RHEODYNE - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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At the LC Connection, take the Rheodyne trip. Model 70-10 w i t h actuator Model 7120

Type 5 0

for the Scientific Instruments Division of Beckman Instruments, Inc., at Ir­ vine, Calif. He graduated from the University of Illinois with a P h D in chemistry in 1945 and has completed the Executive Program in Business Management at the University of Cal­ ifornia at Los Angeles. Dr. Kaye's fields of specialization include in­ frared and ultraviolet spectroscopy, molecular structure, x-ray diffraction, gas chromatography, electron micros­ copy, and light scattering. Currently, he is doing research on liquid crystals. T h e author or coauthor of 50 technical papers, Dr. Kaye was responsible for the original research and development on the Beckman DK series of record­ ing spectrophotometers. He is a mem­ ber of the ACS, the American Physical Society, Western Spectroscopy Associ­ ation, Society of Applied Spectrosco­ py, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Sigma Xi fraternity.

Our valves, sample injectors and accessories give liquid chromatography practitioners the best trip. They offer an optimum combination of perform­ ance, precision and price. Here's what we give you for a better LC trip.

Type 5 0 Teflon Rotary Valves For half the cost you're used to paying, Rheodyne offers you the same performance. Our valves are chemically inert. Only Teflon touches the stream. They feature zero dead volume and can be used in manual or automatic modes. Three, four and six way valves in 0.8 mm and 1.5 mm bores are available in prices ranging from $70 to $87. Easy t o t u r n H P L C v a l v e , $ 2 9 0 Rheodyne's 70-10 is a conventional 6 port removable sample loop valve capable of withstanding 7 0 0 0 psi. Valve construction features a flat face rotor to reduce operating torque and simplify service. An accessory loop filler port can be used to minimize wastage. Basic unit comes with 20 ,uJ sample loop. 10, 50, 100, 2 0 0 , 5 0 0 and 1000 μΐ loops available. G o t w o w a y s w i t h this v a l v e Use the Rheodyne Model 7120 Syringe Loading Sample Injector Valve to fill loops conventionally for maximum precision or in the partial loop variable volume mode with only 0.5 μΙ sample loss. You have maximum versatility in HPLC sample injection. Load the sample by syringe through the built-in needle port. Works up to 7 0 0 0 psi. Price of the Model 7120 with a 2 0 μΙ sample loop is $490. Sample loops of 10 μΙ to 1 ml are offered.

And accessories too Accessories include a pneumatic actuator for HPLC valves, high pressure switching valves, tube fittings and valve mounting plates. R e a s o n e n o u g h t o m a k e t h e R h e o d y n e trip? Just to be^sure, ask us for our new series of data sheets together with full ordering information. Call or write Rheodyne, 2 8 0 9 - 10th St., Berkeley, California 94710. Phone (415) 5 4 8 - 5 3 7 4




William F. U l r i c h is manager of technical marketing support, Scientif­ ic Instruments Division of Beckman Instruments, Inc., at Irvine, Calif. Having received his P h D in inorganic chemistry from the University of Illi­ nois in 1952, he was employed by Shell Development Co. In 1956 he joined Beckman as a chemist, specializing in coordinating the development of new instrument techniques and assistance of customers with their application problems. Dr. Ulrich's research papers are concerned with analytical instru­ mentation, spectroscopy, and nuclear counting. He has served as councilor in the American Chemical Society and treasurer for the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. He is a member of A S T M E-13 Absorption Spectroscopy, E-30 Forensic Sciences, and E-34 Haz­ ardous Substances Committees, the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, and the Instrument Soci­ ety of America.