Review of American Chemical Research.
manganese, intended for use as a dryer for oils, is usually a very impure article, Manganese borate, formed by precipitating the chloride with borax, loses boric acid when washed. T h e remaining residue rapidly oxidizes in the air. To prevent oxidation an excess of borax is sometimes used and the product is not washed. Other manufacturers decolorize the washed and oxidized product by the addition of sodium sulphite or some other substance. T h e authors analyzed the washed precipitate obtained from manganese sulphate and borax and found 2 0 to 25 per cent. less B,O, than the formula MnB,O, demands. The compound MnB,07.jH,O was obtained as a rose-colored amorphous mass by adding boric acid to the washed precipitate and allowing the mixture to evaporate spontaneously. T h e salt loses 2H,O at 120’. H.N. MCCOY.
MINERALOGICAL AND GEOLOGICAL CHEnISTRY. Babingtonite from Sornerville, Mass. 2. Babingtonite from Athol, Mass. BY C. PALACHE A N D F. R. FKAPRIE. Proc. A m . Acad. Arts Sa’. , 38, 383-393.. Two plates.-Although long ago recorded from Somerville. this is the first description of the mineral &om that locality. The doubt hitherto obtaining as to the identity of the Athol mineral with babingtonite is now removed by more exact crystallographic measurements than were before possible.. T h e Soinerville mineral has by Fraprie’s aiialysis the following composition, showing less manganese and much more aluminum than the average: SiO,, 52. j j ; TiO,, 0.18 ; A1,0,, 5.27 ; Fe,O,, 7.49 ; FeO, I r . o j ; MnO, 1.94 ; CaO, 20.36 ; MgO, 0.46 ; (K,Xa),O, 0 . 2 2 ; Loss (H,O), 0.29 ; Total, 99.jI. T h e ratio is RO, : R,O,: RO as 8.86 : r : 5.67, and the formula deduced is (Ca,Fe,Mn)SiO,.( F e , A l ) 2 ( S i 0 3 ) 3with , the two molecules present in about the proportion j 8 , 4to I . A t Somerville the babingtonite occurs in veins and pockets in a dyke of diabase. T h e corninon associates are : Prehnite, quartz, epidote, pyrite, chlorite, feldspar, and calcite, with laumontite, stilbite, chabazite, melanolite, and chalcodite also reported. At Athol the mineral is found implanted on dark green epidote coating a fragment of chloritic gneiss. W. F. HILLEBRAND. The Genetic Classification of Ore-Bodies.-A Proposal and a Discussion. Ezg. and Miiz. ,I.,75, 2j6-258. February 14, 1go3.-This is a most interesting rPsum6 of a portion of the proceedings at a recent meeting of the Geological Society of America H. Weed presented a tentative’ge(January 14, 1903). Mr. UT. netic classification of ore-bodies, in which great importance was attached to the direct effect of magmas, not only in supplying heat, water, and gases, but the metalliferous contents of the deposits as well. T h e great majority of ore-bodies owe their existence either directly or indirectly to igneous intrusions. This I.
MineraZogicaZ alia‘ GeoZogicaZ CAemistry.
paper brought out a keen discussion and a second genetic classification was presented by Mr. J. E. Spurr. in which also a large r6le was ascribed to igneous magmas. I n the space a t disposal it is impossible to do any sort of justice to the discussion or to indicate the features of the systems proposed. T h e medium of publication is accessible to most readers, however, and those interested are strongly urged to consult it. W. F. HILLEBRAND. Report of the State Bureau of Mines, Colorado, for the Years 1901-1902.BY HARRY A. LEE. 3 I O pages; map. -The chapters of this report supply information as to the geology, topography, vein formation, ore deposition, location, and commercial importance of the various counties. T h e analyses are almost entirely of mineral waters, mostly old, but some apparently of recent date and perhaps not accessible in standard publications. W. F. HILLEBRAND. On the Chemical Composition of Axinite. BY W. E. FORD, Am. J . SLY., 15, 195-201.-New analyses of carefully selected material have removed the doubt hitherto existing as to the true formula for this mineral. It was found that only by repeated fusions with sodium carbonate, and with addition of quartz-powder before the first fusion, could all the boron be extracted so as to be recoverable by the Rosenbladt-Gooch method. I n the reviewer’s opinion this perhaps explains the unsatisfactory results obtained in former years with other complex silicates containing boron, T h e analyses, somewhat condensed, are : I. Bourg D’Oisans.
Average of three.
