REVIEWS 1v. D. 8

siblee, critical di'e.rfs of all,/ourizal ai-tides that hcav upoiz nizy phase of Pllj'siral. Che?itistqr. Cr.? The elimination of thermometric...
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REVIEWS The objpci q j i h i s dcpartirzeizt ofthe~/ot~v7iaI is l o issue, as pro?ttptlj, a s Po,-.siblee,critical di'e.rfs of all,/ourizal ai-tides that hcav upoiz nizy phase of Pllj'siral Che?itistqr. Cr.? The elimination of thermometric lag and accidental loss of heat in calorimetry. 7.. 11'. K'ic.hards) I-, f.Hciiiit~r:roii n n d G. LY Forbes. Bot.. Atii. A m d . , 41, 3 ; Zeii. phj,s. Chct/L., 52, j _ s i I i p o j ) . - I t is shown that tlie Reckniann thertliometer does not follow the heat clianges iii calorinietric work with sufficient rapiciity. To eliminate this and to cut off losses 1)y radiation, the aiitliors eiiclose the calorimeter it] a jacket which is kept always a t the sanie teniperature as t h e liquid in t h e calorimeter. It seems to the reviewer that the use of a Dewar bull^ as a calorimeter might have some advantages. n'hile the authors have devised an interesting and accurate irietliod, they do uot give TVaternian's niethod quite its proper due. D. 8.


The relative value of calorimetric methods. /. ;r/,o?iisc?i. B i t . p h j , $ . Chew. 53, 314 ipo_s).-.4 further criticism of some of Berthelot's data (Cf. 9 , 7 1 1 ) . 16'. D. R. Calorimetric measurements of heats of combustion. If'. Jaekrer (z?zdH. 71. .Stei?iwc/ir. &if. phys. Cheiiz, 53, '-53 (19oj).--A description of tlie niethod of calibrating t h e Rertlielot honib. TI'. u , B ,

On the velocity of sound in very small tubes. P.. A . Schztlze. Dridde's .4m. 13, 1060 (1904 #.-The Quincke interference tubes were used with glass, rubber, and brass tubes froni I to I ' trdlinieters bore. X tuning fork or a ti11 whistle supplied the source of sound. A n accuracy of about z percent was attained. The velocity was found to range from 1S9 meters per second to 2 9 0 . Dry air free from CO, was used iti the experiments and t h e nature of the tube was found to exert a marked influence. H. T. B. O~ze-Coi)zpoi~eiit Sysieiii~ Deduction of some familiar formulas from a general equation of state. G. i J t Z I 7 Lterso?t,/ I - . Zeit. phj'.~. Cheiiz., 53, 633 ('905).-.4 discussion of the special forniulas comiiig under the general equation F( p , i', T,a,b , C ) .= 0 where the form of t h e function is t h e same for all substances, while t z , b aild c are rxiutually independent constants, varying with each substance. ?V, D.6. Amorphous sulphur. 11. '-1. Suzith, lf'. E . Holmes tzizi/ E . S. Hall. Zeil. phys. C/zeiu. 52, 602 (1905i.--Reviewed ( 9 , j9j) from Jour. Am. Chem. SOC. 27, 797 (1905). IV. D .B.



On the vapor pressure of water a t high temperatures. C.DieiciYci. ZlrrLde',y Axn.. 15, 860 (1904 .-The author (leduces a l o p r i t l i i n i c cspressioii for tlie pressure as a function of t h e teiiiperature \r.hicli is similar to tlie forrnula of van tler \vaals deduced from tlie theory of correspoiiding states. It is shown tliat the equatioii represents well the esperiniental results u p to the critical ternperature. H. T n. Investigations of critical density. G. Tci~Yrue/.. / I r / / d c ' . ~l l ~ r i z . 13, 59,(1904).--The autlior studies the ideiitity of liqtiid and vapor arouricl tlie ct-itical point, t h e liquid used being carbon tetrachloride. Tlie temperature was fouiid to be very variable at which it coulti he saitl that t h e difference in density 110 longer existed. -4 nurnber of beatls of varying density were placed iii the tube containing t h e liquid, arid formed t h e basis of ohservatioii. It is slio\vii that greater variations in tlensity occur than coultl he accounted lor by unequal terriperature distribution it1 t h e tuhe. H e suggests that the explanation may be I-/. 7 : E . found in the Kinetic Theory. Remark on the critical temperature of water and mercury. J , 7i.tzube nicd G. '/'eic;i2itrr. /lr//dc'.T A n i / . , 13, 620 (/904 i.--\\-ater w a s enclosed in a quartz tube a n d heated. Tlie tiieniscus \vas iouiicl to tlisapppar rit 374" and to reappear at the same point. Similar esperitiients ij-itli rtiercnry i n a closed tube gave less positive results, hut the critical point was fouiitl to he nrouiid rooo0.



