Reviews - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Jan 1, 1985 - Reviews. J. Chem. Educ. , 1985, 62 (1), p A32. DOI: 10.1021/ed062pA32. Publication Date: January 1985. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links...
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a definitive series of source books. This attractive, oversized, and well-planned volume describes 81 tested demonstrations grouped into 4 chapters-(1) "Thermochemistry," 45 demonstrations, 122 pp.; (2) "Chemiluminescence," I 1 demonstrations, 80 pp.; (3) "Polymers," 14 demonstrations, 45 pp.; and (4) "Color and Equilibria of Metal Ion Precipitates and Complexes," 11 demonstrations, 94 pp. I t differs from all other demonstration books in the wealth of detail eiven: .. . just as Inorgontr S y n r h e r w and Orgamc Syntheses contain strp-hy-step directions spelling the differencr between success and failure in preparative endeavors, so this book provides the crucial details lacking in other books of this genre. The demonstrations were designed and selected for their proven ability to provoke students' curiosity, their potential for helping students to understand chemical phenomena, and their visual impact. Each demonstration is divided into seven sections-(1) a brief description; (2) a list of materials, including chemicals, laboratory equipment, and other supplies; (3) the procedure, including illustrations of anoaratus as well as alternatives. mdfications, and varlatiuns where approprisw; I I , putrntial hazards; r5) directbmw for disposal, reuse, ur wry, lint: of mnterdi; ( G ) a complete discussion of the chemistry involved, including chemical equations and quantitative data; and (7) references topertinent literature.. manv in this Journal. The demonstrations range in length from 2 pages to 13 pages and include perennial favorites (thermit, supersaturated solutions, (NHd2Cr~07 volcano, KMnOn and glycerin, etc.) as well as less familiar experiments. Since each demonstration is self-contained, some repetition occurs, e.g., reaction of chlorine or bromine with various elements. The hook includes an essay, "Eaocharmic Reactions," by Richard W. Ramette (originally published in this Journal, 57, 68 (1980)), an introduction by Shakhashiri on pedagogical principles and effective presentation of demonstrations, and practical advice on how to use the book. Each of the four chanters is orefaced bv adiscussion: one is 21 oa&s -~~~ lnne.'~hebookis free of errors exceot for a few venial sins (misspelling Humphry Davy (p. xiii) and Eduard Scbweizer (p. 248)) and the unpardonable sin of spelling Kauffman with one "f' (p. xaiii). Additional volumes are currently in preparation, and Prof. Shakhashiri welcomes write-ups in the same format as Volume 1, including materials, procedures, and references. I hope that his leave of absence as Director of the Institute for Chemical Education to accept an appointment as NSF Assistant Director for Science and Engineering Education in Washington will not delay the publication of future volumes in this well conceived and much needed series. ~


Benchmark Papers on Energy Volume 10: Energ in Atomic Physics 19251960 R. h e Lindsay(Editor). Hutchinson Ross Publishing Company, Stroudsburg. PA, 1983. xi 381 pp. Figs. and tables. 18 X 26 cm. $45.00.








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List of Contents and Contributors: Forerunners of Quantum Mechanics, M. Brillouin, L. Broglie, W. Elsasser, C. Davisson, L. H. Germer, G. P. Thomson, A. Reid; Seminal Papers in the Theoryof Quantum Mechanics, W. Heisenberg, E. Schrodinger, S. Bose, W. Pauli, E. Fermi, P. A. M. Dirac, A. Sommerfeld; Energyof Elementary Particles, P. A. M. Dirac,C. D. Anderson, J. Chadwick, W. Pauli, H. Yukawa,.S. H. Neddermeyer, C. D. Anderson; Energy in the Atomic Nucleus G. Gamow, I. Curie, F. Joliot, H. A. Bethe, E. Feenberg, E. Wiper, 0. Han, R. Straasmm, N. Bohr, J. A. Wheeler, H. L. Mossbauer; High Energy Atomic Devices, R. J. Van De Graaff, E. 0. Lawrence, N. E. Edelfsen, M. S. Livingston, E. M. McMillan, J. D. Cockcroft, E. T. S. Walton, D. W. Kerst; Energy in Plasma, Solid State, and Liquid Physics, S. Dushman, I. Langmuir, H. Alfven, F. de L. Krongi, W. G. Penney,F. Seitz, R. J. Maurer, J. Bardeen, W. H. Brattain, E. M. Purcess, H. C. Torrey, R. V. Pound, J. P. Gordon, H. J. Zeiger, C. H. Tomes, T. H. Maiman, L. N. Cooper J. R. Sehrieffer

Survey of Progress In Chemistry, volume 10 Gene G. Wubbels (Editor), Academic Press, Inc., New York, NY, 1983. xiii 266 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $62.00.


