ReseurcJhes upon Sulphatee, A. ETARD.-MOS~ mixed sesqui- Only

278 ABSTRACTS : BULLETIN DE LA SOCIhTk CIIIMIQUE DE PARIS. On the Rdatlon Existing between tJw ... Eng. at Terre-Noire.-Kot suitable for ahtraction...
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On the R d a t l o n Existing between tJw Chemical Compos& tlon and the Mechrcnical Properties of Steds, V. DEBHAYES,

Eng. at Terre-Noire.-Kot

suitable for ahtraction. An elaborate article, giving complete details iri regard to this important subject.


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S o t e upon a Recent Work of 111. B. Aronheinc, E.' SCRUTZENBERGER.

On, tJbe ChJorostannatea of the R a r e Eaiths, P. T. CLEVE.The following have been prepared : 2La,CI,, 56nC1,, 45H,O. Ce,Cl,, 2SnCI,, 16H,O. Di,CI,, ZSnCI,, 21€I,O. Y&l,, 2SnCI,, 16H,O. The composition of the chlorostannates is thus shown to be perfectly analogous to that of the chloroplaeinates.

ReseurcJhes upon Sulphatee, A. ETARD.-MOS~ mixed sesquisulphates can be represented by the general formula M,( SO,),N,. Only one salt of the type, 2[M,(S04),]N,(S0,),, has been observed. According to the theory of the author, by heat the acid salt changes a8 follows :

Neutral Salt.

First acid salt.

Second acid salt. Some of the salts made are : Acid double sulphate of iron and alumina[A~*(SO,)8Fe,SO,H,]. Acid sesquisulphate of iron and chromium[Cr*(SO,)6Fe, SO,H*]. Sesquisuiphate of aluniinum and manganese2[Al,(SO,),]Mn,(SO,),.



On the Heat Dlsengnged b y Conzbinitcy Curbovcic Oxide with Other Bodtea, M. BERTHELOT.-Carbonic oxide is studied in reference to its combination with oxygen, chlorine and sulphur.

On the Spectflc Heat a n d Heat of Funion of Gallium, ingot of 34 grammes way experimented with. The specific heat of liquid gallium is 0.0802 ; of the solid, 0.089. The heat of fusion may be determined by plunging some crystals into the melted gallium. The mass immediately crystallized, and the evolved heat was measured at 13', and it is sensibly the same between '0 and 8oo; the mean was 19.11 units. The atomic weight, a8 determined by L. Boisbaudran, is 69.9, hence we have the products, 69.9 x .0802 = 5.59 for the liquid, and 69.9 x .079 = 5.53 for the solid. These numbers, it will be noticed, agree well with the determinations of aluminum and glucinum already made. BERTHELOT.-AII


Redprocnl DlspZacetnent between Weak Acids, BERTHELOT. -Two weak acids in contact with a base, cause a decomposition, this being regulated by the y a r t i ~ lstate of decomposition of each of the two salts considered separately, which depends in turn on the proportion of water and of the corresponding acid. When a salt of suck an acid comes in contact with an acid opposed to it, decomposition by water takes place in proportion as the quantity of the bane existing free in the solution, is saturated by the other acid ; and that to just such an extent as there is equilibrium between the two salts and the water which tends to decompose each of them. The total thermic effect is then the resultant of these two phenomena, namely : a disengagement of heat due to the combination of the acids with the free base (chemical energy), and an absorption of heat due to the decomposition produced by solution. On the Rotator!! Power Of .!%?lpWkIW, BERTHELOT.-sOme confusion seems to result from the indiscriminate use of styrol as applied to the volatile oil, and to the purified hydrocarbon C,H,. Care should be exercised to distinguish this latter, which, of itself, has a definite rotatory power as styrolene.

Ideii?, No. 6. On the Deterncinutton of Total Nitrogen i n Ferttltmrs, A. R~MONT.