Investigations of the critical heat of vaporization. ic/ruci2, /)J'//tfe'.T Aizii. 13, 611 ( i 9 0 /).--The autlicr determines the total heat required to raise a quantity of ether contained in a closet1 tulje from 1'; up to anti above the critical temperature. T h e plotted curves iiitersect at 1 9 4 ~ . Calorimetric rneasureH , T. I?. rnents were niade of tlie heat. The calorimetric measurements of liquid oxygen and nitrogen. FZ. A i f . /I)j,r~d(,'sAuu,, 13, i o / o (/p+).--Tlie heat of vapoi-izatioii ant1 the specific lieat of both liquid 0, aiitl liq~iidS, are deterinined. Tlie first b y heating with an electric spiral anti t h e secontl after allowing for t h e rate of lieat absorption from t h e outside by suddenly changing from a low pressure to atiiioiplieric pressure, and measuring tlie heat iiecessary to britig the liqiiid u p to the temperature corresponding to tlie higher pressure. It is fouiid that the lieat of vaporization of 0, changes rapidly with the teniperature. 111 the case of K, it is a linear function of tlie temperature, h u t not so with 0,. The specific heat of O L between -203' and --iSj" is fount1 to he 0.347 z 0.014 ant1 for S, between H . T.B. -zoP and -196", 0.430 = 0 . 0 ~ 8 . Compressibility of gases between one atmosphere and half an atmosphere pressure. L o i z i /?ay/cv,o-/z. &if. phjjs. C/ii,iii.,52, 705 ( / y o 5 ),-This paper covers the same groutid as t h e precediiig { 8, 13;. I but gives more details. From density determinations under diminished pressure tlie following atomic weights are If'. D. B. deduced : hydrogen, r.ooS6;carbon, 12.003; nitrogeti, 14.003.

TzL - Coiirpoize711 S j ~fe s 112s 80

Alloys of magnesium with tin and lead. -\-,.C. A'rf/7ic7ko7o nird 1%'.f.Strpo/ L O W . Zeit. n r ~ o , ~ Chem., . 46, 177 (190.j).-'rhe anthors suggest tlie adoptioii of



t h e tertii wetnllide to describr t h e well-defined intermetallic compounds, and t h u s come out with terms plumbide, niercuride, cupride. Ry combination, oiie obtains tricuprostibnide arid potassium dimercuride, or inversely, antinionytricnpride or diniercury potasside. Consideriiig the magnesium compounds with lead and tin as derivatives of the MH,, where M represents either tin or lead, t h e authors find dimagiiesiunistaniiitfe and dimagnesiumplumbide. This nonienclature may be desirable, or i t may not. I t ranks with t h e use of specific names for the hydrated salts, and vihile there is n o objection to it, there is no very great advantage in the names suggested. The freezing-point ciirves were determined for mixtures of tin with magnesium and lead with magnesium, and were found to consist each of four branches. The addition of magnesium to tin lowers tlie freezing-point in accordance with t h e van't Hoff forrnula, thus indicating the absence of solid solutions. a fact which is borne out by the presence of eutectic over this branch of the curve. T h e atomic depression found was 3.0 f 0.1, thus agreeing very closely with the theoretical value of 3.0. Similarly, the addition of magnesium to lead lowers t h e freezing-point, but in this case the atomic depression is 4 . 4 instead of 6.5 calculated 1)y t h e formula. Biit the presence of the eutectic in these concentrations shows that this variation from t h e calculated value is not due to solid solutions. I t is to be noted that in one case the theory applies and in the other i t does not, the conclusions being identical iii both cases. There i s a maximum i n t h e curve for tin and magnesium located a t t h e coniposition AIg,Sn. temperature being 795. T h e two eutectics for this series lie at 8.5 atomic percents of n~agnesiurn- - 2 0 3 . 5 O , and at SS atomic percents of tnagnesiun~- 5 8 0 ~ . T h e rnaximum in tlie lead magnesium series is a t Rlg,Pb, 550°, the two eutectics being I j.73 atomic percents - z j j o and 80 atomic percents - 4 7 5 O . The diniagnesiun~stannideis a steel gray color, sliowing octahedral cleavage of which the angles were found to be i o o 33'. The density of this compound is 3.59r. Thehardiiessis 3 . 5 , being thus considerably greater than that of either of the components. hloist air decomposes both of these compounds and most of the alloys, yielding in the one case metallic tin and magnesium hydroxide, and in the other case a mixture of basic magnesiuni and lead hydroxides, apparently the same product as that found by Grube. Twelve photomicrographs accompany t h e paper and the authors agree with Grube that the melting-point of magnesium is at 6joo instead of 6 3 5 O . E . S.S. Tellurium-bismuth alloys. K. dlfodwneye?,. Zeit. anorg. Chein., 46, 41.; ( ~ g o j ) . - T h e author finds a maxinium in the curve indicating the conipouncl Bi,Te,. The meltingpoint of this compound is j73°, over IOOO above the melting-poiiit of either of t h e components. T h e eutectic between bisniuth and the compound lies a t 99 percent and 261'. The eutectic between the compound and tellurium lies at 13.9 percent bismuth aiid 388". The melting-point of the tellurium used was 428'. There s e e m to be no evidence of the forniation oi solid solutions. T h e sections were etched with dilute nitric acid and with copper a n ~ m o n i u &chloride. E . s.


