Resonance Raman spectra of reaction intermediates in oxidation

Takahiko Kojima , Kazuya Nakayama , Kenichiro Ikemura , Takashi Ogura , and Shunichi Fukuzumi. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2011 133 (30),...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1990, 112, 3289-3297 monuclear scalar coupling was best determined with the standard twodimensional COSY experiment with 2K complex points in r2. 1 K points in the fI domain, and a recycle delay of >2 s in addition to the acquisition time. The two-dimensional phase-sensitive NOESY was acquired with 4K data points in the f 2 dimension, I K data points in rl, and a recycle delay of > 2 s in addition to the acquisition time.27q2* Mixing times of 250 and 500 ms were used that were stochastically varied to suppress cross-peaks arising from scalar coupling. A shifted sine bell multiplication apodization of 45% was applied in the r2 and f 1 domains. ‘H-Decoupled ”P spectra were collected at 202.44 MHz, and ‘H-”P correlation experiments were performed according to the procedure described by Bax et al.29 Molecular Modeling Studies. The crystal structure of l b was used as the initial structure in this investigation. Partial atomic charges for anthramycin with the methoxy group removed were provided by Rao et a1.I’ Bond length, bond angle, and dihedral parameters for the all atom force field were those presented by Weiner et al.?’J2 and new parameters specific to anthramycin were given by Rao et alls The resulting structure ( 2 8 ) States, D. J.; Habverkorn, R. A.;

Ruben, D. J. J. Magn. Reson. 1982,

48, 286.

Bax, A.; Sarkar, S . K . J . Magn. Reson. 1984,60, 170. (30) Weiner, S. J.; Kollman, P. A.; Case, D.; Singh, IJ. C.; Ghio, C.; Alagona. G.; Profeta, S.,Jr.; Weiner, P. K. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 765. (31) Weiner, S. J.; Kollman, P. A.; Nguyen, D. T.; Case, D. A. J. Comp. Chem. 1986, 7, 230. (32) Weiner, P. K.; Kollman, P. A. J . Comp. Chem. 1984, 2, 287. (29)


was minimized with the program AMBER^^ with a distance-dependent dielectric constant, and refinement continued until the rms gradient was less than 0.1 kcal/molA This minimized structure was docked in the appropriate location and orientations on the hexanucleotide duplex with the aid of the interactive graphics program MIDAS?’and then the binding energies were minimized with AMBER and the parameters described above. The helix energy was determined by subtracting the energy of the helix in the anthramycin adduct from that of the separately minimized isolated helix. Distortion energy induced in the anthramycin molecule was determined in the same way. Structural effects of water and counterions on complexing were neglected in the energy calculations. Although these effects influence the absolute values of binding energies, they should be minimal in comparing relative binding energies wherein the same molecule is used at the same binding site on the duplex.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by grants from the N I H (GM-22873), National Cancer Institute (R35-CA-49751 and CA-37798), and Welch Foundation. We thank Joann Haddock for her patience in preparing this manuscript. W e also thank Shashidhar N. Rao for data on anthramycin and helical distances, Dr.Peter A. Kollman for a copy of AMBER, and Professor Thomas Krugh for unpublished results and useful discussions. (33) Langridge, R.; Ferrin, T. J . Mol. Graphics 1984, 2, 56.

Resonance Raman Spectra of Reaction Intermediates in the Oxidation Process of Ruthenium( 11) and Iron( 11) Porphyrins Insook Rhee Paeng and Kazuo Nakamoto* Contribution from the Todd Wehr Chemistry Building, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233. Received June 15. I989 Abstract: The dioxo ruthenium porphyrins, R u P ( O ) ~(P = TPP and TMP), were prepared by the oxidation of RuP(C0) with were measured and their O=Ru=O m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (m-CPBA). The resonance Raman and IR spectra of RUP(O)~ vibrations including the 160=R~=1s0 and 1sO=R~=’80 analogues assigned by normal coordinate calculations. A reaction scheme involving two successive 0-0 bond cleavages of m-CPBA was proposed based on the observed intensity patterns of the O=Ru=O vibrations. When a toluene solution of Ru(TPP) was saturated with O2at -80 O C , the v,(Ru-O) of (TPP)Ru-0-0-Ru(TPP) was observed at 552 cm-’ (533 cm-’ for the lSOanalogue). Upon raising the temperature, this band disappeared, and the u,(O=Ru=O) of Ru(TPP)(O), appeared at 81 1 cm-’ (767 cm-’ for the I8O analogue). The v(Ru0) of the monoxo complex, O=Ru(TPP), was observed at 780 cm-’ when a toluene-ds solution of Ru(TPP) was saturated with l8O2at -80 O C . Similar experiments with Ru(0EP) exhibited the v(Ru0) at 820 cm-I (779 cm-l for the I8Oanalogue). Bands characteristic of the Ru-0-0-Ru bridge and O=Ru=O moiety were not observed for the OEP complex. The sixcoordinate, Ru(TPP)(pyridine)O, exhibits the v(Ru--OZ) at 603 cm-I, which is higher than the ~ ( F e - 0 ~of) the corresponding Fe complex and O=FeP ( P = TPP, OEP, and other porphyrins), which (575 cm-I). The resonance Raman spectra of PFe-0-0-FeP are formed in the oxidation process of these Fe porphyrins, have been measured including the high-frequency region. In all cases, the peroxo-bridged species and the ferry1 species are present at low temperature, and the former is converted into the latter by raising the temperature. Considerable attention has been given to the interactions between dioxygen and low-valent metalloprphyrins because of their relevance to biological systems. In particular, the reactions of iron porphyrins with dioxygenl-1° have been studied extensively ( I ) Spiro, T. G . In Iron Porphyrins; Lever, A. B. P., Gray, H. B., Eds.;

Addison-Wesley; Reading, MA, 1983; Part 2, pp 89-159. (2) Collman, J . P.; Halbert, T. R.; Suslick, K. S . In Meral Ion Actiuarion of Dioxygen; Spiro, T. G., Ed.; Wiley-Interscience, New York,1980; pp 1-72. (3) Watanabe, T.; Ama, T.; Nakamoto, K. J . Phys. Chem. 1984,88,440. (4) Wagner, W.-D.; Paeng, I. R.; Nakamoto, K. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110. 5565. ( 5 ) Bajdor, K.;

Nakamoto, K. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 3045. (6) Proniewicz, L. M.; Bajdor, K.; Nakamoto, K.J . Phys. Chem. 1986, 90. 1560. ’ ( 7 ) Chin, D.-H.; Del Gaudio. J.; La Mar, G. N.; Balch, A. L. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1977, 99, 5486. ( 8 ) Chin, D.-H.; La Mar, G . N.; Balch, A. 102.4344.

L. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1980,

0002-7863/90/ I5 12-3289$02.50/0

Scheme I PRuOp PRu




RuP(O)~+ RUP







in the past decade. Recently, the reactions of ruthenium porphyrins with dioxygen have also received considerable attention. . . .( 9 ) Latos-Grazynski, L.; Cheng, R.-J.; Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 5992.

