Role of Cell Membrane–Vector Interactions in Successful Gene Delivery

Jul 26, 2016 - Role of Cell Membrane–Vector Interactions in Successful Gene Delivery. Sriram Vaidyanathan† ... Cationic polymers have been investi...
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Role of Cell Membrane−Vector Interactions in Successful Gene Delivery Sriram Vaidyanathan,† Bradford G. Orr,§,∥ and Mark M. Banaszak Holl*,†,‡,∥,⊥ †

Departments of Biomedical Engineering, ‡Chemistry, and §Physics, ∥Program in Applied Physics and ⊥Macromolecular Science and Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, United States CONSPECTUS: Cationic polymers have been investigated as nonviral vectors for gene delivery due to their favorable safety profile when compared to viral vectors. However, nonviral vectors are limited by poor efficacy in inducing gene expression. The physicochemical properties of cationic polymers enabling successful gene expression have been investigated in order to improve expression efficiency and safety. Studies over the past several years have focused on five possible rate-limiting processes to explain the differences in gene expression: (1) endosomal release, (2) transport within specific intracellular pathways, (3) protection of DNA from nucleases, (4) transport into the nucleus, and (5) DNA release from vectors. However, determining the relative importance of these processes and the vector properties necessary for optimization remain a challenge to the field. In this Account, we describe over a decade of studies focused on understanding the interaction of cationic polymer and cationic polymer/oligonucleotide (polyplex) interactions with model lipid membranes, cell membranes, and cells in culture. In particular, we have been interested in how the interaction between cationic polymers and the membrane influences the intracellular transport of intact DNA to the nucleus. Recent advances in microfluidic patch clamp techniques enabled us to quantify polyplex cell membrane interactions at the cellular level with precise control over material concentrations and exposure times. In attempting to relate these findings to subsequent intracellular transport of DNA and expression of protein, we needed to develop an approach that could distinguish DNA that was intact and potentially functional for gene expression from the much larger pool of degraded, nonfunctional DNA within the cell. We addressed this need by developing a FRET oligonucleotide molecular beacon (OMB) to monitor intact DNA transport. The research highlighted in this Account builds to the conclusion that polyplex transported DNA is released from endosomes by free cationic polymer intercalated into the endosomal membrane. This cationic polymer initially interacts with the cell plasma membrane and appears to reach the endosome by lipid cycling mechanisms. The fraction of cells displaying release of intact DNA from endosomes quantitatively predicts the fraction of cells displaying gene expression for both linear poly(ethylenimine) (LPEI; an effective vector) and generation five poly(amidoamine) dendrimer (G5 PAMAM; an ineffective vector). Moreover, intact OMB delivered with G5 PAMAM, which normally is confined to endosomes, was released by the subsequent addition of L-PEI with a corresponding 10-fold increase in transgene expression. These observations are consistent with experiments demonstrating that cationic polymer/membrane partition coefficients, not polyplex/membrane partition coefficients, predict successful gene expression. Interestingly, a similar partitioning of cationic polymers into the mitochondrial membranes has been proposed to explain the cytotoxicity of these materials. Thus, the proposed model indicates the same physicochemical property (partitioning into lipid bilayers) is linked to release from endosomes, giving protein expression, and to cytotoxicity.

INTRODUCTION Recent advances in genome editing such as the CRISPR/Cas system has sparked a renewed interest in gene therapy.1,2 The clinical success of gene therapy depends on the successful delivery of intact plasmid DNA (pDNA) to the nucleus of target cells.3 Viral and nonviral delivery agents (vectors) are used to protect DNA from nucleases present in blood and tissue and also to promote cellular uptake.3,4 Although viral vectors enable tissue specific delivery and induce greater gene expression than nonviral vectors, concerns about adverse immune reactions remain.3 Thus, strategies to improve the serum stability, targeted cellular uptake, and nuclear transport of nonviral vectors are being pursued.4,5 In vivo delivery is also © 2016 American Chemical Society

complicated by potential formation of protein coronas onto polyplexes.6,7 The challenges are substantially fewer for gene delivery to cultured cells since serum stability and targeted delivery are not a concern. This Account focuses on the key challenges common to both gene therapy and biotechnology applications of a particular class of nonviral vectors polycationic polymers. Although not discussed in detail herein, the general observations of transport and release are also relevant for the transport of siRNA and miRNA for purposes of gene silencing.3,4 Received: April 28, 2016 Published: July 26, 2016 1486