SiO, ...... 42.78 B,O, ...... 6.12 Al,Os.. 17.67 0.99 Fe,OB FeO. 6.02 2.99 MnO CaO 20.16 MgO 2.41 H,O. ...... 1.40
..... ...... ......
....... ......
Spec. grav.
Obira. Japan.
41.80 5.61 17.15 1.11
2.84 10.71 19.51 0.21 1.22
100.54 3.287
100.16 3.028
8.00 0.97 1.99
0.92 1.99 7.00
T h e ratio of silica to boric oxide is in each analysis simple and constant, hence probably the latter does not replace silica. Only by regarding the water as the equivalent of monoxide bases are interpretable ratios obtainable, and then they are very sharp. T h e y lead t o the orthosilicate formula R”,R”’,B(SiO,),, in which R” is chiefly Ca, with varying amounts of M n , Fe, Mg, and H,, while R”’ is mainly A1 with a little Fe. Rammelsberg’s analysis of axinite from Bourg D’Oisans fits this formula, and so do those of Genth on material from Franklin, N. J . , after substitution of
Review of Anzertcd)z Chemzcal R c s e a d .
correct water values for the old faulty ones, Whitfield's analyses are probably defective by reason of failure to extract all the boron. I n a note at the close of the article are described the two types of crystals from the new Japanese locality, Obira, in the 11'. F. HILLEBKASD. Province of Bungo. Note on the Amphibole Hudsonite Previously Called a Pyroxene. BY S. WEIDMAS. A m . J . Sci., 15, 227-232.-The mineral hudsonite, classed for sixty years with the pyroxenes, is now shown to be an amphibole by reason of its optical properties and cleavage angles. An analysis by J . L. Selson and 11'. W. Daniells is as follows : SiO,, 36.86 ; TiO,, 1.04 ; -41203,1 2 . I O ; Fe,O,, 7.41 ; FeO, 23.35 ; MnO, 0.77 ; CaO, 10.59; MgO, 1.90; Xa,O, 3.20 ; K,O, 1 . 2 0 ; H,O at I I O ' , 0.70 : H,O at red heat, 0.60 ; total, 99.72. From this it appears that the mineral corresponds rather with barkevikite. hastingsite, and similar alkali amphiboles than with the common ones. W.F.HILLEBRXSD. Recent Geologic Work in Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties. BY H. P. CCSHISG. 20th R e p . State Geologist, pp. r23-r82. Plates and map. (From 54th .4nn. R e p . N e w York State ikfzzls.).-From a study of the age and relationships of t h e augite syenite, mainly in the vicinity of Tupper Lake, the following conclusions are reached : ' ' I . That the Adirondack anorthosite is cut intrusively by an augite syenite which is therefore younger. 2. T h a t , while the larger part of the augite syenite of the Adirondacks is in such situation with respect to the anorthosite as to render impossible any determinations of relative age, its geiieral character is so uniform throughout that it is exceedingiy probable that it is all of the same approximate age and consists of intrusives from the same source. 3. That at their borders these syenites pass oyer into granites, part of which, at least, cut the syenite eruptively and are therefore younger. 4. T h a t t h e syenite grades into granite on the one hand and into gabbro diorite on the other, and apparently into anorthosite as well. j . That the three together, anorthosite, syenite, and granite, form a great eruptive complex i n the heart of the Adirondack region, and that all are younger than the ( i n part at least) sedimentary Grenville rocks. " X considerable number of analyses illustrate the descriptions of the rocks, several of which, by E. 1%'. Morley, appear in print for the first time. W. F. HILLEBRAND. Precambrian Outlier at Little Falls, Herkimer County. BY H. P. CUSHING. aofh R e p . State Geologist, pp. r83-1-102 (from 54th Aniz. R e p , New Yovk State Mus. ) .--The crystalline exposures at this place, long regarded as gneiss, anorthosite, etc., and only recently recognized as syenite, are here for the first time adequately described and shown to be an acid quartz syenite affiliated with the monzonite group. W .F. HILLEBRAND.
Mineralogical and Geolofical Chemistry.