0 1990 American Chemical Society

La Mar, G. N.; Balch, A. L. J . Am.

3290 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 112, No. 9, 1990

For example, ruthenium-substituted myoglobin" has been prepared and its reaction with carbon monoxide and dioxygen reported. Ruthenium-substituted horseradish peroxidase compound I (HRP-I)12 has also been studied by N M R , ESR, and optical absorption spectroscopies. In 1981 Collman et al.13 reported that the pyrolysis of bis(pyridine)ruthenium( I I) porphyrins produced binuclear ruthenium porphyrins containing a direct metal-metal double bond and that these unsaturated, binuclear complexes react with dioxygen to form stable oxo-bridged ruthenium(1V) porphyrin dimers possessing two axial hydroxy ligands. The hydroxy derivative of the p-oxo dimer, (E)[see Scheme I, ((OEP)Ru(OH)),O (OEP, octaethylporphyrin], has been isolatedi3 and its crystal structure determined.14 Groves et and Dolphin et a1.16 prepared the dioxo complex, Ru(TMP)(O)~(D) (TMP, tetramesitylporphyrin) and assigned its u,(O=Ru=O) to the IR band at 821 cm-'.I5 I n this case, the sterically hindering methyl groups at the ortho positions of the meso-phenyl groups prevented the formation of the p-oxo dimer. The monoxo ruthenium(1V) porphyrin, O= Ru(TMP) (C), has been produced by stoichiometric titration of R u ( T M P ) ( O ) ~with triphenylphosphine under adaerobic conditions, and the IR band at 823 cm-I assigned" to its u(Ru0). Recently, Collman et proposed a mechanism for irreversible oxidation of "base-free" ruthenium(I1) porphyrins, which is similar to that for ferrous porphyrin^.^ I n the present work, we report the resonance Raman (RR) spectra of Ru(TPP) (TPP, tetraphenylporphyrin) analogues of B-D. All of these are produced in a toluene solution of Ru(TPP) saturated with dioxygen at low temperatures. At -80 OC, a toluene solution of Ru(TPP) produces the peroxo-bridged species, B, and monoxo species, C. When this solution is warmed to -40 OC, B and C are converted to the dioxo species, D, which is unique to ruthenium porphyrins. This dioxo complex can also be obtained by the reaction of Ru(TPP)CO or Ru(TMP)CO with mchloroperoxybenzoic acid (m-CPBA). The vibrational (IR and RR) spectra of Ru(TPP)(O)~and Ru(TMP)(O), thus obtained have been assigned by normal coordinate calculations on the O = R u = O molecular fragment. We also obtained O=Ru(OEP), C, by saturating the solution of R u ( 0 E P ) with dioxygen at low temperature. Although "base-bound", six-coordinate dioxygen adducts are well-known for Fe(T1) c o m p l e ~ e s , 'almost ~ no information is available on the corresponding Ru(l1) a n a l o g ~ e s . ~ * ~ I In this work, we obtained the vibrational spectra of a sixamdinate dioxygen adduct, Ru(TPP)(py)02, for the first time. Finally, we report the RR spectra of intermediate species in the oxidation processes of Fe(TPP) and other Fe(I1) porphyrins, which were not included in our previous paper.22 Experimental Section Preparation of Compounds. R U ( T P P ) ( ~ ~R )I I~( ,O~E~P ) ( ~ ~ )Fe,,~ (TPP)(pip)2,u and Fe(OEP)(py)zz5 were prepared by the literature

(IO) Batch, A. L.;Chan, Y.-W.; Cheng, R.-J.; La Mar, G. N.; LatosGrazynski. L.;Renner, M. W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 7779. (1 I ) Paulson, D. R.; Addison, A. W.; Dolphin, D.; James, B. R. J. Biol. Chem. 1979, 254, 7002. (12) Morishima, 1.; Shiro, Y. Nakajima, K. Biochemistry 1986,25,3576. (13) Collman, J. P.; Barnes, C. E.;Collins, T. J.; Brothers, P. J. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1981, 103, 7030. (14) Masuda, H.; Taga, T.; Osaki, K.; Sugimoto, H. Mori, M.; Ogoshi, H.J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1981, 103, 2199. (IS) Groves, J. T.; Quinn, R. Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 3844. (16) Camenzind, M. J.; James, E. R.; Dolphin, D. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1986, 1137. (17) Groves, J. T.; Ahn, K.-H. fnorg. Chem. 1987, 26, 3831. (18) Collman, J. P.; Brauman, J. 1.; Fitzgerald, J. P.; Sparapany, J. W.; Ibers, J. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 3486. (19) Nakamoto, K.; Paeng, 1. R.; Kuroi, T.; Isobe, T.; Oshio, H. J. Mol. Struct. 1988, 189. 293. (20) Palson, D. R.; Bhakata, S.B.; Hyun, R. Y.; Yuen, M.; Beaird, C. E.; Lee. S.C.: Ybarra. J.. Jr. Inorp. Chim. Acta 1988. 151. 149. (21) Kim. 0.;Su, Y. 0.; Sp%o, T. G. Inorg. Chem. 1986, 25, 3993. (22) Paeng, 1. R.; Shiwaku, H.; Nakamoto, K. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 110. 1995. (23) Antipas, A.; Bucher, J. W.; Gouterman, M.; Smith, P. D. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1987, 100. 3015.

Paeng and Nakamoto methods. Ru(TPP)(CO)MeOH, Ru(OEP)(CO)MeOH, Ru(TMP)(CO)MeOH, and H,(TPP) were purchased from Midcentury, Posen, IL, and used without further purification. m-CPBA (I6Oz,I8Oz,and scrambled dioxygen) were prepared by the methods of Johnsonz6and Brown.,' The solvents, toluene, toluene-d8, and methylene chloride, and the bases, piperidine and pyridine, were purchased from Aldrich Chemical Co. Toluene and methylene chloride were dried by distillation from sodium metal and CaH,, respectively. The gases, and (98.1 I%), were purchased from AlRCO Inc. and Monsanto Research, respectively, and used without further purification. Scrambled dioxygen was prepared by electrical discharge of an equimolar mixture of I6Ozand I8O2. Initially this gave a l:2:l mixture of ~602/~60'80/'802, and more I6Ozand I8O2 were added until a 1:l:l mixture was obtained. The mixing ratio of '602, was determined by Raman spectroscopy. I6OI8O,and Unligated iron(I1) porphyrins were prepared by using either one of the following methods. First, iron(II1) porphyrin dissolved in toluene was reduced to iron(l1) porphyrin by zinc amalgam in a Dri-Lab HE/DL Series controlled atmosphere box under purified argon. Completion of the reduction was confirmed by UV-visibleZ8 and RR spectro~copy.~~ The solution was transferred to a minib~lb,'~ which was attached to a vacuum stopcock. The sealed sample was removed from the glovebox and attached to a vacuum line and then the solution was degassed via five freezepumpthaw cycles. Alternatively, bis(pyridine)ruthenium(II) or bis(piperidine)iron(ll) porphyrin (-0.2 mg) was heated in a minibulb at 220 OC for 5 h under high vacuum (1 X IO4 Torr) to evaporate the base ligand. Next, the dry solvent, which was degassed by five freezepump-thaw cycles, was transferred via the vacuum line to the minibulb. The unligated metal(l1) porphyrin solution thus obtained was immersed in a dry ice-acetone bath (-78 OC)" and left for -20 min to attain equilibrium. Dioxygen gas was then introduced to the sample via the vacuum line and the minibulb was immersed in liquid nitrogen. The stem of the bulb was sealed and the minibulb stored in liquid nitrogen until it was attached to the front edge of a copper cold tip, which was cooled to -70 K by a CTI Model 21 closed-cycle helium refrigerator.'O The minibulb technique was also employed to measure the RR spectra of Ru(TPP)(CO), Ru(TMP)(CO), and their reaction products with mCPBA and a six-coordinate oxygen adduct, Ru(TPP)(py)O,. Spectral Measurements. RR spectra were recorded on a Spex Model 1403 double monochromator coupled with a Spex DMlB data station and a Hamamatsu R-928 photomultiplier. Excitations were made by using Coherent lnnova Model 100-K3 Kr-ion (406.7, 413.1, and 415.4 nm), Liconix He-Cd (441.6 nm), and Spectra-Physics 2025-05 Ar-ion (457.9 and 476.5 nm) lasers. The laser power on the sample was kept at 5-10 mW throughout this work. The sample temperature was calculated from the relative intensities of Stokes and anti-Stokes lines of the solvent. Calibration of the frequency reading was made by using the solvent bands. Estimated accuracy of frequency readings was f 1.Ocm-I.

