Response to comments on" Deactivation kinetics of toluene

It is a little unfortunate that the temperatures shown in. Table V of our original paper (Bharati and Bhatia, 1987) are in ascending order, whereas th...
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I n d . E n g . Chem. Res. 1989,28, 1922


Response to Comments on “Deactivation Kinetics of Toluene Disproportionation over Hydrogen Mordenite Catalyst” Sir: We do not agree with the comments that our final results are reported in an obscure and inconsistent way. It is a little unfortunate that the temperatures shown in Table V of our original paper (Bharati and Bhatia, 1987) are in ascending order, whereas they should have been in descending order. The corrected Table V is given here. The relations between the constants of the deactivation rate equation and temperatures are

kd = 55 ex,(




Table V. Kinetic Constants for the Deactivation Reaction T,K k d , h-’ KT*,atm-’ 723 698 673 648

1.873 f 0.1315 1.848 f 0.13 1.629 f 0.202 1.545 f 0.155

0.072 f 0.0053 0.111 f 0.0091 0.091 f 0.011 0.158 f 0.016

We are grateful to Dr. Beltrame for pointing out our error in Table V, which resulted in confusion and misunderstanding. Registry No. Toluene, 108-88-3.

Literature Cited KT*


= 7.9 X low5exp( 4924


Bharati, S. P.; Bhatia, S. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1987,26, 1854. Corrella, J.; Asua, J. M. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Deu. 1982,21, 55-61.

The report value of deactivation energy, 4.70 kcallmol, is correct, and its physical basis has been already discussed in Corrella and Asua (1982). The kinetic model proposed in our paper is based upon experimental kinetic data and results that we believe are correct.

Subhash Bhatia

Department of Chemical Engineering I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e of Technology K a n p u r 208016, India

ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS A Novel Fused Metal Anode Solid Electrolyte Fuel Cell for Direct Coal Gasification: A Steady-State Model [Volume 28, Number 9, page 14141. Ioannis V. Yentekakis, Pablo G. Debenedetti,* and Bruno Costa Page 1418. The second sentence of the Results and Discussion section should read as follows: The variables that were found to affect reactor performance more significantly were anodic oxygen feed and external load. Page 1421. The sentence starting 12 lines after eq 20 should read as follows: The maximum in power output with respect to Rex,on the other hand, follows trivially from writing p = PR,J A,, and the monotonically decreasing behavior of i with respect to Rex. Page 1422. The equality on the second line following eq A-10 should read K = K gf K&c. Page 1422. The equality on the second line following eq 4 should read K, = Kgf KO.