Rigid Geon packs power in small space - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Another new development


B. F. Goodrich Chemical rair materials B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company does not manu­ facture this extrusion. We supply only the Geon rigid vinyl materials»

KiqutGeoK' pada powefc ut/suta£&sbac& AKED wires on an overhead power lift are a hazard, lose power along the line and have to be spaced widely where multiple elec­ trical contacts are needed in large plants. As a product improvement, a manufacturer has designed U-shaped extruded insulation made o f Geon rigid vinyl that has many advantages for the job.


The rigid vinyl extrusion carries a mecal contact conductor safely s o that as many as three to twelve power lines can be installed close to­ gether where space is tight. Because this insulation is made o f Geon rigid vinyl it has high dielectric strength, high insulation resistance with low power loss. It has good chemical and abrasion resistance, necessary for long life in industrial plants and it can be colored according t o local code requirements. This installation you see here is a good example of a new use for Geon rigid vinyl. It may suggest a new use to you or may give you an idea for another saleable product. There are scores of other uses for Geon mate­ rials from rigid sheeting to rigid pipe and fittings. For technical help in the uses of versatile Geon please write Dept. DC-3, B. F. Goodrich Chemical Company, Rose Building, Cleveland 15, Ohio. Cable address: Goodchernco. In Canada: Kitchener, Ontario.



.WEtt-APRlL 23-28 i

7^^m£'/ffz2&iaiM GEON RESINS · GOOD-RITE PLASTICIZERS · . · the ideal team to make products easier, better and more saleable. GEON polyvinyl materials · HYCAR American rubber and latex · GOOD-RITE chemicals and plasticizers · H A R M O N color! MARCH