Results and Discussion Oxidation of Ru(TPP)(CO) and Ru(TMP)(CO) with m-CPBA. Previously, Groves et al.13+17 obtained Ru(TMP)(O), as the final product of oxidation of Ru(TMP)CO with m-CPBA in methylene chloride and by aerobic oxidation of R U ( T M P ) ( C H ~ C N in )~ benzene-d,. The 1R band at 821 cm-I was shifted to 785 cm-' upon [160/180]-m-CPBAisotopic substitution and assigned to the u,(O=Ru=O) of this diamagnetic dioxo species. This compound was also characterized by using 'HN M R and visible spectroscopy.' We have prepared the dioxo complexes, Ru(TPP)(O)~via the 1802, oxidation of Ru(TPP)(CO) with m-CPBA containing l6O2, and 160180 peroxo bridges, and characterized them by using RR spectroscopy. Trace A of Figure 1 shows the R R spectrum (406.7-nm excitation) of RU(TPP)(O)~ obtained with 160-labeled m-CPBA in methylene chloride at -80 OC. This spectrum exhibits (24) Epstein, L.M.; Straub, D. K.; Maricondi, C. Inorg. Chem. 1967,6, 1720. (25) Bonnet, R.; Dimsdale, M. J. J. Chem. SOC.,ferkin Trans. 2 1972, 1 , 2450. (26) Johnson, R. A. TefruhedronLeft. 1976, 5, 331. (27) Brown, G. In Organic Syntheses; Wiley: New York, 1941; Collect. VOl. I, p 43 I . (28) Gouterman, M. In The forphyrinr; Dolphin, D., Ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1978; Vol. IIIA, pp 1-165. (29) Burke, J. M.; Kincaid, J. R.; Peters, S.;Gagne, R. R.; Collman, J. P.; Spiro, T. G. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1978, 100, 6083. (30) Nakamoto,, K.; Nonaka, Y.; Ishiguro, T.; Urban, M. W.; Suzuki, M.; Kozuka, M.; Nishida, Y.; Kida, S.J. Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 3386. (31) We also used a liquid bath instead of a dry ice bath and obtained the same results in both cases.

J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 112, No. 9, 1990 3291

Raman Spectra of Ru(l1) and Fe(l1) Porphyrins











Figure 1. RR spectra (406.7-nmexcitation) of Ru(TPP)(O), obtained via the oxidation of Ru(TPP)(CO) with m-CPBA containing (A) '60'60, (B) k80180, (C) scr-0, (160160:160180'80'80 = l : l : i ) , and (D) mixed O2 (160'60180180 = l : l ) , in methylene chloride at -80 OC.

Figure 2. RR spectra (406.7-nm excitation) of Ru(TMP)(O), obtained via the oxidation of Ru(TMP)(CO) with m-CPBA containing (A) '60160, (B) IsO'80, (C) scr-02, and (D) mixed 02,in methylene chloride at -80 OC.

bands typical of Ru(TPP) at 823 and 887 cm-' and a strong band at 808 cm-I, which shifts to 764 cm-' when 180-labeled m-CPBA is employed (trace B). A similar experiment with an isotopically = 1:1:I) gives scrambled oxidant (scr-m-CPBA, 1602:'a0'801802 three distinct Raman bands at 808,774, and 764 cm-' (trace C). It should be noted that the intensity pattern of these three peaks in scr-mdoes not follow the mixing ratio of 1602/1aO'80/'802 CPBA used. Next, we oxidized Ru(TPP)(CO) with an equimolar mixture of the 'Q- and '802-labeled m-CPBA (mixed-m-CPBA) and obtained the RR spectrum shown in trace D. Even though no '60180-labeled m-CPBA was present in this case, the spectrum showed the same intensity pattern as that of trace C. These oxygen-isotope-sensitive bands become weaker as the solution is warmed and disappear completely at room temperature. Figure 2 shows the RR spectra of Ru(TMP)(O), obtained by the oxidation of Ru(TMP)(CO) with m-CPBA containing I6O2, and 160'80 peroxo bridges. The bands at 818 and 863 cm-l are due to porphyrin skeletal modes of Ru(TMP). The strong band at 8 1 1 cm-' (trace A) shifts to 765 cm-' when I8O2-labeled m-CPBA is used (trace B). Similar experiments with sa-m-CPBA (trace C) and mixed-m-CPBA (trace D) yield three oxygen-isotope-sensitive bands at 8 1 I , 774, and 765 cm-I, which remain for several hours even at room temperature. These results indicate that Ru(TMP)(O)~is much more stable than Ru(TPP)(O)~since the dioxo group of the former is protected by the mesityl groups around the porphyrin core. In fact, Ru(TMP)(O)~can be isolated as crystals and its IR spectrum measured at room temperature as shown in Figure 3. Traces A and B are the IR spectra of RU(TMP)(O)~obtained by using '60-labeled m-CPBA and I 8 0 labeled m-CPBA, respectively. It is seen that the strong band at 821 cm-' (trace A) is shifted to 785 cm-' (trace 9) by ['60/180]-m-CPBAisotope substitution. These spectra are in good agreement with that obtained by Groves and Quinn.Is Trace C shows the 1R spectrum of RU(TMP)(O)~,which was obtained by using scr-m-CPBA (1602:160180:'802 = 1 : l : l ) . It shows four