List of Contents and Contributors: Caalysis from the Point of View of Surface :hemistry, Henry Weinherg; Metal Clusters md Metal Surfaces, E. L. Muetterties and R. M. Wexler; The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Red o n : DynamicaJ Surfaces as Models for an 3scillating System, Frederick D. Tabbutt; iecent Advances in the Chemistry of Ylides, >avid G. Morris

The Chemistry of Fundamental %oups, Supplemental D: The :hemistry of Halides, Pseudo-halides ~ n Azides; d Parts 1 and 2 Saul Patai and Zvj Rappopni (Editors). John Wiley & Sons. inc., New York, NY. 1867 pp. Figs. and tables. 1983. xiv 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $500.00 Set.

,containing carbon-halogen bonds, R. R. Gupta; The mass spectra of azides and halides, J. M. Miller and T. R. B. Jones; Nuelear quadrupole resonance of carhon-bonded halogens, E. A. C. Lueken; l,2-Dehalogenations and related reactions, E. Bacioccbi; Electrochemical osication, reduction and formation of the C-X bond-direct and indirect processes, J. Y. Becker; Pyrolysis of my1 azides, L. K. Dyall; Vinyl, aryl, and acyl azides, H. W. Moore and D. M. Goldish; Recent advances in the radiation chemistry of halocarhons, A. Horowitz Organic chemistry of astatine, K. Berei and L. Vasaros; Positive halogen compounds, A. Foucaud; Aspeets of the chemistry of halophenols and halodienones, J. M. Brittain and P. B. D. de la Mare; a-Hologenated imines, N. De Kimpe and R. Vehre; Fluorocarbons, B. E. Smart; Senon halide halogenations, M. Zupan; The S R Nreaction ~ of o~ganichalides, R. K. Norris; Reactions involving solid organic halides, E. Hadjoudis; Hypervalent halogen compounds, G. F. Koser; Synthesis and reactivity of a-halogenated ketones, R. Verhe and N. De Kimpe; Electrophilic assistance to resetions at a C-X bond, D. N. Kevill; Molecular interactions involvingorganic halides, J.-M. Dumas, M. Gomel and M. Gnerin; Formation of carbon-halogen bonds, M. Hudlicky and T. Hudlicky; Alkene-forming eliminations involving the carbon-halogen bond, E. Baciocchi; Structural chemistry of the carbonhalogen and carbon-pseudohalogen bonds, M. Kaftory; Halonium ions, G. F. Koser; Carbon-carbon bond formation involving organic halides and transition metal compounds, F. Naso and G. Marchese; Dibalocyelopropanes, P. Wyerstahl; Photoelectron spectra of organic halogen compounds, K. Wittel and H. Bock; Recent advances in the photochemistry of the carbon-halogen bond, C. Lodder

The Polysaccharides, Voiume 2 In the Molecular Biology Series Gerald 0. Asoinal Editor). Academic 3. Press, Inc., N ~ W~ o r k .~ ~ , ' 1 9 8 xiv 503 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $67.50.


List of Contents and ~ontributors:Clasiification of Polysaccharides, Gerald 0.Aslinall; Cellulose, R. H. Mambessault and P. i. Sundararajan; Other Plant Polysaceba,ides,A.M. Stephen; Algal Polysaccharides, Perence J. Painter; Bacterial Polysacchaides, Lennart Keene and Bengt Lindberg; rhe Chemistry of Polysaccharides of Fungi md Lichens, P. A. J. Gorin and Eliana Bareto-Bergter; Industrial Utilization of Palyaccharides, Paul A. Sandford and John 3aird



Georae B. Kauffman California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA 93740 AW

. l o ~ ~ r nof a l Chemical Education

I.LSI(I/ (bnrenrs and Conrnhurnrs Moccular mechanics and conformarim. A. dryer: Diamnkmetic brhavior of compounds

)rganometallic Chemistry of Rhodium md Iridium RonaM S. Didson, Academic Press. Inc. 421 pp. Figs. New York, NY, 1983. x 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $85.00.