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Accounts of Chemical Research


either at the cell membrane level (H1−H3) or at the internal organelle membrane (H4) level according to the following hypotheses tested in our referenced studies. H1: Increased cell membrane permeability induced by polyplexes allows diffusion of polyplexes across the cell membrane into the cytosol (avoiding the need for endosomal release).12,34 H2: Polyplex interaction with lipid rafts in the cell membrane enables endocytosis in pathways resulting in increased transport of polyplexes to the nucleus.35,36 H3: Increased cell membrane permeability and/or increased internal organelle membrane permeability activates cellular inflammatory mechanisms and/or cytosolic nucleases resulting in DNA degradation in the cytosol.12,28 H4: Increased failure of endosomal membrane integrity enables DNA to cross endosome and nuclear membranes.36 In this Account, we first discuss studies examining the stable intercalation of cationic polymers into mammalian cell membranes and the quantitative measurement of partition coefficients. We further connect these results to studies that investigated the subsequent release of DNA from endosomes, the degradation of DNA in the cytosol, and nuclear transport that results in gene expression. Our studies show the following: (1) Inconsistent with H1, increased cell membrane permeability by polyplexes did not increase cellular uptake and did not correlate with high gene expression.12,34,37 (2) Polyplex transport to endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus by L-PEI and G5 PAMAM did not explain differences in gene expression, inconsistent with H2.36 (3) Inconsistent with H3, cells showing increased inflammatory responses and slowed cell division due to polyplex exposure still showed high gene expression.28 (4) Consistent with H4, endosomal release of intact DNA quantitatively predicted successful gene expression. Moreover, the partitioning of free vectors (L-PEI, jetPEI > G5 PAMAM), but not polyplexes, into the cell membrane predicted both endosomal release and successful gene expression. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that polymer intercalation in the endosomal membrane facilitates endosomal release.36 Several studies have observed that free cationic polymers are vital for successful gene delivery.38−40 Although our experiments did not measure partitioning of vectors into endosomal/ internal organelle membranes directly, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that both endosomal and internal organelle membrane failure is due to the intercalation of cationic polymers. Further studies are necessary to understand the mechanism of this membrane failure in greater detail.

Polycationic polymers such as L-PEI, poly-L-lysine, and PAMAM dendrimers bind and compact negatively charged pDNA to form polyplexes.8 The nanoscale polyplexes are described by the ratio of cationic (or potentially cationic) nitrogen moieties (N) and the anionic phosphate groups (P) on the pDNA. Polyplexes with an N:P ratio > 1 have a net positive charge that facilitates their cellular uptake through interactions with the negatively charged cell membrane. The interaction with the cell membrane leads to endocytosis of polyplexes into endosomes. Rate limiting processes for successful gene expression after this point include (1) endosomal release,9,10 (2) transport to specific organelles, (3) pDNA survival in cytosol,11,12 (4) entry of pDNA into the nucleus,13−17 and (5) release of pDNA from the vector for transcription into mRNA (Figure 1).18 Among these factors, transport of the DNA across the endosomal and nuclear membranes has been proposed to be the key roadblock to successful protein expression.3

Figure 1. (A) Polyplexes are internalized into endosomes. (B) Endosomal release is thought to be critical for enabling transport of DNA to the nucleus. (C,D) Although polyplexes have been observed in internal organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, it is unclear if the polyplexes in these organelles enable gene expression.

