Rhenium phosphine heptahydride complexes: proton NMR evidence

Synthesis and Characterization of the Dinuclear Polyhydrides [Os2H7(PPhPr2)4] and [Os2H6(PPhPr2)4]. Bradley G. Anderson , Sarah A. Hoyte and John L...
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Volume 28 Number 20

Inorganic Chemistry

October 4, 1989

0 Copyright 1989 b y the American Chemical Society

Communications Rhenium Phosphine Heptahydride Complexes: 'H NMR Evidence for Classical Structures in Solution The structural characterization of transition-metal polyhydrides is a particularly challenging problem that has attracted much recent attention.' We previously developed a 'H N M R TI method , ~ ~ ~ on the fast for the characterization of q2-H2c o m p l e x e ~based dipole-dipole relaxation expected for dihydrides in which two of the protons are close together. The T I goes through a minimum with temperature, and short values of Tl(min) (viz.