Table I. Observed and Calculated Frequencies of

DioxorutheniumWI) Porohvrin ComDlexes' u,(uI). cm-1 u&L cm-l obs calc obs calc TMP 160~~160 811 (R) 811 821 ( i R j 821 816 (IR) 817 1 6 0 R ~ ' 8 0 774 (R) 774 777 (IR) (R) 1 8 0 R ~ 1 8 0 765 (R) 765 785 (IR) 786 TPP 1 6 0 R ~ ' 6 0 808 (R) 811 I60Ru'*0 7 7 4 ( R ) 774 ' 8 0 R ~ ' 8 0 764 (R) 765 'Force constants: K(O=Ru=O), 5.54 mdyn/A; K'(interaction), 0.69 mdyn/A.

oxygen-isotope-sensitive bands at 821, 816, 785, and 777 cm-I, as expected for a mixture of the three linear moieties, (I60)Ru(I60) ( ', 6 0 ) R ~ ( 1 8 0 )and , ( 1 8 0 ) R ~ ( 1 8 0[see ) below (Table I)]. Normal Coordinate Calculation. In order to assign the oxygen-isotope-sensitive bands, normal coordinate calculations were carried out on the linear O = = R u = O moiety. In a linear XY2-type ) , v,(O=Ru=O) is Raman molecule ( ' 6 0 R ~ 1 6 01,8 0 R ~ ' 8 0 the active but not IR active, whereas v,(O=Ru=O) is IR active but not Raman active (mutual exclusion rule). However, both vibrations are IR as well as Raman active in a linear XYZ-type molecule ( 1 6 0 = R ~ = ' 8 0 ) . The stretching frequencies (vl and v3) of a linear XYZ-type molecule ( 1 6 0 = R ~ = ' 8 0 ) are given by32



+ ( K x y+ Kyz - 2 K 3 / M y 1 6 ~ 4 u l=z [Kx,Kyz ~~ - (K')2] (M,+ M y + M z ) / M x M y M z

4n2(Vl2 ~3') = K x y / M x K y z / M z

Here, K,, and Kyz are the stretching force constants of the X-Y ~


(32) Maki. A.: Decius, J. C. J . Chem. Phys. 1959, 31, 772.

Paeng and Nakamoto Stheme 11


0 I












I a QQ


















- bO-C a)


x c t

0.0 0.1




RUP a1



1 'I




II RuP +







t a L





observed in visible spectral5 since the life times of the reaction intermediates 11-IV are extremely short. The step 1-11 is the same 050 cm-' 7 5 0 as that proposed by Groves and W a t a ~ ~ a for b e ~the ~ oxidation of Figure 3. IR spectra of Ru(TMP)(O), obtained via the oxidation of Fe(TMP)(OH) with several oxidants including m-CPBA. As Ru(TMP)(CO) with m-CPBA containing (A) 1s0160, (B) I8OI8O,and shown above, the dioxo species, Ru(TMP)(O), and Ru(TPP)(O),, (C) scr-02. are formed via successive 0-0bond cleavage of the oxidant at low temperature. It should be pointed out, however, that the and Y-Z bonds, respectively, and K'is an interaction force conoxidation of ruthenium porphyrin with m-CPBA is different from stant between the X-Y and Y-Z stretching vibrations. M,,My, that of iron porphyrin; in the former, the metal center is reoxidized and M, are the masses of X, Y, and Z atoms, respectively. A to form a six-coordinate dioxo species while, in the latter, the linear XYX-type molecule ( 1aO=Ru=160 and 1 8 0 = R ~ = 1 8 0 ) porphyrin ring is oxidized to form a five-coordinate 7r cation is regarded as a special case where M, = M,,Kxy = Kyz = K. r a d i ~ a l : ~ . ~O=FeP'+, ~ which exhibits the u ( F e 4 ) at 802 cm-l Using K = 5.54 mdyn/A and K' = 0.69 mdyn/A, we calculated (767 cm-l for the I8O a n a l o g ~ e ) . ' ~ the O=Ru=O stretching frequencies of the three dioxo moieties. Next we consider the concentration ratio of the isotopic dioxo As seen in Table I, the agreement between the observed and species in the final product. In our experiments, we employed calculated frequencies is excellent. It is of particular interest to four different oxygen-labeled m-CPBA, which contained Hcompare the uI and u3 frequencies of 1 6 0 = R ~ = 1 8 0 with those 160-160-/ H-160-180-/ H-=I6O-/ H - W l 8 0 - C ( 0)-Ar of %=RU=~~O and lsO=R~=180. The u1 frequency of (Ar = m-CIC,H,), in a ratio of 1:x:x:l (x = 0 for l:O:l,x = I/2 I ~ ~ , R u = =[774 ~ ~(R), O 777 (IR) cm-l] is not the average of the for ]:]:I, and x = 1 for 1:2:1) (scr-m-CPBA). We can regard corresponding frequencies for 1 6 0 = R ~ = 1 6 0 (81 1 cm-') and H - W W - and H-*Was the same oxidant since only the 1 8 0 = R ~ = 1 8 0(765 cm-I). Similarly, the u3 frequency of %== Ru=180 (816 cm-I) is not the average of the corresponding oxygen bonded to the hydrogen (80)would bind to the ruthenium frequencies for I60.,,.Ru=I60 (821 cm-l) and %=Ru='80 (785 and to yield the ,0=Ru bond (111). Similarly, H-%-160cm-l). The u3 and uI of 1 s O = R ~ = 1 8 0 are close to V,,(~~O== H-*I80are regarded as the same oxidant. Thus, the ratio Ru=160) and us( 1 8 0 = R ~ = 1 8 0 ) ,respectively, since in a linear of the 1 6 0 = R ~ / 1 8 0 = R ~formed is (1 + x ) : ( l + x); Le., 1:1, XYZ-type molecule,33 u3 is largely due to u(Ru=I60) whereas regardless of the mixing ratio of [1a02/160180(180160)/1 u I is mainly due to U ( R U = ~ ~ O ) . m-CPBA. Since the same ratio holds for the second oxygen-laReaction Mechanism of Oxidation with m-CPBA.As seen in beled m-CPBA, the ratio of the final products (160==R~=160, at 774 cm-' is -2 times Figures 1 and 2, the u, of %=Ru='~O W = R U = ~ ~ O ,1 8 0 = R ~ = 1 6 0 , and ' * O = R U = ~ ~ O )should be stronger than the us of W==RU='~O at 765 cm-'. In the IR 1 :1:1 :1. Namely, the ratio of the dioxo species is always 1:2: 1. spectra shown in Figure 3, the u3 of 1 6 0 = R ~ = 1 8 0at 816 cm-I Trace C of Figure 3 also shows the IR intensity on the absorbance is much stronger than the u,, of % = = R u = ~ ~ O at 785 cm-I. scale, which is proportional to the concentration. As expected, Furthermore, we found that the same intensity patterns are obthe intensity ratio of the three bands at 821, 816, and 785 cm-I tained regardless of the mixing ratio of the I6O2-, lW80-, and is 1:2:1, The band at 821 cm-I appears stronger than expected 1802-labeledderivatives in scr-m-CPBA ( 1 :2: 1, 1:1 :1, and 1 :0:1, from the 1:2:1 ratio since it is partially overlapped by the T M P etc.) as long as the total concentrations of I 6 0 and I8O in the band a t 818 cm-I. The IR intensities of the bands at 816 ( 4 , mixture are the same (vide infra). These observations can be and 777 cm-l (uI)of V ( ~ ~ O = R U = ~ are ~ O not ) equal since the accounted for by assuming the reaction Scheme 11. asymmetric stretching character of the former makes it stronger First, the labeled eO-bO bond is cleaved in going from I1 to than the latter. 111. Since the leaving group competes with the second m-CPBA, Oxidation of Ru(TPP) with Dioxygen. The RR spectra of a which is more reactive than the leaving group, the latter attacks dry, degassed solution of "base-free" Ru(TPP) saturated with the vacant axial site on the ruthenium porphyrin (IV), resulting I-

1 u

(33) Herzberg, G. In Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules; D.Van Nostrand Co., Inc.: New York, 1945; p 174.

