Rheodyne, Inc. - American Chemical Society

ranking of candidate structures based on prediction of chemical or spectroscopicbehavior. CONTENTS. Structure Identification of Unknown Mass Spectra â...
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ComputerAssisted Structure Elucidation ACS S y m p o s i u m Series No. 54 Dennis H. Smith, Editor Stanford University School of Medicine A symposium sponsored by the Division of Chemical Information of the American Chemical Society. An up-to-date report on the growing use of computers to assist in the identification of complex unknown molecular structures in the laboratory.

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HPLC Columns. Here are the columns with guaranteed peak symmetry and mini­ mum plates per meter to doubly assure optimum column performance. Six columns currrently available priced from $180 to $240. The Column Inlet Filter. It only costs a few dollars, but it can save you a boatload of trouble. Place this low dead volume filter between the injection valve and column to protect column inlet frits from plugging. Price, $40. The Model 7037 Pressure Relief Valve. Protect your set-up against damage from over pressure (2000 to 7000 psi setting range). Write or call for more information. Address Rheodyne, Inc. 2809 Tenth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. Phone (415) 548-5374.

The collection covers such diverse methodologies as library search techniques, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence programs, automated interpretation of chemical data, structure generation, and ranking of candidate structures based on prediction of chemical or spectroscopic behavior. CONTENTS Structure Identification of U n k n o w n Mass Spectra · C o m p o n e n t s of Complex Mixtures by G C - M S · NIH-EPA Chemical information System Φ Determination of the Secondary Structure of Globular Proteins · Automatically Acquired , 3 C N M R Rules · Computerized Structural Predictions from liC NMR Spectra · Interactive Structure Elucidation · CHEMICS: A C o m p u t e r Program System for Structure Elucidation of Organic C o m p o u n d s · C o m p u t e r Assistance for the Structural Chemist

151 pages (1977) c l o t h b o u n d $15.50 LC 77-24427 ISBN 0-8412-0384-9 SIS/American Chemical Society 1155 16th St., N.W./Wash., D.C. 20036 Please send copies of SS 54 Computer-Assisted Structure EJucidation at $15.50 D Check enclosed for $ D Bill me. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 40 cents elsewhere. Name




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