Reversible Reactions - The Journal of Physical Chemistry (ACS

Publication Date: January 1899. Cite this:J. Phys. Chem. 3, 1, 41-45. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to increas...
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E T J O H S ~V.~1111EI.L

In a paper b!, TYalker and Hamblj-' 011 the conversion of amnioniiiiii cj-anate into iirea the!. state that it is capable of cay. inathematical proof t h a t i n a rc:,t-i.sibIc nionoiiiolecular reaction the form of tlie differential equation i 5 the same as in the case of a reactioii rnniiing to the eiid in oiie direction, tlie difference being that tlie eynilibriuni point is used instead of the original active mass. I n the ordinar\- noii:enclatiire instead of the dx d-r foriiiiila = k(-\ - .I-) the formula to be used is - = k I (E -.L- 1. dt dt TYa.lker and Hanibl!. do not shon- the relatioilship betneen k :ind ki hiit merely by integration obtain the equation I

log ~=-const, E

- -1'

Thcv foiiiid that in the case in hand the valiies obtained were not constant and the\- therefore proceeded to calciilate the constaiit 011 the basis of the reactioii being bimolecidar, siiiipl\. reiiiarkiiig neglecting as in tlie previous case tlie slow re\-er;t. action 1 1 ~ taking . tlie value of the eiid poiiit as tlie original actil-e ' /

iiiass n.c find the espressioii





is iiideecl constant ".


In another paper I have gi\-en a inatlieniatical proof of tlie first statemelit xliicli liolcls stricti!. no matter where tlie poiiit o f ec~iiilibriuinmay be, hut in eiiclea\-oriiig in the same n-a? to confirin the formula for a reverse liiiiolecular reaction I foniid that I could riot do so. In tr!.iiig to discover in what iiiaiiner Tl-allicr and Haiiihl!- arriI-ecl a t their coiicliision the following mode uf treating the subject occurred to me. Xssuiiiiiig that the eyiiatioiis suggested are correct. let iis

find n-hat conditions must he fnlfillecl. niolecnlar reaction the equation is

For a reversible iiioiio-

where kI arid k2 are the reaction velocities in the two directions. But according to the assumption dx

-& = lz,



where [ is the equilibrium point a i d k- is some constant so far unknown. lye have therefore

8,( A - . x )


Izp = /+-(E - x)

or k,X


k , x - k,x


Equate coefficients of like pon-er of





and we have

K I A = k J and k , -r k,= k , .

It reniaiiis to be seeii xvliether these equations are consistent ancl for this purpose we may make use of the relation between k I a d bo obtained from the conditions of equilibrium where

,ince at equilibriiun the rate of change is zero. gives h,-\ = (k,- /$>)E

T h i s eqaation

which exactly coincides with the value obtained from the t n o equations of condition. It fo1lon.s therefore that in tliii case our aisumption is completelj. justifiable. I n the simplest case of a reversible bimolecular reaction we ha\ e d-I


k, ( A


x)? X'p? ~


according to oiir assumption.


k,A ?- 2 k , X x - k,x' - k,x? = &E'



+ k,x?

\\-hence by equating coefficients of like power of x rE. A? =:k,l',2k,,l = 2k,[ and fz, - k , = k.,.

From the first of these eyiiatioiis of condition I2 2



-1 =


E' aiidfroiii x2

T h i s can be true only when E = iii h \vhicli case the reaction n-ill riiii to tlie end, and when f - = o in \vhich case tlie reaction n-ill not go on a t all. It ~voiildappear from the paper by TT-alker and Xpplej-aid' that. n-liile the change from aiiiiiioiiiiiin cyanate into urea is coilsidered bimolecular the reT-erseaction is taken as nionomolecular. T h i s assiiiiies that

the second


= -,


;it = k , (.\





:= k ,

( E -x ) '

froiu n-hich by expanding and equating as before the equations of conditioii are k,X' = k E'. ? k , . l -7 k , 2k,E. k , = L' 3 ' From tlie first and third of these equations =: *I2 ; therefore = -4. T h e negative \ - d u e is meaningless ; the positive 1-alue as in the other case means that the reaction runs to tlie end and is not rex-ersible. ,liter I liacl worked out the problem as above, I foiiiid that Ostn-ald* has gone into the matter ver>-fully and for a reverse iiionoinolecular reaction gives tlie equation f 2

H e n-orks out C in teriiis of k I , K 2 , and A) and shows incidentall> \vit+iontlaying stress upon the point that this last espressioii i i eqiial to E. T lie reL-ersible bimolecular equation

ma!. be tlirovii into another form which n-ill show to what e s I

Jour, Cheni. SOC.67, ;j3 j rS96). 2, 2 j I ant1 ff irS9;).

' Lelirhuch 11,

tent JTalker and Hambl !-were wrong in their assumption. Expanding and arranging the powers of x

as may be pro\-ed by putting

and solying the equation R If -2 a then kI - Rtlz= kl( I -- a) and the equation he-


comes dX



__ ( I I--a



a,) ( z -

x ~

I --a

a )

( 1 - 1


----.x 1311 a

Since tlie conditions of the experiineiit necessitate that E shall A be positil-e arid not greater tliaii -1the value E == ___- is the 1 7 1 .


only possible one under tlie circumstances. T h i s is the value designated E2. Nevertheless the 1-alue E, is calculable and inlist be taken into acconiit. T h e equation of TTalker and Hambly


was - = k ( s - E,'. where they regard k a5 a constant n-ithont dt showing its relation to the \ elocity coefficients. T h i s form coincide, with the one above onl: when f I : f 2 ?in which case it is easilj seen they are both equal to that is the reaction is not a re.\ ersible one. Ostn-aldKarrives a t a formula which differs froiii that which I have worked out in that he has omitted tlie factor ( I - a). H e quotes from Gnldberg and TTaager2 bnt in modif? iiig their form has left out tlie factor named. Integrating tlie expression

Using ordinar\- logarithnis we have

T h e following table shows the constant obtaiiied by IValker and Hambly's calculation and that worked out according to the preceding formula

45 72

4.4 6.j


18.j 16.4

0.00528 O.OOj49

Lehrhuch 11,2, 2j6. Jour, prakt. Cherri. [ 2 ] 19, S I (1S79 I.


