Reviews-Action of hydrogen on antimony sulphide - The Journal of

Reviews-Action of hydrogen on antimony sulphide. H Pelabon. J. Phys. Chem. , 1901, 5 (2), pp 149–149. DOI: 10.1021/j150029a622. Publication Date: Ja...
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versible transformation are above oo ; starting from 2 7 . 1 2 percent of nickel, the transformation point for cooling lies below oo,the value for 29.94 percent nickel lying below, - 7 8 O . At 25.84 percent nickel, there occur poiiits both of reversible a11d of irreversible transformation, tlie teniperatnre at which the reversible change takes place rising with increasing percentage of nickel. 1V. D. B.

Solubility of benzophenone. E. De17 z'eii. c o m j f e s i-endzs, 130,;zr (1900). W. D. B - Isolated solubility determinations in ahout twenty solvents.

On the liquefaction of mixtures of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. 1". C a i ~ b r t . C O I I E / Arendrts, ~S 130, S A ' (1900). - The author has determilied the boiling-point and dew-point curtes for a number of mixtures of carbon dioxide and sulpliur dioxide. A11 mixtures show retrograde condensation. 117. D. B.

Po&- Coi~ijonenfS ~ ~ s f e i n s Action of hydrogen on antimony sulphide. 27.PJlabon. Coi~~flfesi.endus, 130, 911 (1900).-The author has studied the reaction Sb,S, 3H, 2Sb 7 311,s. At 440" both the antiniony and the sulphide are solid and the ratio of the two gases is found to be independent of the absolnte amouyt of the two solid pliases. At 610" the snlphide of atltitnotiy is liquid a n d dissolves tlie metallic antimony. The ratio of the gases varies with the amount of antimony until so mucli is added that antimony separates as solid phase. IV. D. B.


Solubility of a mixture of salts having a common ion. C. tower^. Coiitpfes reidus, 130, 90S,zzzz (1900).-The autlior lias detertnined isotherms for potassiuni nitrate and chloride, for potassium nitrate a n d bromide, and for potassiam chloride and bromide in aqueous solutions. Equivalent quantities of potassium cliloride a n d of potassiuni bromide have exactly the same effect on the solubility of the potassium nitrate. Potassiuni bromide and chloride give one continuous curve instead of tv,o intersectiiig curves. T h e autlior is perfectly clear as to the theoretical significance of this. llf. D. B, ' Note on partially miscible aqueous inorganic solutions. J . S. N e z d h . J o u ~Chein. . SOL.77,; ;7 (1900 ) - Saturated potassium carbonate and strong aqueous atnnioiiia form two liquid la) ers, aiid the temperatures at which these phases heconie identical vary with the aniount of water present. bv. D. B.

Chemical reactions produced in a solution ; vapor-pressure of the solvent. 130, ;Sz i~goo). --h cyclical proof to show that, at constant pressure and teniperatnre, a reversible reaction alwaj s increases tlie vapor-prewire of the solvent. provided the solvent takes 110 part in the reaction, Tliis is interesting, of course, but one cannot help wondering wlietlier it woulcl hold true for the clialige of paraldeliyde into acetaldehyde, for instance, or for the reaction between alcohol and acetic acid in benzene solution. I t is very easy to overlook things even i n the simplest thermodynamic proof. W . D.B.

A.POZFO~. Coirz.bPfes mndus,

Limited chemical reactions in homogeqeous systems. A.Ponsol. Comjtes ~ . e n d ~130, ~ s , $29 (1900).- The author shows that the equilibrium in a hornogeiieoiis gaseous mixture is independent of tlie nature arid concentration of snbstances not entering into the reaction. H e also claims that, at equilibrium, the