Researches on the Complex Inorganic Acids

hundredths of this one per cent.—that is, a quantity which cannot be weighed, as not more than 0.07 grm platinum was present. Zuerich, November, 187...
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heim, that yellow-hot platinum, by an intermediate formation of platinic chloride,. may partly be volatilized, though platinous chloride is completely decomposed already a t a temperature M o w 600' C . I have frequently repeated Troost and tJauteferiille's experiment, and have investigated it likewise with regard to the quantitative proportions, and have found that in this, ab in others. where tbe quantity of the one or other is to he considered, time forms an important element. Of a certain quantity of platinum which, at 1570' ( ' , was acted upon by a lively current of dry chlorine gas, h i t one per rent. wah volatilized. From this it is evident M hy, i n our experiments, no perceptible quantities of platinum c~ouldbe I olatilizetl. F o r if the volatilized quantity of platinum is, within one hour, and i n a rapid current of chlorine gas, but one per cent., it i 5 widerit that, in otir case, within a few seconds, when t h e chlorine I \ inoleover not in motion, the volatilized quantity of platinum car) hardly amount to hundredths of this one per cent.-that i., a quantity which cannot b e weighed, as not Inore than 0.07 grm platinum ~ i i IJreW~t. h ZLTU"EH,

Yovember, 1879 - ___

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Abstracts from American and Foreign Journals.

American Chemical Journal. Tlb?. Abstractor, J 'P


r, x o .




the Complex Itiorynnic Acids, WOLCOTT term complex inorganic acids," is applied to those acids which are formed by the union of LWJ or more acids, with elimination of water, the product pobbessing properties like an acid containing a single radical. The author wfers t o the previous iiivestigations of Lauretit, Scheibler, Marignac and others, on the alkaline salt# nf tungstic acid, and remarks that t h e accurate study of these compounds presents peculiar difficnltiea, owing, principally, to t h e fact that the salts are frequently very complex in character-those of one series a1w often approaching those of another in composition-and that they are efflorescent, and are decomposed by boiling water. T h e tungstic oxide in the compounds referred t o was determined by t h e method of Berzelius, niodifietl a5 follows : Mercurous nitrate is added in slight excess to the Iwiling solution of the tungstate, and mercuric oxide added until the inerciirous tungstate formed amumes a persistent reddish hue ; the precipitate is then strongly ignited. T h e water was determined by simple ignition, and the alkaline bane wah generally eptitnated as difference.



Numerous complex salts are mentioned, and their method of preparation described. The classification of alkaline tungstates already noticed in this JOURNAL ( u k l e , JOURN. AM.CHEM.Soc., I, 4, I l l ) , is repeated, and the following arrangement of the alkaline molybdates is given : NORMAL SERIES.

MoO,.N%O 2iCloO,.2Na&

+ 2Aq.

+ H,O.


+ +

4Mo0.Na20 6Aq. 6;\lo0.2Na@ 14Aq. 8&fo0.hTa,0.2H20 2Aq. 1oMoO.Xa2O.3H,O 9Aq. 14M00.6?u'a20$- 44Aq. 16hfoO..LNi&.5&O 3Aq. 2Aq. 18M00.213aO.6H,O T h e reniaintler of this article is devoted to graphical formiilrp of alkaline tungstates. CorLtrUmtiom f r o m


+ + + +


Lrcbowctory of


College. (No. 2.)

OILsome LVvmpowdv qf Aromatic d / n ines with Silver Nitrute UtLd #I6@hute, b ' . 0. & I l X T E R . S r r i l i i t e $il?*er,suIp'hate is prepared by dissolving silver sulphate and aniline in boiling watei', filtering hot, and wasllirtg and drying the crystalline compound which separates out ripon cooling. The analysis gave results correspondirtg to the formnla : (C,H,NEI,),.Ag,SO4.2€1,O.

P~rrntolrticiine siluer sulphate is obtained i n an analogous manner, and has the formnla : (C,II,NH,),.Ag,SO,.2€1,O. Metanitrtrit iliue silver 7aitrtrte.-Prepared from an alcoholic solrition of metanitraniline and silver nitrate ; fuses a t 124-125' c.,and ha6 the composition : (C,€I,NO2NII2),.AgNO3.

Nitrotol?cidiine silver nitrate is obtained from the aqueous soliition of the nitro-amine and silver salt ; it fuses a t 131-132' C., and has the formula : (C,H,K02NH,),.AgN03. Ptrrtrtoluidii~esilver nitrcrte melts a t 101' C., and has the compoRition : (Ci€I,NH,),.AgN03.

On Clnvke'8 3fetJkorl f o r tJte Seprwatdon Arffenicfllkd Antiinon?/, F R E D . P. D E W E Y .


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