Endosomal release of polyplexes formed using cationic polymers is proposed to be mediated by the proton sponge effect wherein buffering abilities of cationic vectors induces the swelling and rupture of endosomes releasing the nucleotide cargo into the cytosol.9,10,19 However, studies tracking the colocalization of vector and pDNA labeled with pH sensitive fluorophores in single endosomes do not support this hypothesis.20,21 Moreover, Hennink et al. synthesized a polymer with optimized buffering capacity and observed that the polymer did not exhibit good transfection abilities.22 The second critical step of DNA transport into the nucleus has been proposed to be dependent on cell division;13,15,23 however, multiple studies have demonstrated expression without cell dvision.16,24−28 Thus, mechanisms of endosomal release and nuclear transport of polyplexes remain an area of active research. Since 2004, our group has investigated the interactions of polycationic polymer and/or polyplexes with the cellular lipid membranes and how the interactions are related to successful gene delivery. Our studies were prompted by the observation of nanoscale holes in supported lipid bilayers formed by polycationic polymers29 that could explain the cell membrane and internal organelle membrane porosity induced by these materials.30−33 Interactions of cationic vector/polyplex with lipid bilayers in cells could affect subsequent gene delivery

INTERACTION OF FREE CATIONIC POLYMER AND POLYPLEXES WITH LIPID BILAYERS Cell membrane−cationic material interactions have been proposed to be important for understanding both cytotoxicity and cellular uptake.32 Our group first directly observed these interactions in supported lipid bilayers. Multiple studies using atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that cationic polymers (G5 PAMAM, G7 PAMAM, poly-L-lysine, DEAE-Dextran, PEI) and inorganic nanoparticles (Au−NH2, SiO2−NH2) induce new defects or enlarged pre-existing defects in 1487

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Figure 2. (A) PEI enhanced the size of existing defects in supported lipid bilayers. (B) Although many cationic polymers induced LDH release from KB cells, PEI induced significantly more LDH release at much lower concentrations. (C) PEI also induced the most LDH release in Rat2 cells. (D) Cationic materials could form three types of defects in lipid bilayers: (i) free pores, (ii) polymer supported pores, (iii) a carpet of polymers, or (iv) polymer intercalated bilayer.

Figure 3. (A) PEI exposure increased cell membrane currents of HEK 293A cells starting at 2.2 ug/mL and the current level stayed under −50 nA even at 113 ug/mL indicating that cells were still intact. Dissolution of cells using the detergent SDS resulted in currents > −70 nA. (B) L-PEI exposure increased membrane currents at lower concentrations than G5 PAMAM. (C) Free L-PEI had a higher partition constant into HEK 293A cell membranes than free G5 PAMAM. Partition constants of polyplexes were not different within error. (D) Free cationic vectors also induced increased membrane currents in HeLa cells with L-PEI and jetPEI showing the greatest increase and showing the greatest gene expression. Currents induced by polyplexes did not predict gene expression.

QUANTIFYING THE INTERACTIONS OF FREE CATIONIC POLYMER AND POLYPLEXES WITH CELL MEMBRANES Since supported lipid bilayers do not represent the complexity of cell membranes (presence of multiple lipids, proteins, and sugar groups), we turned to studies on cells. Dye and protein leakage have been observed from cells treated with cationic materials.30−32 Although several polymers increased cell membrane permeability and reduced viability in our studies, branched PEI (bPEI) was particularly effective at lower concentrations presumably due to its higher charge density.31 These studies were consistent with idea that the increased cell membrane permeability and cytotoxicity result from pore formation in lipid bilayers.31,51 Although the dye leakage studies provided quantitative information regarding cell membrane permeability, it was difficult to understand the impact of cell membrane permeability on gene expression in a given cell. We used flow cytometry to relate changes in cell membrane

supported lipid (DMPC) bilayers.29−31,41,42 In addition, the cationic materials induced defects and removed lipid from liquid phase lipid bilayers to a much greater extent than from gel phase bilayers.43,44 In contrast to cationic materials, neutral materials required orders of magnitude greater concentrations to induce defects in supported lipid bilayers;30,45 however, for neutral G5 PAMAM formed by acetylating terminal amines, we observed intercalation into the lipid bilayer.29 Multiple defect mechanisms including (i) free pores, (ii) polymer supported pores, (iii) a carpet of polymers on the bilayer, and (iv) polymers intercalated into the membrane (Figure 2D) were consistent with our studies. Dynamic light scattering and phosphorus NMR measurements suggested that defects were free pores which resulted from the formation of dendrimer filled lipid vesicles.29,45 The formation of lipid−cationic polymer complexes was supported by molecular dynamics simulations.46−48 Computational models and NMR experiments suggest dendrimer insertion into the lipid bilayer.49,50 1488