(34) Groves, J. T.; Watanabe, Y. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1986, 108, 7834. (35) Kincaid, J. R.; Schneider, A. J.; Paeng, K.-J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 1 1 1 , 735.

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Raman Spectra of Ru(l1) and Fe(l1) Porphyrins









40 'C





Figwe 4. RR spectra (406.7-nm excitation) of Ru(TPP) in toluene, which were saturated with 02.(A) I6O2, -80 O C ; (B) -40 O C ; (D) ' * 0 2 . -80 O C ; (E) '*02, -60 O C ; (F) ' * 0 2 , -40 OC.

dioxygen were measured at three different temperatures. Trace A of Figure 4 shows the RR spectrum of Ru(TPP) in toluene saturated with I6O2at -80 OC. The bands typical of Ru(TPP) are at 826 and 886 em-'. These frequencies are 3 cm-' higher and 1 cm-I lower, respectively, than those obtained in CH2CI2 solution (Figure I). At -80 OC, a band appears at 552 em-'. When the solution is warmed to -60 "C (trace B), this band becomes weaker and a new band appears at 8 1 1 cm-'as a shoulder on the porphyrin band at 826 cm-l. At -40 OC (trace C), the former disappears completely and the latter becomes stronger relative to the TPP band at 826 cm-I. The same trend is observed in a series of the spectra obtained with I8O2(traces D-F); at -80 OC, the band corresponding to the 552-cm-l band of trace A appears at 533 cm-I (trace D). At -60 OC, this band loses its intensity and a new band corresponding to the 81 1-cm-' band of trace B appears at 767 em-I (trace E). At -40 O C , the 533-cm-l band disappears while the 767-em-' feature becomes stronger (trace F). To examine the nature of these bands, we continued our study with scrambled dioxygen. Trace A of Figure 5 shows the RR spectrum of a toluene solution of Ru(TPP) saturated with scrambled oxygen (I6O2:160-180:'802 = 1:l:l) at -80 "C. It exhibits two oxygenisotope-sensitive bands of equal intensity at 552 and 533 em-', which can be assigned to the v,(Ru-160) and u,(Ru-I80) of the and its peroxo-bridged species (B), (TPP)Ru-"%PO-Ru(TPP), I8O2analogue, respectively. This assignment is based on the following observations: ( 1 ) These bands cannot be attributed to the v(Ru-0) of Ru(TPP)02 since such a "base-free" O2adduct is expected to be stable only in O2matrices" and rapidly oxidized to form (TPP)Ru-0-0-Ru(TPP) in toluene solution.22 Furisotopic shift (Au = 19 em-') thermore, the observed 1602/1802 is much smaller than that expected for the Ru-O diatomic vibrator (Av = 27 em-)). (2) These bands cannot be assigned to the v( Ru-O) of a six-coordinate dioxygen adduct, Ru(TPP)(py)02, impurity. which might have been produced from a RU(TPP)(PY)~ As will be shown later, this band is observed at 603 em-I for 1602 (36)Lewandowski, W.; Paeng, I. R.; Proniewicz, L. M.: Nakamoto, K., in preparation.

900 1602,

-60 OC; (C) l6O2,


A . toluene


C. t o l - d, -40°C






Figure 5. RR spectra (406.7-nm excitation) of Ru(TPP), which were saturated with scr-02 (1602:160"Q:i802 = 1 : I : l ) in (A) toluene, -80 O C ; (B) toluene-d,, -80 O C ; and (C) toluene-de, -40 O C .

(574 em-' for 1802) in toluene solution. (3) These bands cannot be assigned to the u,(Ru-0-Ru) of the r-oxo-type dimer since

Paeng and Nakamoto

3294 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 112, No. 9, 1990 such a vibration should appear near 366 cm-I where the v,(Fe0-Fe) of the p-oxo dimer, (TPP)Fe-O-Fe(TPP), is ~bserved.~' As seen in trace C of Figure 4, a new band appears at 81 1 cm-l substitution at -40 OC, which is shifted to 767 cm-l by 1602/180, (trace F). In order to determine whether this band is the u(Ru0) of the monoxo or the u , ( O = R u 4 ) of the dioxo species of Ru(TPP), similar experiments were carried out with scrambled dioxygen using toluene-d8 as the solvent. The resulting spectrum at -80 O C (trace B of Figure 5) shows that the toluene band at 787 cm-I is shifted to 718 cm-I in toluene-d8, and that the two observed in toluene bands at 552 (I6O2) and 533 cm-' (1802) solution are now obscured by the broad toluene-d, band at 543 cm-I. Upon warming the solution to -40 OC (trace C), however, three new bands emerge at 766, 776, and 81 1 cm-I, which completely disappear at room temperature. These three bands cannot be attributed to the u(Ru0) of the monoxo species, O=Ru(TPP), since only two bands are expected for the isotopically scrambled monoxo species. Furthermore, these bands cannot be assigned of the peroxo-bridged species (B) since such a species to the ~(0,) is expected to be unstable at -40 O C . Finally, the intensity ratio of these three bands does not match the concentration ratio of the isotopic dioxygens used (1 :I:]); the middle band at 776 cm-' is -2 times stronger than the band at 766 cm-'. In fact, these peaks show exactly the same intensity pattern as that of Ru(TPP)(O),, which was obtained previously via the reaction of Ru(TPP)CO with m-CPBA (Figure 1). Thus we assign these bands to the v,(O=Ru=O) of the dioxo species. The slight frequency shifts observed are attributable to the different solvents used in these experiments (CH2C12 vs toluene-d8). We assign a weak band at 780 cm-I in trace B of Figure 5 to the u(Ru180) of O=Ru(TPP) (C). Although the corresponding v(Ru160) band is not seen in trace A, it is probably hidden under the T P P band at 826 cm-l since an upward shift of 40 cm-I is isotopic substitution. We also prepared expected by 160/180 %=Ru(TPP-d,) to observe this vibration. However, the region between 750 and 850 cm-' was still obscured by two strong TPP-d, bands at 809 and 777 cm-I, which were shifted from 826 and 1079 cm-', respectively, by the deuteriation of TPP. As will,be shown later, the v(Rui60) of the monoxo complex was clearly observed at 820 cm-' in the case of Ru(0EP). The results described above suggest the following oxidation process: Ru(TPP) A