M a n u f u d u r e of CrystaUized Chromate of B a r y t a , LEON BouRG&oxs.-The method consists in melting together two equivalents of chloride of barium with one equivalent of potassic Chromate, and one equivalent of sodic chromate, and cooling slowly, and finally

dissolving oat the chlorides from the mass with hot water. The crystals of neutral clirorriate of barytii thus ubtainect, c:onsist of right prisms with a rhornliic* base, aiid their eoloi. varies lwtwecii ycllow and green. OILwoine of the Hyrlrocnrbonx thnt ure f'ornaerlb~jthe Action of Chloride of MetlhgZ I L ~ I LTO!ILI?IL(? i ) L th,e Prexeuce of Chloride of ACwninuni, E. ADORand A. RII.T,IET. --Some of the conclusions reached, are : 1st. In reference t o xylenes ; these cotitain only a very srtiall quantity uf orthoxylt~ne,and by the actioii of chloride of methyl upon benzine in the presence of chloride of aluminuin, the product is almost entirely isoxglene mixed with a little paraxylenr. 2d. In reference to trirnethyl benzines, pseudocurnene is formed 'on account of the presence of inetaxylene, in greater proportion than mesitylene. T h e small quantity uf paraxylene found is not sutticient, ,of itself to account for the presence of s o large a proportion of pseiidocuniene as is found. T h e absence of a third trimethyl benzine as well as of orthoxylene, as has been previorisly shown, points t o the possible fact that these bodies are more liublr t o rr;ic.t ivitli c-hloi~itl(~ of inethyl, and t o b e very quickly trarisfoimied into petitariietli~laiid hexamethyl derivatives. 3d. In reference to tetramethyl benzines, it is notcd that the unknown bodies sought were riot obtained, but it is proposed to make them by other methods. Bromocitrucorbic A c i d , EDMEBov Rcots.-Dibroniopgrotartaric acid ttiay experience t w o mode3 of decomposition. 1st. Boiled foi, 8ome time with an alkaline solution, it loses carbonic acid and forms, as 31.Cahours has shown, an isoirieric furin of dibromobrityrio acid : C,,H,Ur,O,-C',O,=C,H,Ur,O,. 2d. Treated in the cold with oxide of silver, it loses one molecule of hydrobromic acid, and becornev brornocitraconic acid : C,,H,Br,O,. -€IBr=C811,13r0,. The acid described by M. Cahours, and bromocitraconic acid, are both readily decomposed, the first parting with hydrobrtmiic acid, and the second with carbonic acid ; each then becomes the same body, namely, the bromocrotonic acid described by 31. Kekul6. O n the R d a t l v e Ammities and Reciprocal Diwylncernent of OxUyen U r L d O f the Halogen Elernonts, BERTHEI,OT.-'rhiS theory is elucidated in a very careful and complete nianncr. I t is shown that the order of affinity and of reciprocal displacement of the halogens and oxygen, either united to itietalx or metalloids, can be foretold, if determinations have been made of the quantities of heat dis-




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engaged in the formation of the combinations of the metals and metalloids with oxygen and with the halogens. 'The dernonstration depends partly upon the numerical cornparkon of quantities already known to science, and partly upon the determinatiom made by the author in regard to the heat of formation of bromides and iodides of alumina, tin, arsenic, &c. By comparing the reactions of the halogens and oxygen upon the different metals, it will be seen that the reciprocal displacements between iodine and oxygen particularly, do not depend on type or atomic formula. The quantity of heat disengaged by the combination of each metal with the element, taken in equivalent weight, is the key to the order of reciprocal displacement. If the heat disengaged in formation is known, the qualities of the reaction will be known, provided, of course, that the appropriate state of existence, solid, liquid, &e., is known, and the degree of stability or dissociation belonging to the body at each temperature.

American Chemical Journal. Viol. I, NO%. 9 mLd 3. Abstractor, J . P. BATTERSHALL, PH.D.

I. Deterrndnattm of Nitrogen d n the Andgds of A g r h d tzcral Products, S. W. JOHNSON and E. H. JENKINB. 1I . On u Method f o r the Determination of Phosphoric A d d , by the aame. The above papers are noticed elsewhere.

III. Emminabion of the North Curddna Urantum Xdnercrdiu, F. A. &wrH.-In this paper the mineralogical and chemical character of several of the uranium minerals previously mentioned by Pcof. W. C. Kerr (Am. Jour. 3c. [3], xiv, 496), is described. The minerals examined were obtained from the Flat Rock mine, Mitchell Co., N. c'. The following are the results of the author's investigation : Ururzotil occurs a8 a pale yellow coating, surrounding the gummite. The N. C. variety is amorphous ; H=2.5 ; Sp. g.=3.834 ; sol. in HCI. The analysis gave figuree nearly corresponding to the formula U%(UO,),Si,,O,+ 18H,O. Gummite occurs in amorphous nodular masses ; H=3 ; Sp. g.4.840 ; color, yellow to orange-red ; sol. in acetic acid. The author regards the mineral as principally a calcic uranate (Ca0.2U10s+6H,0),