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Figure 4. (A) OMB employed for FRET studies. (B) OMB delivered using jetPEI polyplexes (N:P 10:1) exhibits diffuse distribution at 4 h. (C) OMB delivered using G5 PAMAM polyplexes (N:P 10:1) were confined to vesicles with few cells showing diffuse OMB distribution. (D) Treatment of cells with L-PEI for 1 h following 3 h G5 PAMAM polyplex incubation results in diffuse, cytosolic OMB distribution. (E) JetPEI induces release of OMBs as early as 2 h after delivery and OMBs persist in the cytosol until at least 8 h. (F) Fraction of cells (n = total number of cells counted from 10 images each obtained from 3 biological replicates) showing diffuse OMB distribution in the cytosol (jetPEI = 88 ± 5%, G5 PAMAM = 9 ± 2%) corresponds to the fraction of cells expressing GFP (jetPEI = 80 ± 5%, G5 PAMAM 4 ± 1%). (G) Preincubation, coincubation, and postincubation of L-PEI with G5 PAMAM polyplexes increases both fraction of cells displaying diffuse OMB and fraction of cells expressing GFP by >10-fold.

permeability with cytosolic nuclease activation and gene expression. Furthermore, we used whole cell patch clamp experiments to quantify cell membrane permeability to ions on a single cell level. Manual patch clamp experiments exhibited increased currents across cell membrane due to cationic polymer exposure. Individual current events ranged from 0.2 to 2 nA consistent with free pore (i) or supported pore (ii) defects between 1 and 350 nm2 in area.8 The predicted size of defects consisting of carpeted (iii) or intercalated (iv) regions is presumably larger than the size predicted for pores. Unlike cationic polymers, antimicrobial peptide (AMO-3) exhibited discrete currents events consistent with a pore of ∼2 nm diameter as predicted by other studies.52

In order to obtain measurements from a representative population, we used an automated high throughput microfluidic patch clamp (Ionflux-16, IF-16) that measures cell membrane conductivities of 20 cells simultaneously with precise control over exposure time (1 s) and concentrations under superfusion conditions.12,37,53 IF-16 further allowed us to assess the intactness of treated cells using fluorescence microscopy. Both cationic vectors and polyplexes increased membrane currents across cells to 30−40 nA (Figure 3) as opposed to open channel currents of 70−80 nA observed when cells were solubilized by the detergent SDS.53 Treatment with cationic vectors up to 100 times the concentrations used in polyplexes formulations still did not increase the membrane currents above 40 nA. This indicated that the cationic polymers saturate the 1489

