Resonance Raman Spectra of a Complex Containing the Rhodium

Salts Handbook,” Academic Press, New York, N. Y.,. 1967, p 8 is in- ... Richard R. Rietz, Donald F. Dustin, and M. Frederick Hawthorne'@:. Preparati...
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1972,Volume 1 1 Martin N. Ackermann,* Margasette kk. a l h a u k , Sally K. Hammond, and A. Nicholas Roe: Alkyldiazenes. Gas-Phase and Solution Chemistry. Physical and Chemical Properties of Methyldiazane.

0.0353 0.0839 0.1630 0.3227 0.5603 0.8170

Pages 3080 and 3081. In Figure 2 and page 3081,column 1, line 3, the rate constanrs for gas phase decomposition of CI-I,N=NH and CH,N=ND should be 0.093 i. 0.008 and 0.011 i 0.001 IW-’’~ sec-’, respectively. This correction also applies to the abstract. No arguments or conclusions are affected by this change.-Martin N. Ackermann

-2610 -2499 -2240 -1565 -688 -96

-.4423 -4117 -3461 -2478 -1056 -67

- 1.69 -1.51 -1.14 -0.85 -0.34 0.03

T l e values in Table I11 should read:

1973,Volume 12

R.G. Cavell,* R. D. Leary, A. R. Ganger, and A. J. Tomlinson: Trimethylsilyl Esters of Phosphorus Acids. 111. Esters of Difluoroand Bis(trifluoromethy1)phosphinous and 4hiophosphinous Acids.



Page 1375. In Table I, column 2, the starting reactants for last entry should read (CF3j,PC1 (2.86 mmol) and :(CH,),Si],S (2.68 mmol).-R. G. Cavell



(6) John P. Fackler, Jr.

M. A. Bennett.* R. N. Johnson, and 1. B. Tomkins: Olefin Complexes of Divalent Ruthenium Formed by Chelating Olefinic Tertiary Phosphines and Arsines. Page 347. In Table I, the infrared data for complexes 5a and 5b should read:



2050 s , 1980 s 2070 s, 2000 s

v(RuCl), c m - ’ 316 ms, 290 ms 315 ms, 284 ms











_ _ I -






AGE(80Ooj, cal mol-’ AH^, cai mol-’ ASE, calmol-I deg-’

-2690 -4723 -1.795

-502 -823 0.110



Page 688. Column 2 , paragraph 3, line 15, should read: and 8 = (d, - d , ) / d , d , where dj is the radius of the anion + ith cation.” Page 690. The value of ASEexptl for the AgBr-CsBr system in Table V should read -0.44 cal mol-’ deg-’: The data for the AgBr-CsBr system shown in Figures 3,4.,5 , 6, 7, and 8 are similarly incorrect, but may be plotted from the corrected data supplied above. None of the conclusions drawn are changed with the corrected data.-E-I. C. Brookes William B. Hughes* and Bernard A. Baldwin: X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of MoCl,(NO),(P(C,H,) jjz.

Vinyl deformation modes, cm-’ 985 m, 915 s 990 m, 930 s 1. B. Tomkins

R. L. Paul and PI. C. Brookes”: Binary Silver Bromide-Alkali Bromide Melts. Calculated. and Measured Energies of Mixing. Page 686. The formula weight of CsBr listed by G. J. Janz, “‘Molten Salts Handbook,” Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1967,p 8 is incorrectly given as 272.81,instead of 212.81. Our data were calculated using the Janz value and hence -the values of Xagfir, A G E q g ~ , ( 8 0 0 ” ) ,A 2 A g ~ rand 9 A S E ~ g for ~ r the AgBr-CsBr system given in Table TI should read as follows.



Page 687. The values in Table W for the AgBr-GsBr system should read:

Page 39. Equation 6 should read:

u(CQ), cm-’


A S E ~ g ~cal r , mol-’ deg-’

1974,Volume 13 J. hadilla-Sorzano and John P. IFackBen, Jr.*: Base Adducts of 0Ketoenolates. VJI. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Studies of Some Fluxional I ,1,1,5,5,5-Hexafluoro-2,4-pentadionatocopper(II) Complexes.

-C 4cd

(800”),cal mol-’ -4283 3966

Max dev

A H A ~ B cal ~ , mol-’

Page 1980. Structure I1 in Figure 1 should show both ligands of the chelate L-L group coordinated t o the metal.-L. W. Houk

+ 4 4 a e -4be


Mean dev


Thomas W. Beall and k m y W. Houk*: Transition Metal n Complexes. 11. Reactions of .ii-Cycloheptatrienylmolybdenum Dicarbony1 iodide with Chelating Group Va Ligands.

g, = 2 - 4 2 - M a



Page 1532. In Table I the MG 3d,/>binding energy for MoC1,(CQ)3(P(C6Hs)3),should read 229.8 eV.-Bernard A. Baldwin Richard R.Rietz, Donald F. Dustin, and M. Frederick Hawthorne’@: Preparation of v-Cyclopentadienylcobalt (111) and q-cyclopentadienylnickel(IV) Complexes of the q-7-B,,CHI, 3 - Carbollide Ligand.

Page 1582. The legend in Figure 2 is erroneous. The open circles in the structures presented depict BE1 vertices while the black circles depict CH vertices.-M. F. Hawthorne


J, Benistein*: Resonance Raman Spectra of a Complex Containing the Rhodium-Iron Bond.


Page 2274. In the title of the paper and in the Table of Contents “Rhenium” should read “Rhodium.”