Rodd's chemistry of carbon compounds. Volume 1, part c

William A. Bonner. J. Chem. Educ. , 1965, 42 (12), p 691. DOI: 10.1021/ed042p691.3. Publication Date: December 1965. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 42, 12, ...
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The new book, "Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds" by Dyer has three separate sections dealing with UV, I R and NMR spectra. Over half of the text deals with NMR spectra. Some of the problems have several different types of spectra given. These problems often contain additional information such as melting points, boiling points, and chemical reactions. There are many spectra given to illustrate the principles but only nine IR, four W, and ten NMR problems are provided with answers. The solutions to these problems may be obtained by a cheek of the literature or secondary sources. These problems, however, are very imaginative and require some knowledge of the chemical reactions of organic compounds. The text does not attempt to explain the origin of the different spectra in m y detail but concentrates an the application of spectral data to elucidate structural problems. The level of this book is such that an undergraduate student should be able to profit a great deal from its use. The inclusion of chemical data with the spectra should make this text attractive to teachers of qualitative organic chemistry.

R. WILLIAMS THEODORE College of Wooster Wooster. Ohio

Semimicro Qualitative Organic Analysis: The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds

Nicholas D. Cheronis (deceased), Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, John B. Entrikin, Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, and Ernest M. Hodnett, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 3rd ed. Interscience Publishers (a division of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.), New York, 1965. xi 1060 pp. Fi-. and tables. 16 X 24 cm. $29.50.


The third edition of this comprehensive coverage of qualitative organic analysis has been reorganized and largely rewritten. While the book has increased in length by about 35%, the price has increased by 225% (to $29.50), which dictates its use as a referencework rather than as a text. An abridged version of the second edition ("Identification of Organic Compounds," Wiley-Interscience, 1963, W.95) is avsilable as a text. The present edition deals primarily with chemical methods (witb a brief but extensively referenced chapter on instrumental methods) and is divided into four parts: 1, Techniques of Organic Analysis; 2, Procedures for Tentative Identification of an Unknown; 3, Procedures for Final Characterization of an unknown; 4, Tables of Orgrtnio Compounds with Their Constants and Derivatives. The discussion of laboratory techniques (assuming a sample size of 50 mg to 1 g) has been expanded and covers almost any ooeratiou normauv encountered in an organic laboratory. A description of newer equipment and methods is included.

A discussion of the relationship of structure to physical properties has been added but is so brief that it seems out of proportion when compared with the rest of the presentation. A useful chapter on classification by t s usual acid-base indicators s u.~- ~ l e m e nthe solubility procedures. The monumental table of physical constants covers 7100 compounds and their derivatives (compared to 4100 in the second edition) and would be very valuable as a separate publication. The references at the end of each chapter are wellchosen and numerous. There is a separate index for the text and for the tables. This complete coverage of qualitative organic analysis should serve ss an invaluable reference for the undergraduate and graduate student as well as the practicing organic chemist, and should be in every library.

JAMES L. A. WEBB Goucher College Tmuson, Ma~yland

Organometallic Syntheses. Volume 1, Transition-metal Compounds

R. B. King, Mellon Institute, Pit* burgh, Pennsylvania. Edited by J . J . Eiseh, Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., and R. B. King. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1965. 186 pp. Fig,% and tables. 16 X xii 23 om. $6.50.


This book is a most welcome addition to thr l~rerntureof orpxnumetnllir rhmiurry. Thr objective of !he smr*, ~ u w r ~ s f d l y fulfilled irr Volume 1, is t o provide dear and reliable procedures for the preparation of important orgauometallic corn pounds. However, the reviewer believes that this limited goal is far surpassed and predicts that many teachers will find this volume useful as one of several texts to be used in a synthesis course. Part I of this volume contains brief (59 page) description of techniques used in transition-metal oarganometallic chemistry. The topics in this section are: A. Techniques for carrying out reactions, reactions in open systems at atmospheric pressure, reactions in closed systems, photochemical reactions; B. Techniques for isolation and purifying products, crystallization, volatiliaation, chromatography; C. Techniques for identifying products, melting point, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, elemental analysis and molecular weight determinations, ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy, less frequently used techniques; D. Precautions, against oxidation, againat toxic materials, against fire aud explosion. Section I is an excellent introduction to the use of high pressure equipment, Schlenk tubes, vacuum sublimation methods, chromatography equipment, and many other techniques. For use as a text the section on Techniques for Identifying Products should have been expanded. However, the author does make extensive reference to mare detailed discussions.