Manganese-iron alloys. .V. Leuin a d C . Ttrinrn.rrtn. Z e i f . (znarg. Cheiii,, 47, r36 (1905).-1t

was fouiid necessary to exainine these alloys in an atmos-

phere of hydrogen, and n o particular accuracy is claimed for the work, a certain amount Of change of composition being unavoidable. The freezing-point curve determined is more or less continuous froni that of manganese t o that of iron. I t possesses a marked inflection, but the authors are of the opinion that the components form a complete series of isomorphous mixtures at high ternperatures. The curve given is corrected, using t h e Tammann interpolation formula coerecting for superheating and supercooling, and for reasons indicated in a previous review, can be regarded as only approximate. I t was found that there was a marked difference i n the appearance of the alloys when quenched from high temperatures and when allowed to cool slowly. No attempt was made t o determine the equilibrium diagram and the paper goes little further t h a n to show that the components melt together in all proportions, a n d t h a t the freezing-point curve indicates a contiiiuous series of solid solutions. E. S. S. The phenomena which occur in a binary mixture when the plait-curve meets the solubility curve. A . Sirtiks. Zeit. #/ZJJS. Cheirt., 52, 587 (190j).--Tliis paper contains the quantitative data in detail for the equilibrium between anthraquinone and ether (8, I 3 7 ) , D. 0 .


On the change in volume taking place in phase-changes of binary mixtures. R. H011~m~z.Dvzm‘e’s Atttt., 13, 325 (1904).--It is shown t h a t the volume change for binary mixtures can be expressed by a differential equation which is represented qualitatively by a mixture of Na,(Cr,S)O,.IoXq. From the volume and entropy relations for change of phase in these mixtures a critical point in H. T B. the change from crystal to liquid does not exist.

A remark to the paper by Hollman on the change in volume by the phasechange in binary mixtures. s.Schaibe. Drude’s Atza., 13, 1076 (1904j.--The author shows that the mathematical treatment of the subject by Hollman (see preceding review) is unnecessarily complicated, and proceeds to show a simpler H. T. R. method of treatment.

On colloid solutions. C. Benedicks. Zeik. phys. Chewi., 52, 733 (1905).When martensite breaks down into pearlite, there is an intermediate structure to which the rianie of troostite has been given. The author suggests considering troostite as a colloidal solution. The mere fact that it is not a colloidal soD.B. lutioti does not trouble him in the slightest.


A modification of the van? Hoff theory of the lowering of the freezing-point. 53, 213 (igog).-The author shows that t h e heat of subliniation of ice and therefore the heat of fusion are not independent of the temperature. H e introduces a correction for this in the formula for the I&‘. D. R. molecular lowering of the freezing-point.

/. R. Goebel. Zeik. #/zJ,s.Chevi..

