Reviews-Cadmium standard cells - The Journal of Physical Chemistry

Chem. , 1901, 5 (1), pp 83–83. DOI: 10.1021/j150028a650. Publication Date: ... Published online 30 July 2002. Published in print 1 January 1900. Lea...
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sound wave, t h e author develops. by making certain assumptions. a formula shclming t h a t t h e velocity of a permanent explosion is a function of the density of the exploded gas. I t is also shown how t h e specific heat a t constant volume m a y be calculated from the velocity of explosion The pressure of explosion is also obtained by the aid of two formulas, and for ail explosion of equal volumes H . 7.. c. of cyanogen and oxygen it is found t o be j i atrnosplieres.

Elcd ro u t ot iw


O n t h e controversy concerning Volta’s contact force.

0.Z-o&tS.t’. f h ii. first part of the paper is devoted to an a r gument that the Peltier effect is a nieasnre of the potential difference between two metals. This is followed by an approving statement of t h e osmotic pressure theory of t h e cell, anti then conies a disciission of tlie electron theory. I t is much to be regretted t h a t Professor Lodge and Lorcl Kelvin d o not come together antl tlecicie 0 1 1 t h e points on which they disagree and tlie reasons for such tlisagreenient. This firing away a t long range is profitless, especially while each assuriies that t h e other is ignorant of tlie eletrientarj- principles of ph:,.sics. 11: I ) . 1;. .7Zoog. [ j ] 49, j j r 434 1, ~ 9 0 0 )- .T h e

Contact electricity. F. .S, .Spi(zrs, PhiL. -IZng-.[j] 49, 70 I rqoo!. -The object of tlie ivork is to determine tlie cause of the Yolta effect. The difficultiesto be overcome are treated at some leng-tli i n d cis a result an apparatus is devised. whicli coitibines the .\yrton antl Perry nietliotl with t h e I-geniii hydrogen anti at tlie s:it:ie tiiiie heating tlie nietals w a s adopted. hut even this w a s found iiisuffcieiit. ant1 :it :I high vacu11n1of pure clry liycirogen there was still sufficient oxygen lefl. to osidise t h e surface of an alaniiiiuin plate T h e paper concludes by stating ” that it is utterlJ- futile to draw any positive conclusions wllatever conceriiing t h e seat of the E. 31. F. in T-olta’s pheiioiiieiion liasecl on erperiineiits riiade in what usually passes for vacuuiii. ” H . T. I;. Cadmium standard cells. J . f I c ’ I / d p r . j ~ ~ ~Phi!, /. .lhz~