+0 2







At -80 OC, the unligated porphyrin (A) is oxidized to yield the peroxo-bridged species (B), which is in equilibrium with the monoxo species (C). Upon warming to -40 'C, the latter turns to the dioxo species (D). This process is slightly different from that suggested by Collman et al.18 (vide supra) in that, in a dry toluene solution, the dioxo species is formed instead of the hydroxy p-oxo dimer even for Ru(TPP). The fact that the u,(Ru-0) of the peroxo-bridged species, the u(Ru0) of the monoxo species and the u,(O=Ru=O) of the dioxo species were observed only by excitation in the 406-41 5-nm region suggests that all these modes are vibronically coupled with the Soret T-T* transition. Oxidation of Ru(0EP) with Dioxygen. Traces A and B of Figure 6 show the RR spectra of R u ( 0 E P ) in toluene-d8, which was saturated with I6O2and I8O2,respectively, at -80 O C . It is seen that a weak band at 820 cm-I (trace A) is shifted to 779 cm-l substitution (trace B). The observed isotopic shift by 1602/1802 (Au = 41 cm-I) is in good agreement with the calculated value (Au = 40 cm-I) for a diatomic R u 4 vibrator. Thus, we assign the bands at 820 and 779 cm-I to the u(Ru160) and u(Rui80) of the monoxo species, respectively. Similar experiments with a = I:]:]) gave two bands scrambled dioxygen (1602:160180:1802 at 820 and 779 cm-I (trace C), thus confirming our assignments. (37) Burke, J. M.; Kincaid. J. R.; Spiro, T. G. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1978, 100, 6077.






Figure 6. RR spectra (406.7-nm excitation) of Ru(0EP) in toluene-& which were saturated with O2 at -80 O C . (A) la02, (B) "02, (C) scr-0,. Table 11. Comparison of Oxygen Adducts of Fe(II)(TPP) and

RU(~I)(TPP)~ u(M-0) 402) ref Fe(TPP)(pip)02 575 (551) 1157 (1093) 1 Ru(TPP)(py)02 603 (574) 1103 (1041)b a Fe(TPP)O, 509 (487) 1 I95 (1 129) 4 Ru(TPP)OZ 1167 (1107)' a O=Fe( TPP) 845 (812) a O=Ru(TPP) 820 (780) a [WTPP)I202 577 (553) a [R4TPP)1202 552 (533) a "This work. *Reference 18. CReference36. dThe number in parentheses indicates the frequency of the l8O species.

Recently, Groves and AhnI7 measured the IR spectrum of 0Ru(TMP) via stoichiometric titration of Ru(TMP)(O), with triphenylphosphine under anaerobic conditions and assigned the bands at 823 and 782 cm-l to the v(Rui60) and u(Ru180) of the monoxo complex, respectively. Small differences in frequency (3 cm-I) between our R R and their IR f r e q ~ e n c i e s 'may ~ be attributed to the difference in the medium used. It should be noted that the oxidation of Ru(0EP) under the same conditions as that used for Ru(TPP) produces only the monoxo species; the peroxo-bridged species is unstable even at -80 OC. Bands assignable to the dioxo (-810 cm-I) and/or hydroxy p-oxo species (-360 cm-1)37were not observed upon warming, probably because these vibrations were not enhanced by the excitation at the 406-nm line of an Kr-ion laser, which is too far from its Soret band at 376 nm. Oxidation of Ru(TPP)(py), with Dioxygen. Traces A-C of Figure 7 show the low-frequency R R spectra of six-coordinate dioxygen adducts, Ru(TPP)(py)O,, which were obtained by saturating the toluene solution of R U ( T P P ) ( ~ Ywith ) ~ I6O2,I8O2, and scrambled dioxygen (I:]:]), respectively, at -80 O C . The band at 603 cm-I (trace A) is shifted to 574 cm-l by 1602/1802 isotopic

J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 112, No. 9, 1990 3295

Raman Spectra of Ru(l1) and Fe(l1) Porphyrins

in toluene

(D (D







0 2





Figure 7. RR spectra (406.7-nm excitation) of Ru(TPP)(py)02 in tol(C) ~ c r - 0 ~ . uene at -80 'C. (A) I6O2,(B) I8O2,

substitution (trace B). Furthermore, the scrambled dioxygen solution (trace C) exhibits two bands at 603 and 574 cm-I. The observed shift (Au = 29 an-') is in perfect agreement with the theoretical value (Au = 29 cm-I) expected for a diatomic Ru-0 vibrator. Thus, the bands a t 603 and 574 cm-I are assigned to the u(Ru-0) of Ru(TPP)(py)Oz and its I8O, analogue, respectively. Table I1 compares u(Oz)and u(M-0) of various oxygen adducts of Ru(TPP) with those of corresponding Fe(TPP) complexes. The u(Ru-0) of Ru(TPP)(py)O, (603 cm-I) is higher than the u ( F 4 ) of Fe(TPP)(pip)O, (575 cm-I).I9 On the other of Ru(C6-PBP)( 1 ,5-DCI)02 (PBP, picnic-basket hand, the ~(0,) porphyrin; 1J-DCI, 1,5-dicyclohexylimidazole)(1 103 cm-I)l8 is lower than that of Fe(TPP)(pip)O, (1 157 cm-I).I9 The same trend between Ru(TPP)02 (1 167 cm-1)3aand Feis seen in the ~(0,) (TPP)02 (1 195 cm-')! Since the Ru 4d orbital is extended further than the Fe 3d orbital, A back-donation2' from the metal to dioxygen is expected to be more effective in Ru than in Fe. This would decrease the ~(0,) and increase the u(M-0) in Ru porphyrins relative to Fe porphyrins. Although the u(Ru0) of O= Ru(TPP) and ~ ~ ( R u - 0of) [Ru(TPP)]~O,are lower than those of the corresponding Fe analogues, these frequencies still demonstrate the presence of the stronger K back-donation in the Ru than in the Fe complexes; if there were only mass effect, the u(Ru0) of these complexes would be 802 and 547 cm-I, respectively, which are lower than those observed (Table 11). Oxidation of Fe(TPP) with Dioxygen. In the previous communication,22 we reported the R R spectra of toluene solution of Fe(TMP) saturated with dioxygen, which contained a mixture of the peroxo-bridged dimer, (TMP)Fe-OO-Fe(TMP), and ferryltetramesitylporphyrin, (TMP)Fe=O. In this work, we carried out similar experiments with Fe(TPP) including the high-frequency region. Traces A and B of Figure 8 show the RR spectra of toluene solutions of Fe(TPP) saturated with the l6O2 and 1802, respectively, at - 4 0 "C. It is seen that the band at 577 cm-' shifts to 553 cm-' (trace B) by la02/1802 isotopic substitution. Although the former band is obscured by the strong 573-cm-l band, its presence can be confirmed by subtraction of trace B from trace A as shown in the inset. Previously, the band