Lecture experiments to show solid solutions. E . /7erkrmznn. &if, p h y s . Chem., 53, ~ j (c/9oj).-Solutions of iodine in benzene a n d i n #-xylene are allowed to freeze and are then placed in a centrifugal machine. The solid b-xylene conies out nearly colorless while the solid benzene is dark red. W. D. B.

On the influence of temperature and pressure on the absorption and diffusion of hydrogen through palladium. G. ilr, S. Srhtrridt. D?-ucz‘e’s A?z?z.,13, 747



( , p 4 ) . - I t is found that above rqo", the absorption increases with the pressure and diniinishes with t h e temperature. The diffusion increases both with the pressure and temperature. Under 1 4 0 O the results are irregular. A large nuniH . T. B. ber of tables and curves are given. Iron and chromiumnitrides. E . Baztvaizd G. L . lfoevmzn. Zeit. phys. Chem., 52, 46; [1905).-Ko nitride of iron, Fe,N, could be fornied even by passing the nitrogen under fourteen atmospheres pressure over heated iron. KO definite dissociation pressure could be obtained for the nitride of chromium because there seemed to be a time factor. There is also some reason t o believe that chroniium and chroniiuni nitride form solid solutions. n'hile chromium nitride is an excellent catalytic agent for the deconiposition of ammonia, i t appears not to accelerate the reverse reaction in the slightest. This is of course difficult to understand if one insists that a catalytic 11'. D. B. agent cannot displace the equilibriunl. The application of the vapor-heating method for determining molecular weights at high temperature. E . Heckrriartz. ZeiL. phj,s. Cheir~.,53, 13; ( /gOg).-The author finds that vapor heating gives too high values of the boiling-point with low boiling liquids and too low values with high boiling liquids. H e claims that the method of direct heating with a flame gives the niost accurate results. 'l'liis would be more convincing if i t were not for 1I.. D. I?. Beckniann's failure to notice work which controverts this. Determination of molecular weights in concentrated boiling sulphuric acid. modification of the faniiliar 1,oiling-point app-iratus is described, which makes determinations possible with concentrated sulphuric acid as solvent. Assuming that boric and arsenious anhyrlri(1es are to be represented by the forniulas B,O, and As,O, respectively,the author obtains a constant of j 3 . j while 5 8 . 2 is the value calculated from the heat of vaporization. 3Iolybdanic ;anhydride gives values of the niolecular weight corresponding to the formula 3Io,O:,. Sodium a n d potassiurri pyrosulphates gave values agreeing with the forniula weights. With sodium and potassium sulphates t h e observed molecular weights were lower than t h e forniula weights, while ivith potassium bisulphate they were niuch higher. T h e author attempts to explain both variations by assuming the formation oi pyrosulphatcs.

E . Reckrrzarz. Zeit. phys. Cheirt., 53, 129 (1905).--A

W. D.B. The propekties of mixtures of nitric and sulphuric acids. *g. Sa#osrh?rikozc~. zz5 k1905j. ---This paper contains data on the vaporpressures and vapor compositions of niixtiires of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.40) with sulphuric acid, and also data on the effect of slight additions of water. From these resiilts and from those in the preceding papers (9, 339, 7 1 7 ) it is clear that addition of sulphuric acid is necessary when nitrating substances in ortler to prevent a lowering of the vapor.pressure of the nitric acid by the water formed during the reaction. N'. D.R.

%eit. phys. Cheiir., 53,

Studies on aqueous solutions of aliphatic acids. K. Dr-uckev. Zeit. p h j , ~ . C ' / l c . ~ t . .5 2 , 6g/ ( 190j).-Tlle author has tleterniiiied the conductivity, the surface tension, the specific volunie, and the coinpressibility for aqueous solutions of



aliphatic acids. H e then calculates t h e true and the apparent critical data, and also the internal pressure. T h e discussion of t h e results led to nothing interesting. W. D.B. Hydration, color and the formation of complexes. F. G. Doiziznn. Zeit. fihys. Chcm., 5 3 , 3 z 7 (19oj).-The author criticizes the papers of Lewis (9,717) and of Joiies and Bassett (9,715) as not representing the scientific knowledge of H e points out that the work of Werner, of Abegg and Bodliinder, of Kohlschiitter, and of Fox, Bassett and Ijawson has been overlooked. n.B.


