Rheodyne, Inc. - ACS Publications

5 cm x 10 cm booklets you can hang around an injector handle for every user to read. These mini-manuals, one for each model, contain brief reminders o...
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The way you inject sample right at the start of an LC analysis has a major effect on the final results. In fact, using the right injection technique at the start is essential for high accuracy. %u can learn all about proper techniques from Rheodyne literature. Three publications cover the subject at differing depths: 1. Most popular is "Tips on LC Injection," a concise single-sheet that clears up common misconceptions and guides you through several

critical steps. 2. If you want a deeper understanding, read "Technical Notes 5, Achieving Accuracy and Precision with Rheodyne Sample Injectors." This 6-page guide describes the subtle processes that occur during sample injection and explains why certain techniques are recommended. 3. Finally, Rheodyne offers little 5 cm x 10 cm booklets you can hang around an injector handle for every user to read. These mini-manuals, CIRCLE 122 ON READER SERVICE CARD

one for each model, contain brief reminders of what to do—and what not to do—when using the injector. For copies use the reader service card, call your Rheodyne dealer, or contact Rheodyne, Inc., P.O. Box 996, Cotati, California 94931, US. A. Phone (707) 664-9050. Fax 707-664-8739.