A brochure,. TLC-1 gives detailed technical descrip- tions, prices, an outline of the tech- nique, and ... F/3.5 opticalsystem featuring replicas from...
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TLC Materials


A complete line of thin layer chro­ matography materials and correspond­ ing column materials can be supplied. Included are adsorbents, and ion ex­ changers such as silicic acid, alumina, and cellulose as well as custom adsorb­ ents, all sized and purified for thin layer chromatography. A brochure, TLC-1 gives detailed technical descrip­ tions, prices, an outline of the tech­ nique, and a bibliography containing over 200 literature references. Bio-Rad Laboratories, 32nd and Griffin Ave., Richmond, Calif. 415

SPECTROFLUOROMETER Superior in versatility, sensitivity, and stability. For spectrofluorometric, fransmittance, and ab­ sorption measurements. Volumes ranging from .2 cc to 10 cc m a y be investigated quantitatively and qualitatively. Modular construction lends itself to special applications. Available in m a n u a l and recording models.

Farrand FLUOROMETER The most sensitive instrument of its kind. Pro­ vides precise, rep eatable measurements. Direct ratios are read on a linear scale. Ideal for routine flu or ο metric investigation. Available with lineoperated or battery power supply for photomultiplier.

EASY SIZE IDENTIFICATION all markings, including serial numbers, size, tolerances, and company name, are permanently fused into each pipette. ACCURATE calibrated twice to assure stated accuracy. ECONOMICAL considerably less than comparable imported product. For further information concerning prices and sizes, detach and return coupon below.

Liquid separator made of borosilicate glass is pressure-operated and de­ signed for extracting substances rapidly and efficiently. The test tubes, suitable for centrifuging are available in three sizes: 60, 100, and 250 m l . Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. 416


Gas Chromatograph R O C H E S T E R S C I E N T I F I C CO., I N C . 735 Park Ave., Rochester 7, Ν. Υ.



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The "Anakro 1A" may be isothermally operated, manually programmed, or automatically programmed. The in­ strument features a four filament hot wire detector bridge, separate preheater, column, and cell compartments, and a twelve-step attenuation system. Housed in a cabinet measuring 24" X 12" X 8", the chromatograph is a com­ pact, low-cost analytical instrument. Nester/Faust, 2401 Ogletown Rd., Newark, Del. 417

GRATING MONOCHROMATORS Compact, rugged, precise. F / 3 . 5 optical system featuring replicas from Farrand master gratings. Ranges from 2 2 0 millimicrons to 3 microns. Catalog information available

Farrand Optical Co. Inc.

B R O N X BLVD. & 238th St. N E W YORK 70, N.Y. Circle No. 48 on Readers' Service Card