A2 ZL lti- Cottifloize?it Sj*stenis Reciprocalsalt pairs. IV. 1P' :Veymhofei*. Zeit. phys. Clzenz., 53,513 ( ( 9 0 5 ) . -ht all temperatures barium carbonate anti potassium sulphate are the stable pair. I t is shown that the ratio of potassium sulphate to potassium carbonate in the solution is not constant a n d that the conclusions of Gultlberg and 1Vaage wereniatle possible only by an unconscious weeding o u t of all contradictory data, b y not liaving alloived the solutioiis to reach equilibrium, aiitl by an inaccurate method of analysis. The experiments of Duloiig, Rose, Debus and others are discussed iri detail. I t was noticed that freshly-precipitated barium sulphate has a texnporary power of absorbing potassium sulphate. IY. D . b'. -

Solubility relations for analogous double salts. J. Kdppel, Zeit. plzys. Cheiu., 5 2 , 3S5 ( 1 9 0 5 ) .---Solubility determiiiations were made for the double salts of sodiurn sulphate with the sulphates of cobalt, nickel, iron, zinc, cadmium and magnesium. T h e discussion of general relations does not seem to t h e W . D. B. reviewer to have led to any practical results. Inversion relations of polymorphous substances. H. Steiizitzetz. Zeil. phys. Chem., 52, 449 (19oj).--The author has determined inversion-points for sodium magnesium uranyl acetate and isopropyl ammonium platinic chloride utider W. D.R. different pressures. Absorption of carbon dioxide by aqueous salt solutions and mixtures of two liquids. A. Chvistof. Zeit. phys. Chew., 5 3 , 3 2 z (1905).-\Vhen carbon dioxide is more soluble in a mixture of two liquids than in either of the liquids, there is also a minimurn surface-tension for some mixture. The n ~ i n i t n u m surface-tension as measured and the uiaximuni solubility d o not coiiicide. IYlien no chemical reaction can take place, carbon dioxide is less soluble in a salt solution than in water. n l i e n a salt solution absorbs more carbon dioxide thau pure water, the amount is not enough to change the whole of the salt It/. D. B . into bicarbonate. The physical chemistry of the toxine-antitoxine reaction with special reference to the neutralization of lysine by antilpsine. J . A . C m ~ c%~F i,t . ,hi/ ]'.I. C/iei/c., 52, j69 { i p o j ) , -The lysine i n tlie filtrate from cultures of E ~ z ~ ~ i U m eu~. ~ ~ c z i 2'ill)Z he~ is a fairly stable substance ivhicli resembles soiiiewliat the tetanus lysine and the diphtheria toxiiie. This lysine diffuses through gelatine while the antilysine does not. Free lysine or free antilgsiiie could he shown to occur in solutions containing an excess of the other. lvhen antilysine is present in escess, t h e reaction appears to be reversible to some extent, though false equilibriuni



seems to occur when lysine is present in excess, Since t h e equilibrium relations vary with t h e absolute concentration t h e author coiicludes that t h e views of .lrrheiiius and Madsen are incorrect. He looks upon t h e removal of lysine by LV, D.R. aiitilysine as analogous t o a n absorption phenonienon. Preparation of silicic acids by decomposing natural silicates. G. Tsclter-ma&. Zeit. p h ~ s Chela., . 53,349 (19oj).--The author has decomposed a number of silicates with hydrochloric acid a n d has analyzed t h e resulting silicic acids. He helieves t h a t h e has obtained t h e following acids already : H,SiO,, H,SiO,, H,Si,06. H,Si,O, and H,Si30j. 111 this way tlie author expects t o deterriiine t h e constitution of the natural silicates ; but he does not discuss t h e sources of W. D.B. error as iriuch as one could wish.

Os f i rotic Pvessii re a ?id D i’i


Diffusion coefficients in relation t o the concentration determined. by means of bent light rays. F. Neiiizh/~)dl.D m d e ’ s Ani/..13, 1023 (~go.+).-The coefficient of free diffusion is deterniined to 0.42 percent, which is much better thaii previous results. Litiear relations are shown for the change of diffusion coeficieiit tvitli colicelitration, a decrease for NaCl aiid urea and an increase with HC1 in t h e case of rising concentration. Il’itli glycerol t h e coeficieiit falls rapidly H. 7: B. with strong concentrations.