Part 11 of this volume contains a description of the syntheses of over sixty transition-metal organometbllic compounds. The chapters in this section are: A. Biscyclopeutadienylmetd Derivatives; B. Metal Carbonyls without other ligsnds; C. Cyclopentadienylmetd Carbonyls; D. Olefin and Acetylene Metal Complexes; E. Areue Metal Complexes; F. Cycloheptatrienyl and Cycloheptadienyl Metal Complexes; G. Alkyl, Acyl, and Perfluomalkyl Metal Carbonyls; H. Metal Carbonyl Hydride Derivatives; I. Metal Nitrasyl Derivatives; J . Metal Carbonyl Halide Derivatives; K . Metal Carbonyl Derivatives with Phosphorus and Sulfur ligands. Many of the syntheses in this volume were originally published in the German, French, or Russian literature; consequently, it is very useful to have these compiled in a single volume along witb those already published in English. The author has wisely refrained fmm including adequately tested procedures already published in either "Inorganic Syntheses" or "Organic Syntheses," but does make reference to these procedures in the appropriate sections of the book. Other valuable comments by the author include when and where starting materials and a t time products are available, and notes about the toxicity and stability of each compound. I am confident (and hopeful) that the editors will retain for future volumes the high standards observed in volume one and will resist the temptation to publish one volume each year unless the quality and quantity of material warrants it.

Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Volume 1, Part C, Monocarbonyl Derivatives of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Their Analogues and Derivatives

Edited by S. Coffey. 2nd ed. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1965. xvi f 432 pp. Tables. 16 X 23 cm. $27. Dr. Samuel Coffey, formerly of the Dyestuff Division, has undertaken the editorship for a complete revision of E. H. Rodd's well-known and highly respected 10 volume reference series on "Chemistry of Carbon Compounds!' The first volume of this revision appeared in 1964,and the present volumeconstitutes the third in a series of 7 revised volumes (IA-IG) planned for Volume IA and I B (Aliphatic Compounds) of the original Rodd series. (See THIS JOURNAL,41, A904 [November, 19641, and 42, 580 [October, 19651.) With the exception of small changes only, the plan, organization, format and style of the second edition follow that of the first edition. The large amount of new material included, however, has persuaded the editor and publishers that publication of the revision will be more effectively accomplished by means of a large number of smaller and more frequent sub-volumes, rather than

Volume 42, Number 12, December 1965



by the smaller number of larger suhvolumes which chrtrrtcteriaed the first edition. The present Part C consists of four chrtpters (8 through 11) of Volume 1. These deal with Aldehydes and Ketones (91 pages), by J. G. Buchanan, N. A. Hughes, F. J. MeQuillin and G. A. Swan; Manobasic Carhoxylic Acids (161 pages), by M. F. Ansell and R. H. Gigg; Carhon Monoxide, Isoeyanides and Fulminic Acid (15 pages), by M. F. Ansell; and Ct~rbonicAcid and Its Derivatives (115 pages), by R. Howe. The chapters are adequately organized in the usual way, well documented with both old as well as very recent references, and contain sections dealing with nitrogen and sulfur amlogs of the functional systems discussed. References to specialized texts and review articles are extensive. The volume is completed with a 4&page index to its own contents. No author index is included. The good typography and careful editing characteristic of previous volumes of both editions of Rodd continue in the present one. The principal objection which this reviewer finds to the present volume is its price, whieh seems quite excessive for a mere 382 pages of reference matter, and which (an s. per page basis) proves to be increased almost 9% over that of the recently published Volume I B and almost 23% over that of Volume IA (1964). Libraries will undoubtedly want this volume, but individual chemists, thinking of the probable total cost of the complete revision ($74 for the &st three suhvolumes alone!), may find the rate too steep.

A Labo-

Thin-Layer Chromatography: ratory Handbook

Tbin-Layer Chromatogram (H. Ginshirt); Isotope Techniques (H. K. Mangold); and Theoretical Aspects of ThinLayer Chromatography (M. Brenuer, A. Niederwieser, G. Pataki, and R. Weber). The Special Section is primarily concerned with the application of the method to the resolution, snalysis, and isolation of s wide variety of organic and inorganic materials. This section is divided into the following major topics: Aliphatic Lipids (H. K. Mangold); Terpene Derivatives, Essential Oila, Balsam and Resins (E. Stahl and H. Jork); Vitamins (H. R. Bolliger); Steroids-Sterols; Pregnane-, Androstane-, and Estrane-Compounds; Bile Acids and Cardiac Glycosides (D. Wsldi); Organic Bases (D. Waldi and E. Stahl); Pharmaceutical Products (H. Ginshirt; Thin-Layer Chromatography in Clinical Diagnosis and Pharmacology (D. Wsldi); Synthetic Organic M a t e r i b (H. Giinshirt, D. Waldi, and E. Stahl); Hydrophilic Constituents of Plants (E. Stahl and P. J. Scborn); Amino Acids and Derivatives (M. Brenner, A. Niederwieser and G. Pataki); Nucleic Acids and Nuclwtides (H. K. Mangold); Sugars tlnd Derivatives (E. Stald and U. Kdtenbeeh); Thin-Layer Chromatography of Inorganic Ions (H. Seiler); Spray Reagents for Thin-Layer Chromatography (D. Waldi); Terminology of Thin-Layer Chromatography (English-German-French) (H. K. Mangold and M. Brenner); and Commercial Suppliers. Althoueh the book is nenerallv well primarily because of tremendous advances made in thin-layer techniques in the last few years. One cannot help wondering why a greater effort was not made to update the text in going from the German to the English edition. Also, it seems incongruous that ouly a sketchy treatment was accorded quantitative techniques. Some effort was made, however, to offset the difficulties imposed by rapid advances in technique: an addendum of recent noteworthy articles was included at the end of most chapters.