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distinguish intact (therapeutically active) DNA from degraded DNA.36 We observed that colocalization of intact DNA by jetPEI and G5 PAMAM polyplexes in the Golgi apparatus and ER in HEK 293A cells was identical and thus did not explain the 100-fold difference in gene expression. However, the release of OMB into the cytosol (jetPEI ≫ G5 PAMAM) quantitatively predicted the gene expression induced by polyplexes (jetPEI ≫ G5 PAMAM) (Figure 4). The release of OMBs by jetPEI started at ∼2 h and persisted until 8 h. Moreover, the release of G5 PAMAM polyplexes from vesicles could be triggered by the coincubation, preincubation or postincubation of L-PEI with cells treated using G5 PAMAM polyplexes resulting in a >10-fold increase in cells expressing GFP. By way of contrast, adding chloroquine has been shown to increase transgene expression from select cells without increasing the fraction of the population expressing transgenes.62 Studies by other groups have shown that the addition of free L-PEI enhances gene expression although they did not provide a mechanism of action.38−40,63 These results support H4 that endosomal release by free polymers mediates gene expression. We have further proposed that free cationic polymer intercalated in endosomal membranes induces failure of the endosomal membrane that enables successful gene expression. According to this new model, jetPEI/L-PEI is successful in mediating endosomal escape in a larger fraction of cells because it can intercalate and disrupt endosomal membranes at much lower concentrations than G5 PAMAM. The model can also better explain the wide difference in gene expression induced by L-PEI and G5 PAMAM despite their similar buffering abilities. Moreover, the model is also consistent with a recent report by Zuhorn et al. that the release of nucleotides from endosomes occurs via transient “burst” or pores leaving behind intact endosomes64 as opposed to the ruptured endosomes proposed by the proton sponge hypothesis.10,65 They observed that the release of cargo from endosomes happened within a few seconds. This is more consistent with a new intercalation event at the endosome level rather than prolonged leakiness starting from endosome budding at the cell membrane. More studies will be necessary to understand the mechanism of cationic polymer interactions with the endosomal bilayer. The addition of L-PEI also resulted in OMB presence in the nucleus within 4 h, much quicker than cell division occurs, although it is unclear if L-PEI was responsible for nuclear uptake. Although L-PEI and other polymers induce nuclear membrane permeability,17,55 pDNA transfers into the nucleus increased in the presence of cytosolic extracts.17 Polyplexes microinjected into the cytosol have been shown to induce higher gene expression than bare pDNA.27 Thus, it is possible that the nuclear membrane could be made permeable by the free polymer, thus making it easier for polyplexes to penetrate the nucleus. The dynamics of cationic vectors and DNA in polyplexes is also of interest since DNA in polyplexes is protected from nucleases but needs to be released for transcription into mRNA. We have also probed the DNA−vector interactions in polyplexes using NMR and fluorescence based techniques and observed that polyplexes are highly dynamic systems in which free nucleotides and vectors exchange with polyplexes rapidly.66,67 The OMB experiments indicate that the DNA release from polymers and nuclease protection are not the critical parameters that enable successful gene expression.

cell membrane at concentrations used in polyplex delivery. Moreover, the increase in cell membrane conductivity induced within 60 s was not reversible for over 15 min. Since free pores induced by sonoporation repair in 5 s, the free pore model is inconsistent with our data.54 Instead cationic polymers and polyplexes appear to intercalate stably in the cell membrane and increase membrane permeability by either a supported pore (ii), carpet (iii), or intercalation (iv) model.48 Finally, we further quantified the amount of polymer/polyplex partitioned in the cell membrane under quiescent conditions.53 To distinguish between the four hypotheses in the introduction (H1−H4), we compared the intercalation of different cationic polymers and polyplexes to gene expression. Inconsistent with H1, increased cell membrane permeability by polymers did not increase cellular uptake of polyplexes.12 Polyplex induced cell membrane permeability did not predict gene expression in HEK293A and HeLa cell lines.12,37 Flow cytometry experiments also observed no relationship between the polyplex-induced influx of propidium iodide dye and gene expression.34 These results were also consistent with other recent reports showing no correlation between polyplex induced nuclear permeability and gene expression.17,55 By way of contrast, we observed that polymers inducing high gene expression (jetPEI, L-PEI) also induced higher levels of membrane permeability in HEK 293A and HeLa cells when compared to polymers inducing low gene expression (BPEI, G5 PAMAM).12,37 Moreover, the polymers showing high gene expression (jetPEI, L-PEI) in HEK 293A cells had higher partition constants in the cell membrane and induced cell membrane permeability at lower concentrations.37 The partitioning of polymers into the cell membrane has been used to explain inflammation and apoptotic pathways triggered by increased permeability of lipid membranes of organelles such as the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.33,51,56 Thus, we analyzed if intracellular defenses triggered by polymers could predict successful gene expression (H3). Inconsistent with H3, polymers that partition strongly into the cell membrane resulting in higher membrane permeabilization also induce higher gene expression and induce more inflammation. The results suggest that the intercalated polymer influences subsequent gene expression either by mediating transport in specific pathways (H2) or by mediating endosomal release (H4). We used fluorescence microscopy experiments to further understand these processes.