A . Huntev. Zeit. phys. The rate of decomposition of nitrous oxide. Cheitc., 53, 44r (1905).--The rate of &conipositioti of nitrous oxide at 7r3’-8gg0 shows that the reaction is of the second order, according to t h e equation zX2O = 2X2 - 0,. Presence of water vapor does n o t change t h e rate. T h e density was determined iu a very ingenious way by placing a glass bulb, filled with air a n d drawn out t o a capillary, on a knife edge atid noting the displacemetit of the capillary pointer, W . D . B. Reaction velocities at low temperatures. f.Plolitikow. Zeit. pliys. Chem., 53, 605 ( ~ 9 0 5 )-The . reaction between ethylene and bromine in petroleum ether as solvent is of the secoiid order a t temperatures betxeen -78” and -iooo. The course of the reaction mas followed by iioting the concentration in volunie. ‘The temperature coefficient per IOO is 6 . 2 . Ethylene from different murces appeared t o react with very different rates ; but this was not followed out. T h e unfortuiiate result of this IS that the temperature coefficient was determined froiii experiniriits in which t h e reactiou velocity constant was only about oneteiitli what i t was i i i t h e experiiiieiits to determine what t h e order was. 117. n.R. Heterogeneous catalytic reactions. -117. flodrnsfciii nizd F. O h ~ i n c ~&if. . 53, 166 ( ~ g o j ) . - - I t was found that t h e reaction lietweeii carbon 1iio:iosiile airtl osygen is accelerated by quartz ani1 that carljoii iiiuiioxide apparently acts a s a negative catalyzer. checking its own conibustion. This last effect is so marked that t h e reaction velocitv varies inversely proportioiially to tlie concentration of carbon nionoxide. TT’hile this is very interesting, it would seeiii to make concliisioiis based on reactioii velocity experiments even more uiisatisfactory than they usually are. E’. D.B.

p i i j ’ ~ .Clicrti.,




The platinum catalysis of hydrogen peroxide as a diffusion phenomenon. G. Zeit. phjls. Chenz., 5 2 , 736 (1905).--"It is shown t h a t t h e variations from the simple logarithmic formula, in t h e catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by colloidal platinum, are probably due t o disturbances caused bv convection currents. I t is also shown tnat an increased convection cannot h a v e niuch effect on t h e reaction velocity when t h e velocity constant as calciilated from Nernst's diffusion hypothesis is large in coniparison with t h e chemical velocity constant. " W . U . B. .S;.72tet-.

E~ect'vo~iiotii~~ Forces The theory of reversible galvanic cells. A. Deaizof, /lyude'.Y A E ~ L 13,, 193 ('904) .--Starting with thewell-known equation of Helniholtz t h e author tlevelops what h e calls ail electrocheniical scale of absolute temperature. I t is shown that for a reversible cell t h e ratio of t h e electrical energy and heat developer1 a t t h e zero of t h e conventional scale to the teniperature coefficients is constant. Also t h a t t h e ratio of t h e differences of t h e same to t h e thermwf coefficients is constant, and t h e ratio of t h e electrical to the thermal coefficients is constant. Values for the various coristants can be olitained by a comparisori of t h e scale with t h e thermodynamic scale. H. 7.. B' Effect of solvent on the equilibrium constant. L. F'issarjm~skj, t z i z d Leirrcke. Zeil. l)hd?s. C/zevt , 5 2 , 479 I /yoj).-The author finds that t h e equilihriuni zKCl + Hg2S0, '=", Hg,CI, K2S0, depeiids on t h e iiature of t h e solvent. Electromotive force n~easurenientswere made with water, water plus alcohol, and water plus glycerol a s solvents. F o r 0.01 IZ solutions the electroniotive force was 0.305 volt in aqueous glycerol solution, 0 . 3 0 ~ volt in aqueous alcohol, and 0.298 volt in water. T h e authors find extraordiiiary fluctuations with changing concentration for the viscosity of sodium chloride dissolved in variotw solvents. I t is scarcely prohahle that these viscosity determinations can represent anything more than experimental error. W. 11.B . L\',


The elimination of the potential difference between two dilute aqueous solutions by means of a concentrated potassium chloride solution. /+'ert-uir~, &if, phys. Chem., 53, qrS (1905).--The author argues that the introduction of a concentrated potassium chloride solution between any two aqueoas solutiolis eliminates t h e potential difference. I t is difficult t o see how this can he t h e case and the author's proof of it is not coniincing. n.R. A\s,


Comment on Fischer's paper


On the chemical transference of potentials."