The Quarry Industry in Southeastern New York. BY EDc. ECKEL.20th Rep. state Geologist,pp. r141-rx76. Plates and map. (From 54th.4nn. Rep. New YorkState Mus.).-This report contains a number of analyses, none of them new, collected from various sources. W. F. HILLEBRAND. Recent Developments in the Gypsum Industry in New York State. BY ARTHURL. PARSONS.20th Re), State Geologist, pp. rr77-r183 (from54th Ann. Re). New York State Mus.). W. F. HILLEBRAND. The llesabi Iron-Baring District of Minnesota. BY CHARLES KENNETHLEITH. U. S. Geol. Survey Monograph, 43, 316 pp.; maps and plates.-To the chemist, Chapter IX of this comprehensive report will be of greatest interest, treating, as it does, of the origin of the ores. T h e ores are shown to develop mainly from the alteration, under surface conditions, of green ferrous silicate granules, as first pointed out by Spurr. T h e green granules, however, instead of being glauconite, as maintained by Spurr, are believed, from their lack of potash, to be of different nature, and have been given the name greenalite. Their development is believed to be analogous to that of the iron carbonates of other parts of the Lake Superior Region. That is, the iron was carried to the Upper Huronian ocean in solution, probably as carbonate, was precipitated as ferric hydrate, was buried with the vegetable material and reduced to the protoxide form, and was then combined with silica to form ferrous silicate. I n the Gogebic district, where silica was not present in so great abundance, the protoxide combined for the most part with carbon dioxide to form iron carbonate. T h e shapes of the granules map be due to replacement of minute shells, such as those depositing glauconite or those giving shape to the granules of much of the Clinton ore.” I t is thus apparent that the theory advanced by Murray and Renard (Challenger Reports, Deep-sea Deposits) for the development of modern glauconite deposits cannot apply without much modification to the deposits in question. I t may be added that the lack of potash is not the only ground for regarding the granules as different from glauconite. T h e secondary concentration of the ore into deposits consisted essentially in the oxidation of the iron and the segregation of the iron and silica. A t present ‘‘ waters flowing through the altered portions of the formations are concentrating ore by the solution and abstraction of silica, but little iron being carried in solution.” T h e report contains many analyses, mainly from the laboratory of the Geological Survey, and there is a table of analyses of known glauconites. W. F. HILLEBRAND. WIN
I ‘
The Chemistry of Ore-Deposition. BY WALTERP. JENNEY. Trans. A m . Inst. Min. Eng. (New Haven Meeting, October,
Review of America?z Chemzml h’eseai ch
~ g o z )Author’s , Edition, 54 pp.-The paper makes a strong presentation of evidence showing the powerful influence of carbon and carbon compounds in the formation of metallic and sulphide ore deposits, especially where these are found in limestones or dolomites impregnated with carbonaceous matter, or i n sandstones or other formations associated with coal or hydrocarbons. In certain fields ( a s the lead and zinc regions of Southwestern Missouri ) the author’s investigations hsve shown ’ ’ that t h e solid oxygenated hydrocarbons, particularly when in. fine powder and in suspension in the water circulating through the ore bodies, are the most energetic and powerful reducing agents known.” Hence it is fair to conclude that they may haT-e e x erted similar effects elsewhere where their presence is manifest in the ore-carrying strata. Even the gaseous hydrocarbons were probably very active under the coiiditions accompanying and following their formation from bitumens and coals during igneous intrusion. Theoretical equations are given for the reduction of oxidized metallic salts by 3 variety of natural Carbonaceous bodies. There is also a table showing the relative reducing power of several of these and of a large number of native minerals, based on a scale of Hydrogen = I O O a3 the most effective of all, from which it appears that all forms of carbonaceous matter f a r exceed in theoretical reducing power a n y one of the minerals. The relative order of the principal deoxidizing agents is : I , bitumen ; 2 , bituminous coal and carbonaceous shale ; 3> marcasite and pyrite ; 4, blende ; 5 , galena. Ferrous sulphate stands next to the bottom of the list notwithstanding its known great influence i n effecting both reduction and oxidation. “This low quantitative value is in many instances more than offset by the large amount of ferrous sulphate continuously supplied by the progressive oxidation of the pyrite i n the ore deposits.” W.F. HILLEBRAKD.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Analysis of Crude Sulphur. BY FRANK B. CARPENTER. J . SOC. Chem. Ind.. 21, 832.-In some crude Mexican sulphur only a part of the sulphur was soluble in carbon bisulphide and the ignition method could not be used on account of the presence of calcium sulphate containing water of crystallization. As this water was gradually given off at 100’ C. the moisture was determined by drying in a vacuum over sulphuric acid. T h e substance was then boiled with dilute hydrochloric acid, filtered in a Gooch crucible, dried and weighed. This removed the calcium sulphate ; the sulphur in the residue was found to be readily soluble in carbon bisulphide. B. $. CCSHMAN. On Screens Transparent Only to Ultra-Violet Light and Their Use in Spectrum Photography. BY R. \V.I\~ooD. PhiZ. I