CELLULAR UPTAKE AND INTRACELLULAR TRANSPORT OF CATIONIC POLYMERS AND POLYPLEXES Polyplexes have been generated with a range of average sizes and substantial particle size distributions that contribute to the involvement of multiple uptake pathways including clathrin and caveolin mediated endocytosis as well as micropinocytosis.57,58 Caveolin mediated pathways are thought to enable gene expression because polyplexes escape these endosomes better.58 Our group found that the internalization of G5 PAMAM dendrimers and polyplexes was not GM1/caveolin pathway dependent in multiple cell lines.35,59 Other studies have observed polyplexes in the Golgi apparatus and ER possibly transported by caveolin mediated pathways even though it is unclear if these polyplexes induce subsequent gene expression.60,61 To address this question, we used a small oligonucleotide molecular beacon (OMB) labeled with a FRET dye pair to 1490

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Figure 5. (A) Free cationic polymer intercalates into the plasma membrane and/or is released from associated polyplexes. (B) Cationic polymer is dispersed into internal cellular membranes via lipid recycling pathways. Polyplexes are endocytosed. (C) Cationic polymer intercalated into endosomal membranes induces membrane permeability and facilitates release of genetic material into the cytosol. (D) We hypothesize that cationic polymer associated with the nuclear membrane via lipid recycling and/or cytosolic pathways induces permeabilization and facilitates transport into the nucleus.



The buffering ability of polymers has been considered important for optimal endosomal release,9,10,19,27 although several studies have disagreed with this hypothesis.20,21 Our experiments indicate that the intercalation of free polymers into the lipid membranes promotes endosomal release and gene expression in the following steps and enable successful gene expression (Figure 5):36 (1) Polyplexes delivered to the cell release free vector, smaller polyplexes, and free DNA either near the cell membrane or inside vesicles66−68 (2) Free cationic polymer released from polyplexes intercalates into the cell plasma membrane and then circulates to endosomal membranes and disrupts them. Our model explains endosomal, mitochondrial, and nuclear permeabilization using the same physicochemical property. Studies supporting our model mainly use two polymers L-PEI and G5 PAMAM. The effectiveness of PEI in permeabilizing membranes has been attributed to its higher charge density.31,69 Future studies using other cationic polymers and lipids with different transfection abilities and physicochemical properties (hydrophobicities, charge density, and vector architecture (branched vs linear)) will be necessary to validate the proposed model. Although our model mainly focused on understanding gene delivery, the same strategy may also be used to improve the efficacy of other therapeutic systems in which endosomal release is a limiting factor.

Sriram Vaidyanathan was born in Thiruvananthapuram, India in 1988. He graduated from Purdue University in 2010 with a B.S.E. in Biomedical Engineering. He joined the Banaszak Holl group at the University of Michigan in 2011 and obtained a M.S.E in Biomedical Engineering in 2013. He completed his Ph.D in 2016. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University. Bradford G. Orr was born in Coronado, CA, in 1958. He graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1980 with a B.S. and in 1985 with a Ph.D. degree. He spent 2 years as postdoctoral fellow at the IBM T. J. Watson research laboratory in Yorktown Heights, NY, prior to accepting a position as an assistant professor of physics at the University of Michigan, where he is currently Professor of Physics and Chair of the Physics Department. Mark M. Banaszak Holl was born in Ithaca, NY, in 1964. He graduated from the University of Chicago in 1986 and obtained his Ph.D. degree at Cornell University in 1991. He spent 1 year as postdoctoral fellow at the IBM T. J. Watson research laboratory in Yorktown Heights, NY, prior to accepting a position as an assistant professor of chemistry at Brown University (1992−1995). He accepted a position at the University of Michigan in 1995 where he is currently Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering and Director of the Program in Macromolecular Science and Engineering.

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The authors declare no competing financial interest. 1491

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.6b00200 Acc. Chem. Res. 2016, 49, 1486−1493