Rheology. Theory and Applications. Volume I. - Journal of the

M. T. O'Shaughnessy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1957, 79 (13), pp 3616–3616. DOI: 10.1021/ja01570a099. Publication Date: July 1957. ACS Legacy Archive. Not...
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3ti16 Sewtonisn liquids, by J. G. Oldroyd, and a brief chapter by R. B . Lindsay on ‘‘Acoustics a n d t h e Liquid State.” T h e announced contents of Volumes I1 and 111 lists roughly as many chapters for each of these volumes, with t h e chapters somewhat more specialized and, in Volume 111, of a more applied nature. T h e chapters of Volume I differ considerably among themselves in plan, in thoroughness and in level of difficulty. This reviewer was more a t home in t h e chapters on polymers and found some of them quite useful. IVith t h e many additional chapters announced for t h e subsequent volumes t h e coverage of polymer rheology will be relatively complete. In contrast t h e treatment of metals appears not to be extended into later volumes. T h e chapters on metals in t h e first volume appear t o be of high quality, though outside this reviewer’s field of competence. I n view of the nature, scope and price of this volume, and of the set, this reviewer considers t h a t it can be recommended particularly for purchase b y libraries of universities and of colleges strong in technical work and by industrial libraries in a large segment of chemical and related industry. T h e case is somewhat different for the individual chemist. Those working actively in applications of rheology, having considerable knowledge of t h e field, may find this cotnpilation of authorative summaries of great value. For the beIIEPARTMEST O F CHEMISTRY ginning worker in t h e field, or t h e chemist in another ficld MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY wanting orientation in rheology, the work has several drawCAMBRIDGE 39, ~ ~ A S S A C H U S E T T S STEPHES M. SACYbacks-its length, the thoroughness anti comparative difiiculty of some of the treatments, t h e lack of correlation between the chapters with consequent repetition and variation in terminology, notation a n d viewpoint, and a lack of unity and coherence in the work as a whole which is an unavoidable consequence of this type of authorship. Rheology. Theory a n d Applications. Volume I. Edited b y FREDERICK R. EIRICH, Polytechnic Institute of AMERICANVISCOSECORPORATIOS Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Kew York. Academic Press, Inc., MARCUSHOOK,PENNSYLVAXIAM. T . O’SHAUGHNESSY Publishers, 111 Fifth Avenue, New York 3, AT. Y. 1956. xiii 761 pp. 16.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, $20.00. practical experience with t h e subject matter in hand. The coverage of the many and varied chemical and instrumental techniques pertinent t o t h e above mentioned functional groups is inclusive and well documented: there is a generous selection of proven methods accompanied b y procedural details and tabular surveys of compounds t o which t h e meth(ids apply. T h e chapter on olefinic unsaturation, certainly the largest undertaking in t h e book, is probably unique in its breadth and excellence, and is one which will be welcomed b y organic chemists generally. T h e fifth chapter opens with a clear and concise theoretical discussion of mass spectrometry, b u t appropriately limits its treatment of specific applications t o those of interest t o t h e structural organic chemist. Because of t h e expensive equipmetit which this method entails this chapter is addressed unfortunately t o a rather restricted audience. T h e last chapter is a survey of a variety of separation procedures and determinations which have been applied successfully in the field of resin coatings. As such the information in i t will no doubt find daily use in t h e laboratories engaged in the field, and will definitely come as a boon t o the analyst who is confronted with a problem in it only occasionally. I n summary, this is a useful volume indeed, and is highly recommended as a n addition t o t h e library of t h e organic analyst.


The importance of rheology t o t h e chemist is constantly growing, with both t h e variety of materials available for various purposes and t h e demands of t h e applications in which these materials are p u t t o use. Rheology, originally t h e science of flow, has become the science of the response of materials or objects t o many kinds of steady or cyclical stresses. I t s subject matter ranges from t h e visciisities of very dilute polymer solutions through t h e behavior of lubricating oils, paints, printing inks, doughs, plastics, fibers and rubbers, t o t h e deformation of metals a n t l t h e behavior under stress of soil and concrete. T h e chief cause of this increase in practical importance has been the extensive development of the science of rheology itself, particularly during the last ten or fifteen years. The science is in need of systematization and of standardizatiou of terminology and nomenclature. There is need for books, both systematic introductions and also advanced expositions of t h e progrcss of the science on its many fronts. This present book is in t h e latter category; it might well be called a source book of theoretical and applied rheology. M a n y of t h e scientists who have contributed most heavily t o the recent development of t h e science have written chapters summarizing their special fields. .\fter a n introduction by Professor Eirich, volume I contains chaptcrs bl- M. Reiner a n d by \\Xiam Prager on t h e mathematical analysis of rheological behavior; by D . C . Drucker on plastic behavior in metals; b y G . J . Dienes on “Crystal Properties and Imperfections”; by J . M. and G . Burgers 011 “L)isl(ications in Crystals”; and b y J. eman and G . J . nicncs on “Llechanical Properties of l l e t a l s . ” S e x t is a chapter by R . B . D o w on rheological lrchavior under high pressures. A . Bondi then writes on “Theories o f Viscosity.” R . S. Rivlin summarizes t h e iiiatlieniatical theory of large plastic strains, chiefly his ii\vii work. There then follow five chapters dealing chiefly ivith t h e rheology of high polymers: bl- T. .‘Jfrey, J r . , and E. I:. Gurnee (“Dynamics of Yiscoelastic Behavitrr”); T. G. Fox, Serge Gratch and S. Liishaek (“Viscosity Relations for Pol>-mers in Bulk and in Concentrated Solution”); J . Risernan and J . G. Kirkwirod ( “ T h e Statistical Mechanical Theory c j f Irreversible Processes in Solutions ( i f MacrrJiiiii1cruIc~”j; IF. Id. Friwli :tiid I t v i t l i ixc\\urc arid tctrilrcr:i(urc. Tlic lilliittitioll~rl1i~i~lli~lei-vtl ~ \ l i e i itile S I i , 1 ~ t t t i ; i l~ J K ~ > L I i,, I ~ lijij, \ ~ I i c i i(lilT~i~,ioii

