Rheodyne, Inc

trex. 411. Multichannel Analyzer. Series 10 Portable Analyzer is suited ... contactRheodyne, Inc., P.O. Box. 996, Cotati ... THE LC CONNECTION COMPANY...
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Varian AA automation: higher productivity guaranteed

Oxygen Analyzer Model G percent process analyzer combines accuracy, sensitivity, and linearity with a digital display that covers the entire range from 0.1 % to 100% oxygen concentration. Any of three switch-selectable output ranges from 0 - 5 % to 0 - 1 0 0 % can be provided. Delphi Instruments 408

HPLC Application Fluorometers

Varian atomic absorption spectrophotometers give you better answers. Our automation accessories focus this measurement power to guarantee you even more of these better answers! For flame analyses, our PSC-55 presents sample and standards under exact time control, producing more precise and accurate answers than most human operators. Programmed recalibration monitors accuracy through the analysis of batches of up to 67 samples. For furnace measurements, the GTA-95's dispenser does much more than just load samples — it prepares standards, doses chemical modifiers, spikes samples for Standard Additions calibrations, and effectively eliminates contamination.

Model 121 features design innovations that increase light collection efficiency and reduce scatter, dynamic range through five orders of magnitude, analytical and microbore flow cells, autozero function for one-step baseline zeroing, and switch-selectable time constants. Gilson Medical Electronics 409

Portable Trace Element Analyzer AAZ-2 Zeeman Modulated AA measures a range of metals at concentrations usually below the ppb level. No cooling is needed for the 26-kg, flameless analyzer. It uses a tungsten filament furnace instead of graphite. Scintrex 411

Multichannel Analyzer Series 10 Portable Analyzer is suited for fuel verification and waste facility inspections, environmental and on-line process monitoring, research facilities, and fuel exploration sites. Microprocessor analysis functions include energy calibration, peak net area, spectrum stripping, and menu-driven setup. Canberra Industries 412

An outboard computer collects, stores, and transmits data, labels samples, and produces final reports in your chosen format. And when the AA work is done— faster and better — the computer does double-duty on other,computational and management tasks in your lab.

Different analyses s o m e t i m e s use different c o l u m n s . But even w h e n the s a m e c o l u m n c a n h a n d l e more than o n e kind of sample, m a n y chemists d e d i c a t e a c o l u m n to e a c h analysis. This prolongs c o l u m n life, reduces interferences, a n d eliminates equilibration delays. Rheodyne's Technical Notes 4 tells how to use switching valves to c o n n e c t as many as five c o l u m n s to a c h r o m a t o g r a p h . Any c o l u m n c a n be s e l e c t e d , while the off-line c o l u m n s remain s e a l e d at each e n d . The effect on resolution is s h o w n to be n e g l i g i b l e in most cases.

Send for Tech Note # 4

Circle Reader Service No. 228 for more; No. 229 for a Varian rep to call.

For the well-illustrated tech note, c o n t a c t R h e o d y n e , Inc., RO. Box 996, Cotati, California 9 4 9 2 8 , U.S.A. P h o n e (707) 6 6 4 - 9 0 5 0 .

For immediate assistance contact: Florham Park, NJ (201 ) 822-3700 · Park Ridge, IL [312) 825-7772 · Houston, TX (713) 783-1800 · Los Altos, CA [415)968-8141 Or write 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 In Europe: Steinhauserstrasse, CH-6300 2ug Switzerland.


How to switch HPLC columns using valves.

Lab Computer System, using a 68000 microprocessor and real-time operating system software, can provide instrument control, data acquisition, and data analysis for multiple instruments. Up to four megabytes of on-line storage are available on optional 51/4-in and 8-in diskettes. IBM 403