive industry, both for the reduction in size and weight of chassis parts, and in the improveinent of the iiiternal-conhustion cngine. At the prescmt time vmadium steels are used in automobile rnuriufactnre bo tlie average extent of 120 pounds per unit for the entire mimbcr of ears produced. J’erhaps the mast iriteresiirig recent application of van:&dium steel in the automotive iiidnstry is its adoption by certain large manufacturers as the stand:&rd for cranksliaft production. The story illnst,rates the \ray in ivtiicli secondary factors may intlueiice tlie clioicc of L: tn:it.erinl. It bcpjns with t,he tendency toward miiiiiniziiig vibration by increasing the number of rnniii cmnkshiift be:iririgs. With a plait, c:irhon steel it is rieccssnry to q u c i i c l ~crankshaits to obtaiii the requisite properties in the finished article. Such qucncliing, however, produces se\we stlains iri anything as kinky as a seven-bearing cranl