Figure 8. RR spectra (low-frequency region) of the Fe(TPP) in toluene, which were saturated with 02.(A) I6O2,-80 O C ; (B) I8O2,-80 O C ; (C) "02,-40 O C ; (D)" 0 2 , 15 O C .

observed at 574 cm-l was assigned to the v,(Fe-O) of (TMP)Fe-O-O-Fe(TMP).22 Thus, it is reasonable to assign the bands at 577 and 553 cm-l to the ~ ~ ( F e - 0of ) the peroxo-bridged species, (TPP)Fe-160-'60-Fe(TPP) and its 180-'80 analogue, respectively. The band at 845 cm-I (trace A) is also shifted to 812 cm-* isotopic substitution. As shown previously, (trace B) by la0,/180, these bands can be assigned to the u(Fe0) of I6O=Fe(TPP) and its I80analogue, respectively, which are characteristic of fivecoordinate ferryl p o r p h y r i n ~ . 4 * ~Traces ~~J~E ~ ~D of Figure 8 show a series of spectral changes observed by raising the temperature of the toluene solution of Fe(TPP) oxidized with I8O2. As mentioned above, trace B represents a mixture of the peroxobridged dimer and the ferryl species. At -40 OC, the former is converted to O=Fe(TPP) (trace C). When the solution is warmed to 15 "C (trace D), both bands at 553 and 812 cm-I disappear completely and a new band appears at 366 cm-I. The latter band isotopic substitution, and has already shows no shift by 1602/180z been assigned to the v,(FeOFe) of the c(-oxo dimer, (TPP)Fe-OFe(TPP).37 Figure 9 shows a series of spectral changes obtained for a toluene solution of Fe(TPP) saturated with O2 in the high-frequency region. Traces A-E were obtained at - 4 0 , - 4 0 , -40, --20, and 15 O C , respectively. Recently, Spiro et and Chottard et ai." noted that FeTPP(L)(L')-type complexes have several structure-sensitive bands, which reflect the oxidation and spin states of the Fe center; the band at 1560 cm-l (u2, p) is



(38) Hashimoto, S.; Tatsuno, Y.; Kitagawa, T. In Proceedings ofrhe Tenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy; Petiwlas, W.L., Hudson, B., Eds.; University of Oregon: Eugene, OR, 1986; pp 1-28. (39)Stong, J. D.; Spiro, T. G.; Kubaska, R. J.; Shupack, S . 1. J . Raman Spectrosc. 1980, 9, 312. (40) Chottard, G.; Battioni, P.; Battioni, J.-P.; Lange, M.; Mansuy, D. inorg. Chem. 1982, 20, 1718. (41) Bajdor, K.; Oshio, H.; Nakamoto, K. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 7273.

Paeng and Nakamoto

3296 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 112, No. 9, 1990 FdTPP)

In toluene

+ O2

in toluene

at -8O'C

0 u)


f A . -8Ok

B . -60°C






C . -4OOC



400 (nm)

Figure 11. Raman excitation profiles obtained from a toluene solution of (TPP)Fe-l80-I80-Fe(TPP) at -80 OC. Table 111. Comparison of u(Fe-0) for Various Species u( Fe-0),

E . 15%



Figure 9. RR spectra (high-frequency region) of the Fe(TPP) in toluene, which were saturated with "02at (A) -80, (B) -60, (C) -40, (D) -20, and (E) 15 OC.



Fe(TPP) O2 in toluen at -0O'C






c Y






Figure 10. RR spectra of (TPP)Fe-'80-L80-Fe(TPP) with exciting lines at (A) 406, (B) 413, (C) 415, (D) 441, (E) 457, and (F) 476 nm, in toluene at -80 OC.


mainly spin-state sensitive and the band a t 1360 cm-l ( u 4 , p) is sensitive to both oxidation and spin state. At -80 O C , the solution consists of a mixture of the peroxo-bridged dimer and the ferryl species. There are two pairs of u4 and u2 that are

porphyrins . . _ [FdTMP)J2O2 IFe(TPP)l,O, [Fe(oEPjj2o; [ Fe(a4-TplvPP)1

temp. OC

cm-l Au. cm-l ref 574 (547) 27 22 24 u 577 (553) -80 576 i u o j 26 -80 570 (547) 23 u [ F e ( ~ i s - a ~ @ ~ - T ~ ~ ~ P P -80 ) 1 , 0 2 570 (547) 23 u 572 (550) 22 a [Fe(T(2,6-MeO),PP)],O2 -80 O=Fe(TPP) -60 845 (812) 33 u O=Fe(TMP) -60 845 (812) 33 22, 38 -60 845 (812) 33 u O=Fe(OEP) Fe(TPP)O, 25 K 509 (487) 22 4 Fe(OEP)O, 24 u 25 K SlO(486) 22 41 Fe( Pc)O, 15 K 488 (466) -80 568 (545) 23 u Fe(TMP)(pip)O, 24 19 Fe(TPP)(pip)o, -80 575 (551) 25 u FdOEP)(py)O, -80 573 (548) "This work. bAll work was done in toluene solution except for the five-coordinate oxygen adduct. The number in parentheses indicates the frequency of the I8O species. -80 -80

structure-sensitive; one pair is the bands at 1364 and 1556 cm-l and the other is those at 1369 and 1564 cm-I. These bands cannot be attributed to the unreacted Fe(II)(TPP)(intermediate spin) since the solution is saturated with dioxygen. Upon warming, the latter pair is weakened gradually and disappears a t high temperature. Therefore, we attribute the bands a t 1369 and 1564 cm-' to the ferryl porphyrin containing the low-spin and +4 oxidation state: The former pair at 1364 and 1556 cm-' observed a t low temperature (trace A) is assigned to the peroxo-bridged dimer, (TPP)Fe-O-O-Fe(TPP) containing the high-spin and +3 oxidation state. The bands a t 1363 and 1554 cm-' observed at 15 OC (trace E) are due to the p o x 0 dimer. Since the p-oxo dimer also contains the high-spin and +3 state,37 it is not possible to distinguish it from the peroxo-bridged species. As stated earlier, the ~ ~ ( F e - 0of ) (TPP)F-Fe(TPP) was resonance-enhanced by 406.7-nm excitation. To examine the excitation profile of this mode, we measured the RR spectra with excitation lines from 406.7 to 676.4 nm. Figure 10 shows the RR spectra obtained with excitation lines at 406,413, 415,441,457, and 476 nm. The spectra obtained with excitation above 476 nm are not shown because these lines yield no enhancement. Using the solvent band at 522 cm-' as the internal standard, we plotted the relative intensities of four vibrations vs the exciting wavelength

