Reviews-Heat of formation of anhydrous and hydrated strontium

Chem. , 1901, 5 (2), pp 146–146. DOI: 10.1021/j150029a604. Publication Date: January 1900. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is...
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REVIEWS The objecLof f h i s de.bai-lrncnl of fheJournaI is lo issue. as promptly as possible, c r i l i c a l digesfs of alI]ournaI al-ficlesthat bear u p o z a n y jliase qf'ljhj'sical Cldemisfry.

Genernl The atomic weight of nitrogen. J . Denn. Jour. Chem. SOC.77, rr7 ratio of silver to cyanogen in silver cyanide is found to be 107.93 : 26.032. Taking rz.001 for carbon, this woulil give 14.031 for nitrogen. The author titrated excess of silver with standard broniide solution instead of taking the mean of th'e end-points reached from the two o p p s i t e sides. ru.E . n.

( r p ) .-The

On a new radio-active element, actinium. A. Debierne. Compfes rendus, 130,p 6 (rpoo).-The

recognimble base is thorium, but the author hopes to be able to show that thorium is really not radioactive, and that it is contaminated by the new element, actinium. " u7. 1'3. B.

On the heat of combirstion of some very volatile liquids. fV.Ber-fheLotand DeL&ine.

Concptes rendus, 130,ru45 ( r g w ) .- Thermocheniical data.

The heats of combustion and of farmation of compounds containing iodine. M. Ben'helof. Comptes l-endus, 130, '094 (1900). -Therniocheniical data. Action of hydrogen peroxide on barium hydroxide. de Forcrand. rendus, 130, 7r6, 775, S34 ( r p o ) . - Thermochemical data.


Heat of formation of anhydrous and hydrated strontium peroxide. de Forcrand. Comptes rendus, 130, rur7 (r9uo). - Thermocheniical data. Heat of neutralization of hydrogen peroxide by lime. de Foizrnwd. Cumffcs rendus, 130,r250, 1305 ( ~ p o ). Therniochemical data.

A quartz thermometer for high temperatures. A.Duf o f w . Comjtes rendus. 130,775 (1900). -The

tering liqnid.

author has made a quartz thermometer with tin as regisrv. D. A'.

A thermocalorimeter. G. iVassol. Cowipfes rendus, 130, rr26 (rpoo).The author has modified the Regnault instrument, substituting sulphuric acid for alcohol, and introducing a reservoir at the top'similar to that in the TValferrv. D. B. din and Beckmaiin tlierniometers. One- Component Sjfsfems The maximum pressure of naphthalene vapor.

R. 7l7. Allen. Jour-. Ckem.