AMBERLITE IR-45 (OH)*. —weakly basic anion exchange resin deriving activity from primary, secondary and tertiary amine groups. AMBERLITE IRC-50 (H)*...
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Analytical G r a d e

AMBERLITE Ion Exchange Resins AMBERLITE IR-120 (H)* —strongly acidic cation exchange resin deriving activity from sulfonic acid groups.

AMBERLITE IR-45 (OH)* —weakly basic anion exchange resin deriving activity from primary, secondary and tertiary amine groups.

AMBERLITE IRC-50 (H)* —weakly acidic cation exchange resin deriving activity from slightly ionized carboxylic-acid groups.

AMBERLITE IRA-400 (CI)* —strongly basic anion exchange resin deriving activity from quaternary amine groups. Supplied as the chloride salt.

AMBERLITE IRA-401 (CI) —similar to IRA-400, but is of high porosity. *Also available in chromatographic grade.

A m o n g the many problems f o r which these resins should b e c o n s i d e r e d a r e : • a d s o r p t i o n o f o r g a n i c bases · t h e e x c h a n g e o f m e t a l l i c cations · r e s e a r c h into a l l t y p e s o f basic m a t e r i a l s — p a r ticularly proteins (amino acids), a l k a l o i d s , e n z y m e s , d y e s , v i t a m i n s a n d salts of w e a k acids · a d s o r p t i o n a n d fractionization o f w e a k acids · isolation and purification o f pharmaceuticals · g e n e r a l anion exchange reactions · w a t e r conditioning · acidic or alkalinec a t a l y z e d o r g a n i c syntheses · r e m o v a l o f acids from reaction mixtures · recove r y a n d separation o f metals a n d r a r e earths. L a b o r a t o r y quantifies ( 2 5 pounds or less) o f these h i g h l y p u r i f i e d A m b e r l i t e A n a l y t i c a l G r a d e I o n e x c h a n g e resins a r e a v a i l a b l e exclusively through local offices o f :


Chemicals for Industry



W a s h i n g t o n Square, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Representatives in principal foreign countries Circle No. 09 an Readers' Service Card 54 A



NEWS test facilities, correlation of performance between facilities, correlation b e tween natural a n d simulated environmental conditions, a n d for a t t a c h m e n t to space vehicles t o collect space environmental data. Communications regarding information, comments, a n d suggestions should be sent t o Paul Gottfried, Project D i rector, Inland Testing Laboratories D i vision, Cook Electric Co., A t t n : Code Oil, 6401 West Oakton St., M o r t o n Grove, 111.

ISA Conference a n d Exhibit T h e 14th Annual Conference a n d Exhibit of t h e I n s t r u m e n t Society of America will be held in Chicago. T h e conference will r u n for six days, s t a r t ing Sunday, Sept. 20. Conference a n d exhibit will have as their theme, "World Progress in I n strumentation." I n line with this o b jective, arrangements a r e being made for from five t o seven presentations b y authorities from abroad. During t h e week preceding the ISA conference, t h e International Federation of Automatic Control will be holding its General Assembly in Evanston, 111. I n addition t o greater participation by overseas scientists t h a n a t previous conferences, plans made thus far for the 1959 meeting include these highlights: at least seven major program events emphasizing t h e use of computers; t h e equivalent of one a n d one-half days of sessions on photo instrumentation; a n d action t o help alleviate t h e shortage of instrument m e n a n d other technicians. This will be attacked b y a clinic on instrumentation fundamentals tailored to the training needs of technicians.

A w a r d s for Scientific Essays T h e Waverley Gold Medal, named after t h e late Lord Waverley, together with £.100, will be awarded for t h e best essay of about 3000 words describing a new scientific project or practical development giving a n outline of t h e scientific background, t h e experimental results and t h e potential application of the project or process in industry. T h e essays will be judged for technical cont e n t b y specialists in t h e subject, for clarity of presentation a n d for style. T h e competition is designed to encourage a n d promote improved a n d more effective reports of scientific a n d technical work. A second prize of £-50 will be awarded a n d also a special prize of £•50 for the best entry from a competitor under t h e age of thirty on July 31, 1959. If t h e first prize is awarded to a competitor under t h e age of thirty, the special prize will go to the next best entry.

Old and new laboratory instruments and apparatus were on display at W i l l Corp.'s Fortieth Anniversary Open House. The open house, held at Will's Atlanta plant, was attended by several hundred scientists in the area. Representatives of 15 leading manufacturers demonstrated their products. Shown above are (left to right) W . L Mathews and H . D. Mathews of Chemstrand and Lou Polony of Beclcman Instruments T h e competition is open only to persons engaged in scientific work from J a n . 1 t o July 3 1 , 1959. T h e award is sponsored b y " R e search." F u r t h e r details a r e available from t h e Editor of Research, 4 / 5 Bell Y a r d , London, W.C. 2, England.

Tritium for Civilian Applications T h e Atomic Energy Commission is making available 1,000,000 curies of tritium gas for civilian uses. T h e radioisotope is for sale t o licensed users from the commission's Oak Ridge (Tenn.) National Laboratory a t $2.00 p e r curie, plus a packing a n d handling charge. Tritium, t h e only radioactive isotope of hydrogen, is produced b y neutron b o m b a r d m e n t of lithium in n u clear reactors. I t has a relatively long half-life of 12.46 years, decaying t o stable helium-3. T h e radioisotope emits very low energy beta particles with no associated gamma radiation. T h e absence of penetrating radiation is an important safety factor.

Q u a l i t y Control Course T h e 16th Annual P r o g r a m on Statistical Quality Control a n d Design of Experiments for t h e Chemical Industries will be held a t the Rochester Instit u t e of Technology, J u n e 8 t o 23.