R. Lzilher. Z e i f . phys. Chrm., 5 2 ,

626 i/pog).--It is pointed out that most of Fischer's conclusions (9,721 ) had been pithlished in ~gorby t h e author.

w.D. B.

On the electrocapillary movements and a current in an open cell. J . HiL/z'lze?*. / I / w f e ' s ATZTZ., 13, 827 (/gtr,tj.-It is found t h a t mercury falling in drops through a column of water containing an electrolyte causes a difference of potential between upper and lower levels sufficient t o cause a current in an external circuit. T h e phenomenon is investigated very carefully. T h e size of the potential difference is of the order of one hundredth of a volt. H . 7: I j .



.eif. The theory of the residual current. LV. ,Vernst mil E . S. ~ ’ I I e r ~ i a v IZ phys. Chem., 53, 235 (Igoj\.--The residual current was studied, using one large stationary electrode and one sniall one which was rotated rapidly. IVith a good depolarizer the problem becomes siniply one of diffusion. \\’hen the depolarizer reacts slowly, the residual current beconies less and the effect of t h e It/. D.B . rate of stirring decreases. Comparison of the platinum thermometer with the normal thermometer between 4 4 4 O and - 1 9 0 ~ C. M . 1V. 7 i m e l - s a d A . G. C. GiLyer. Zeit. plgv. Cheuz., 52, 437 ( ~ p o j ) . - T h e relation between the resistance therniorneter a n d t h e gas thertuonieter can be expressed satisfactorily by a parabolic equation between - 1 9 0 ~ and oo ; but it is not the same formula which expresses the relation between o and 444’, the value for b being 1.90 in the first case and 1.50 in It/. u. 1 :. the second. S e i t h e r formula can be used for extrapolation. Effect of alternating currents on the mean potential of electrodes. P.G. G u n d r y . Zezt. p h y ~ .Chetr~.,53, 177 ( ~ ~ o j ) . - T h author e has studied the effect of an alternating current on one large and one sniall niercury electrode. Two phenomena niay be observed. Owing to the asyninletry of the polarization there may be an apparent dilution i n t h e neighborhood of the large electrode. If part of the cathodic current is carried by hydrogen there may be an actual increase i n the concentration of niercury as ion near the large electrode. When no complex salts are formed, the second phenomenon masks the first. With coniplex salts the secoiid phenomenon does not occur and t h e first can then be readily detected. n.B. An automatic potential regulator. -4. W’. Gray. Zl~zide’sA s ~ i . ,1 5 , 602 i 1904).--X device for autcimatically regulating potentials with an influence machine from 5000 volts up. I t is to be used in place of the point discharge. N. 7: 11, Electrolysis and Elecfrolytic Dissocinliotr


Ionic sizes in relation to the conductivity of eiectrolytes. W. R. Rousfield. Z e i f . pliy.7. Chein., 53, 257 (~go,-).-The author points out that all the niodifications of the dilution law heconie possible if we assume hydrated ions and hydrated and polj-merized undissociated salts. lt’hile this is quite true, i t does not follow at all that this is tlie true explanation. I n order to satisfy all the requirements the author postulates the existence of NaOH.20H20 in solution at oo and a higher degree of hydration at 4oo. The reasoning throughout the paper is very ingeiiious and tlie article is well worth reading. To the reviewer it seems a triumph of formalism. OF what real use is it to calculate values which we k n o w to he wrong? Until n e h a r e some method of determining the percentage dissociation of a strong electrolyte, i t is rather a waste of time to speculate as to t h e form of the dilution law. It’. D.B. Conductivity and dielectric constant of some substances below and in the critical condition. P. Ei.crsheim. 1)utrde’s A t i z . , 13, 492 [ 1 q 1 4 ) . --Resistancetemperature curves for animotiia, sulphur dioxide, and a solution of copper nitrate in ammonia were taken. Three curves in each case were plotted : one for the liquid continuously shaken ; one for the liquid laver quiet; and one for t h e vapor layer.



