Resonance Lamp Detector in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

tention by Richard E. Reiss of Aztec. Instruments, Inc. This refers to the recent work of Dr. Alan Walsh of the. Division of ChemicalPhysics,Chemical...
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INSTRUMENTATION Resonance Lamp Detector BY RALPH H. MÜLLER in Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry ERIODICALLY, b u t all t o o frequently,


is reminded t h a t m a n y of the best resources of geometric a n d physical optics are largely unexplored a n d t h a t new a n d unexpected applications c a n be m a d e if enough of u s have t h e curiosity t o seek a new approach. T o a degree, it is t h e excellence, versatility and enormous resources of present d a y instrumentation which lure u s t o take the obvious p a t h a n d to ignore alternative a n d possibly simpler solutions. An excellent example of a n original a p p r o a c h h a s been b r o u g h t t o our a t tention b y R i c h a r d E . Reiss of Aztec I n s t r u m e n t s , I n c . This refers t o t h e recent work of D r . Alan Walsh of t h e Division of Chemical Physics, Chemical Research Laboratories, Commonwealth Scientific a n d I n d u s t r i a l Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia. I t was t h e pioneering work of D r . Walsh which led t o t h e widely used methods of atomic absorption spectroscopy. More recently his fertile mind has come u p with t h e application of resonance lamps a s monochromators i n atomic absorption spectroscopy. Practical ins t r u m e n t s a r e already commercially available using resonance detectors a n d intensive research is underway t o d e vise new a n d special detectors of this nature. The physical basis of resonance d e tectors w a s established i n t h e first t w o decades of this century in t h e celeb r a t e d investigations of R . W . W o o d who showed t h a t resonance radiation from atomic vapors provides a method of isolating those lines in a n atomic s p e c t r u m which are absorbed b y such v a p o r s . A n ideal case is provided b y mercury, t h e v a p o r of which, if illuminated b y t h e radiation from a quartz m e r c u r y arc emits primarily t h e 2537 A resonance line. A full understanding of t h e phenomenon w a s obtained in t h e classic experiments of F r a n c k a n d H e r t z who excited resonance radiation in mercury v a p o r b y controlled electron b o m b a r d m e n t . T h e y showed t h a t 4.9 volt electrons will excite t h e first resonance line 2537 A a n d a t 6.7 volts, t h e second resonance line a t 1849 A . A t 10.39 volts, ionization is produced a n d a t this a n d higher potentials, t h e entire arc s p e c t r u m of m e r c u r y is excited. These experiments provided t h e first direct proof of t h e validity of Bohr's

quantized energy states in a n a t o m . T h e quantitative principle extends down to the innermost electronic levels —i.e., to t h e excitation of characteristic x-rays in t h e kilovolt range. I n this discussion, we are concerned, primarily, with optical excitation of metal vapors. Walsh has stated t h a t " t h e possibility of extending a n d developing this t y p e of experiment^ resonance lamps) for more general application t o other elements does n o t a p p e a r t o have been considered, presumably because the experimental difficulties were thought t o b e insurmountable a n d also possibly b e cause t h e potentialities a n d implications of t h e technique were n o t a p p r e ciated." Since 1959, he a n d his associates have been investigating t h e possibility of using atomic resonance lamps as "monochromators in modern t y p e atomic absorption spectrophotometers used for chemical analysis. F o r lowmelting point metals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, thallium, a n d lead, resonance lamps can be made in which t h e atomic v a p o r is p r o duced b y indirect electrical heating of the a p p r o p r i a t e metal in a rare gas a t reduced pressure. T h e y have also shown t h a t t h e necessary atomic v a p o r can b e obtained b y cathodic sputtering so t h a t , in principle, t h e method is a p plicable t o all metallic elements, irrespective of melting point, since t h e atomic v a p o r is produced without t h e necessity of heating t h e metal. One disadvantage of t h e sputtering technique is a serious decrease in t h e signal/ noise ratio of t h e o u t p u t signal. This can b e overcome b y t h e use of highintensity hollow cathode lamps a s t h e p r i m a r y source of light. Such lamps have been described b y Sullivan a n d Walsh. A typical arrangement of a n atomic absorption spectrophotometer employing a resonance l a m p a s a monochromator uses a sealed-off hollow cathode lamp, t h e radiation from which passes t h r o u g h t h e flame into which is sprayed the solution for analysis. T h e a t t e n uated beam excites some of t h e atoms in the resonance l a m p detector. T h e resonance radiation is emitted in all directions a n d some falls on t o a p h o t o multiplier. T h e power supply t o t h e light source is modulated, whereas t h a t to t h e resonance l a m p is u n m o d u l a t e d

and thus, b y t h e use of a n ac detection system, a n y radiation from t h e flame or t h e resonance l a m p does n o t produce a n o u t p u t signal. A suitable ac detection system h a s been described b y Box and Walsh. Extensive tests have been made using the resonance l a m p detector system, with careful comparisons with conventional spectral isolation with a spectrometer. Essentially identical a n d equally precise results were obtained. A few minor differences are t o be noted. I n t h e case of sodium, t h e conventional instrument yields a n absorbance concentration relationship which is strictly linear when t h e 5890 A line is isolated and measured. I n using t h e resonance l a m p detector, t h e curve relating a b sorbance t o concentration is slightly concave to t h e concentration axis. This arises from the fact t h a t t h e resonance monochromator passes both components of t h e yellow doublet a t 5890 a n d 5896 A to t h e detector. Since t h e intensities of these two components a n d their a b sorption sensitivities a r e in t h e ratio of 2 t o 1, t h e c u r v a t u r e is unavoidable. Similarly, with potassium, t h e resonance monochromator passes both potassium resonance lines a t 7665 a n d 7699 A a n d thus t h e slope is less t h a n with a conventional monochromator which isolates the more sensitive line a t 7665. T h e new AR-200 atomic absorption spectrophotometer employing t h e resonance l a m p monochromator is m a n u factured b y Tcchtron P t y . , L t d . , under license t o C S I R O , Melbourne, A u s t r a lia, a n d is available from Aztec I n s t r u ments, Inc., 2 Railroad Place, W e s t p o r t , Connecticut 06880. According t o M r . Reiss, instruments a r e available f o r either single or dual element analysis. At present, detectors (thermal or s p u t tering) a n d hollow cathode source lamps ( s t a n d a r d or high intensity) a r e available in these instruments for C a , M g , C a / M g , Cu, Ag, Al, C d , C r , Co, Au, F e , P b , N i , a n d Zn. M a n y other elements will b e added t o this list as life tests are completed on t h e resonance detectors. M a n y exciting things have come o u t of Australia. W e note t h a t D r . Walsh received t h e 1966 Britannica Australia award for science for his work on atomic absorption methods. W e p r e dict this will n o t be the last honor t o come t o this gifted investigator. VOL 39, NO. 8, JULY 1967 ·

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