J . Am. Chem. SOC.1990, 112, 3297-3301

in Figure 1 I . It shows the excitation profiles of the bands at 553 [us(Fe-0)

of the peroxo-bridged species], 572 (out-of-plane porphyrin deformation), 639 (phenyl mode), and 888 cm-’ (inplane porphyrin deformation). It is seen that the intensities of these four bands maximize at 415-410 nm. Therefore, we conclude that the Soret *-** transition is responsible for resonance enhancement of the us( Fe-0) of the peroxo-bridged dimer. Oxidation of Other Iron Porphyrins. Similar experiments were carried out using several other porphyrins such as Fe(OEP), Fe(ru4-TplvPP)?Fe(cis-a2j32-TprvPP),and Fe(T(2,6-MeO),PP) in order to observe five-coordinate dioxygen adducts of the FeP02 type containing bulky porphyrins that might sterically hinder the formation of the peroxo-bridged species. In all cases, only the bands characteristic of the peroxo-bridged species were observed in solution at -80 O C and these solutions exhibited ferry1 bands


upon warming. In contrast to the N M R ~ t u d i e swe , ~ could not observe the Raman spectra of “base-free” O2 adducts of these porphyrins in toluene solution at -80 “C. This may be due to local heating caused by the laser beam. However, the Raman spectra of their O2adducts were observed in O2matrices at 15-30 K.3*4-M Table 111 lists the u(Fe-O)/v(FeO) of all the complexes thus far determined in our laboratory.

Acknowledgment. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Grant DMB-8613741). The Raman spectroscopic equipment used for this investigation was purchased with funds provided by a National Science Foundation grant (CHE841 3956). We thank Prof. J. R. Kincaid, Dr. L. M. Proniewicz, and Dr. R. Czernuszewicz (University of Houston) for their valuable comments.

Spin Polarization Conservation during Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer in Fluid Solution As Studied by Time-Resolved ESR Spectroscopy Kimio Akiyama,* Atsuko Kaneko, Sbozo Tero-Kubota, and Yusaku Ikegami Contribution from the Chemical Research Institute of Non-Aqueous Solutions, Tohoku University, Katahira 2- I - I, Sendai 980, Japan. Received September 5. 1989

Abstract: Electron spin polarization of pyridinyl radicals generated from the photosensitized dissociation of the dimers was studied. Addition of triplet sensitizer to the dimer solution induced drastic change in the CIDEP spectrum. Examinations of the dependence of spectral change on the TIstate energy level and the spin alignment in the TI sublevels of sensitizers lead to the conclusion that energy transfer between the pyridinyl dimer and the sensitizer occurred and that the spin polarization was conserved during the process. From a series of triplet donors, nonphosphorescent TIstates of two types of pyridinyl dimers were estimated to be 2.43 eV for the 2.2’-dimer of I-methyl-4-tert-butylpyridinyland 2.65 eV for the 4,4’-dimer of 1methylpyridinyl.

Time-resolved ESR (TRESR) method has played an important role in studying photochemical reaction mechanisms because the CIDEP spectra give information about the character of the excited state associated with the reaction as well as the radical intermediate with short lifetime.’ Recently, we first proposed the conservation of electron spin polarization during the triplet-triple (T-T) energy transfer in fluid solution,2 although the possibility had been demonstrated in single crystals% and glassy matrices.’* In our study, the dimer of the 1 ,Cdimethylpyridinyl radical (2) was used as the energy acceptor, since direct photochemical excitation induced homolytic cleavage from the SI state, showing a pure RPM (radical pair mechanism) with A/E (absorptive/emissive) polarization in the ESR spectrum of the produced radical.IO Addition of triplet sensitizers, such ( I ) For a recent review, see: Trifunac, A. D.; Lawler, R. G.; Bartles, D. M.; Thurnauer, M. C. Prog. React. K i m . 1986,14,43, and references therein. (2) Akiyama, K.; Tero-Kubota, S.;Ikcgami, Y.; Ikenoue, T. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106,8322. (3) El-Sayed, M. A.; Tinti, D. S.;Yte, E. M. 1.Chem. Phys. 1969, 51, 5721. (4) Clarke, R. H. Chem. Phys. Le??.1970, 6. 413. (5) Scharnoff, M.; Hurbe, E. B. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1971, 27, 576. (6) Kim, S.S.;Weissman, S. I. Reo. Chem. Intermed. 1979, 3, 107. (7) Weir, D.; Wan, J. K. S.J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1984,106,427. Wan, J. K S.;Dobkowski. J.; Turro, N. J. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1986, 131. 129. Wan, J. K. S.Elecrronic Mugnetic Resonance, Weil, J. A., Ed.;Canadian Chemical Society: Ottawa, Canada, 1987; 599. (8) Imamura, T.; Onitsuka, 0.;Murai, H.; Obi, K. J. Phys. Chem. 1984, 88,4028. lmamura, T.: Onitsuka, 0.;Obi, K. J. Phys. Chem. 1986,90,6741. Obi, K.; Imamura, T. Rev. Chem. Intermed. 1986. 7, 225. (9) Murai, H.; Yamamoto, Y.; I’Haya, Y. J. Chem. Phys. Lerr. 1986,129,



(IO) Akiyama, K.; Tcro-Kubota, S.;Ikenoue, T.; Ikegami, Y. Chem. Lerr. 1984, 903.

0002-7863/90/ 151 2-3297$02.50/0

as 2-acetonaphthone and benzophenone, to the dimer solution caused a significant change of the CIDEP spectrum from A/E to all E polarization. In these sensitizers, the intersystem crossing (ISC) occurs preferentially to the highest triplet sublevel in the TI state with a high quantum yield. It was found that the occurrence of the polarization transfer depends on the energy level of TI state of the sensitizer. These results provide us a new field in the application of the CIDEP method to determine the TI state energy level in fluid solution. In the present study, we examine the T-T energy transfer in detail using a series of sensitizers as the donor and the dimers of 1-methylpyridinyl (1) and I-methyl-4-tert-butylpyridinyl(3) radicals as the acceptor. These radicals each couple at 2- and 4-positions to form dimers, and the equilibrium between the radical and dimers tends overwhelmingly toward the dimers in the dark. The structure of the dimers depends on the bulkiness of the substituent at the 4-position of the pyridine ring. According to ‘H N M R measurements, the solution of 3 contains dl- and meso-2,2’-dimers (5)l’ and, for 2, there are four kinds of isomers, dl- and meso-, 2,2’-, 2,4’ and 4,4’-dimers. Only the 4,4’-dimer was observed for the solution of 1. The ‘H N M R spectrum of the 4,4’-dimer (4) of 1 showed lines at 6H values of 2.76 (6 H, NCHp), 2.83 (2 H, 4.4’-H), 4.23 (4 H, 3,3’; 5,5’-H), and 5.79 (4 H, 2,2’;6,6’-H) in CD3CN with the Me4Si standard at 6 0.00. AI1 these dimers are photosensitive and generate the corresponding monomeric radicals from the SI states.IOJ1Positions of coupling in dimer formation have also been ( I I ) Akiyama, K.; Ishii, T.; Tero-Kubota, S.;Ikegami, Y. Bull. Chem.Soc. Jpn. 1985,58, 3535. Akiyama, K.; Tero-Kubota, S.; Ikcgami, Y.; Ikenoue, T. J . Phys. Chem. 1985, 89. 339.

0 1990 American Chemical Society