Similar results for the dielectric constant are obtained for H,S, for chlorine and for ether. No abrupt break occurs in the curves a t the critical temperature,

H. T. B. D i e l e c t k i t y mrd Optics The influence of cathode rays on solid dielectrics. A . Berker. Dmde’.r A n n . , 13,394 (~pa.,t).-From the author’s previous work it was shown that a dielectric under the influence of radium rays showed a slight increase of con, ducting power. I n the present paper the effect of cathode rays is tried, which seems to show somewhat siniilar results. T h e effects are very small and soniewhat uncertain. Paraffin formed t h e inner layer of a small condenser in metal plates, one of which is aluminium. H. T. B. Research on electrolytic wave detection. v. Rot/zvzu?zd and A.Lessiiig. careful study is made of the decomposition cell with a thin platinum point as electrode to be used as a detection for elec. tric waves. An electrolyte of dilute sulphuric acid was used. The effect of the waves i s to increase the current through the cell and diniinish the potential of polarization, The effect is equally good with the platinum point as anode or cathode and is not connected with a distinct chemical change. The sensitiveness increases with the polarizability of t h e electrode point. The explanation offered by t h e author is that t h e effect of the waves is oue of depolarization. 7: 1:. On the application of the electrolytic detecter in bridge measurements. W’, ,Vermt nizd E von Lerrh. Dnrde’s Ann.. 15, S36 (Iyr/4).-The detecter consists of two platinum electrodes in dilute sulphuric acid or caustic potash. One of t h e electrodesis very small, niade from 0.02 mni wire. A polarizing current of 2 volts is used. .kccurate results cat1 be obtained with high frequency currents using a telephone or galvanonieter. H . 7: R.

. , 193 (190q).-.i ZYvzrde’s A N I Zr5,


The positive electrons and the existence of higher atomic weights. W. Jb’ieti, an explanation of t h e author’s previous results showing the existence of positive electrons with differing specific charges, J . Stark offered his theory that only electrons of one specific charge exist, but the variable results were due to the neutralizing influences of combining nega., tive electrons. T h e author finds, however, after careful tests, that this theory is untenable. On the view of higher atomic weights he finds t h e value of E/m as high as H . T 1). 15.5,which corresponds to a rnolecular weight of 650.

Drude’s Ann., ‘3, 669 (1904).-.4s

On the radio-active emanation in water and oil springs. F. Hittzstedi. Duude’s A~zn..13,573 ( ~ p o ~ ) . - T h i sis a very complete study o f t h e occurrence of a n emanation ill nature. I t appears to be identical with the radium enianation. H . 7”. h’. On the action of the canal rays on aluminum and zinc oxide. G. C. Schiizid/, Dviin‘e’s Antz., 13, 622 (~go+).--Tliis is a reply to a criticism of the author‘s previous work by J . Tafel. I t is found that aluminium and zinc oxides in ahsolute purity d o not fluoresce but only if they contain other oxides as a solid solution. Tafel maintained that the fluorescence was due to a physical changr H. T. N. occasioned by local pressure.



Ozonization by the silent electric discharge. E . Wai*burg. nvude's A?zn., 13, 464 (19oj).-The ozone is produced by the discharge in a current of oxygen and is estimated by passing i t into a standard solution of sodium arsenate. T h e quantity of ozone formed by one coulonib from a metal point was deterniiiied using different earthed electrodes. I t was found that the quantity was independent of the electrodes. Positive electrification gave the best results. I t was shown that the ozone can be ascribed only to chemical action of the ultra-violet or to cathode rays and not to a n electrolytic action. H . T.B.

On the ozonization of oxygen by the silent electric discharge. A. ?V. Gm?. l>vnde'sAxn., 13, 477 ( 1 9 0 4 ) , - A study is made of the amount of ozone produced per coulonib of electricity in a Siemens' tube. The quantity w a s found to be independent of the potential difference between thecoatings of the jar and probably also of the strength of the current. T h e most economical production is when the potential is j u s t great enough to cause a discharge to pass. N.7: 13.

On spontaneousdeozonizing. E . ll~~zvbu?.g..I l m d e ' s A n n . , -The

13, TOSO (1904

author corrects a11 arithmetical mistake in a previous paper.

N.7.. N

On the formation of helium from the radium emanation. F. Niiiisiedt ntid G. .T[eye?,. 11i.itde's -Jtztz,, 15, 194 (z904.-'