Edited by Egon Stahl. Academic Press, 553 pp. Inc., New York, 1965. v Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. 517.


The present work represents the English translation of the original handhook compiled by Egon Stahl, which was published over two years ago in German. I t is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and best illustrated of the several hooks on the subject. This volumeshould be viewed as an important reference text for chemical libraries and workers concerned with micromethods of isolation and analysis. Each chapter has been competently written by well-chosen specialists and both theoretical and practicd aspects are knowledgeably and clearly discussed. The book is divided into a General Section and a Specialized Section. The General Section comprises the following major topics: History of the Development of Thin-Layer Chromatography (E. Stahl); Coating Materials for Thin-Layer Chmmetograpby (D. Waldi); Special Techniques (E. Stithl); Dacumentation of Thin-Layer Chromatograms (H. Ginshirt); Quantitative Evaluation of

692 / Journal of Chemical Education


Theory and Practice

Paul Beckm, Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., Wilmiugton, Delaware. 2nd ed. ACS Monograph No. 162. Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1965. xi 440 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $22.


No one concerned with emulsions whether he he formulating emulsions for commercial use, studying emuhions from the development standpoint, or working on the theory of emulsification, can afford to he without access to this second edition. This edition is almost twice the size of the first edition and has been updated very considerably. The farmet is almost iden-

tical with that of the first edition with the exceution that the former Amendix A on , , mcrla,diof resting has hern r..nvrrt+d inta rr terrninnl chapter, sod the i o m r r Appendix It of cor~mcrwa!lvarnilable emulsifying agents, their trade names and compositions, has been omitted primitrily because it could not be complete within the space limits of the monograph, and secondarily because the field is growing so fast that it would soon he out of date. I t is still true that the formulation of emulsions is partly an art, and only partly a science, but an enormous number of "trich of the trade" are incorporated into the book, and are invaluable to any of the categories of workers mentioned above. The bihliography appears to be very nearly complete and is about twice a? voluminous as that in the first edition. I t include almost all of the important papers of whieh the reviewer is aware, but it would have been helpful if an author index had been provided. The papers cited appear as s series of bibliographies in order of appearance at the end of each chapter so that it is difficult to locate Dr. Becher's evaluation of any given paper. There are ten chaptern. While it k true that a, considerable portion of the text of each of these chapters has been repeated verbatim from the first edition, it is also true that the new developments have been incorporated in considerable measure. I t would be very difficult to find the material contained in this monograph without an extensive search of the original literature. Naturally it seems that no book can be written to the complete satisfaction of all readers, w t l rherr Y W a nurnlwr of point> in whivh this book ,runs to be Isvkingfrml intrrrdwl t i e .rxndpuintoi~hci~~rrlriaatc,r in the ha& theory of emdsions. One is the complete lack of any definition of what the author means by the term "stability," no cognizance being taken of the fact that most emulsions are thermodynamically unstable with respect to reversion to the bulk phases. What the author seems to mean by "stability" is a slow rate of reversion to the bulk phases, or a slow separation into a cream or collection of emulsion droplets with a clear, continuous external phase, at the bottom of the containing vessel for O/W emulsions. The distinction between emulsions such as these, which can be restored to their initial st& by mild agitation and those whieh instead undergo irreversible coalescence, is not clearly recognimd. Other omissions of a theoretical nature are the virtual lack of discussion of recent work on the role of the mechanical properties of the emulsifier film in the coalescence process, and of a& tempts to put the HLB number on a sound theoretical basis. Nevertheless, the large collection of factual observations with whichanyone working in this area,needs to be familiar in order to direct his thinking cannot he found easily anywhere else. 811 in all, the reviewer recommends that anyone concerned with emulsions, whether or not he already owns the first edition of this book, acquire the second edition as soon as possible. I t will be a worth while investment.