Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids as New Solvents for Carbohydrate

Jul 25, 2002 - Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids as New Solvents for Carbohydrate Chemistry: A New Tool for the Processing of Biomass Feedstocks? Noshena...
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Chapter 28

Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids as New Solvents for Carbohydrate Chemistry: A New Tool for the Processing of Biomass Feedstocks? N o s h e n a Khan and Luc Moens* National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO 80401

Room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) can be used as reaction media for carrying out chemical reactions with carbohydrates. This study focused on simple acetylation reactions of partially protected as well as 'free' sugars, and it was shown that the choice of RTIL determines the efficiency of these transformations.

The production of chemicals, fuels and materials from renewable resources such as lignocellulosic biomass is gaining increased attention from the global research community (i). Aside from the complex geopolitical issues associated with the mining of fossil resources such as petroleum and coal, these particular non-renewable carbon feedstocks have become the center of discussions around 'global warming that is said to be caused by the build-up of carbon dioxide emissions. On the other hand, many countries produce vast supplies of agricultural by-products that are not marketable and that thus must be disposed of as 'waste' materials. This usually involves combustion to generate process heat, or use in low-value applications such as soil improvement. A significant goal of the biomass processing industry is to upgrade the value of many agricultural products through chemical conversion methods that can modify or even improve the physical and/or chemical properties. However, this also 1


© 2002 American Chemical Society

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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introduces a major challenge in that biomass feedstocks are much more complex in their chemical and structural composition, and conventional chemical processes are not easily adapted to process these raw materials. In contrast with petroleum-derived fractions which consist primarily o f hydrocarbons, lignocellulosic biomass is made up of carbohydrates and lignins. The former comprise hexoses and pentoses such as e.g. glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, xylose and arabinose, while the lignins are polyphenols materials composed of phenylpropane units (C-9 building blocks) (Figure 1).

BIOMASS (Lignocellulosic)





cellulose •

hemicellulose ceiiuiose

other ι

t I '

glucose fructose


xylose xylose arabinose

mannose galactose ?! sucrose ®


f polyphenolic \ \ structure /

Figure 1. Components of lignocellulosic biomass

The characteristically high degree of oxygenation causes biomass fractions and derivatives to be much more reactive than petrochemicals, and also precludes the use of many conventional catalyst systems and thermal processes. The higher polarity of the sugars is notoriously difficult to deal with in synthetic processes because one is often forced to take recourse to the use of hazardous solvents such as pyridine, or polar aprotic solvents such as acetonitrile, D M A c , D M F , D M S O , etc. to dissolve these polyhydroxylated substrates (2). The drawback then is that many efficient metal ion catalysts become too coordinated and less active towards sugars. It explains why free, i.e. unprotected, sugars are usually processed in aqueous solvent systems, and why most o f the

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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362 commercially interesting carbohydrate chemistry involves acid or base catalysis(7,2). More complex synthetic chemistry with carbohydrates can be made possible by selectively protecting the highly reactive hydroxy groups such that specific sites in the sugar molecule can be targeted. However, those protecting groups must be removed at a later stage, and decrease the overall efficiency and commercial attractiveness of the synthetic route. It is therefore not surprising that an important issue in modern carbohydrate chemistry is the search for synthetic pathways that completely bypass the need for such protection-deprotection steps (2). With the advent of room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) in the arena of synthetic chemistry, it has become possible to expand on the existing series of traditional molecular solvents {3,4,5,6). RTILs are essentially non-aqueous salt­ like materials that are liquid at or near room temperature, and the most common examples belong to the class of Ν,Ν'-disubstituted imidazolium salts (Figure 2).












X = organic



Figure 2. Depending on the choice of R and Xgroups, Ν,Ν'-imidazolium can become liquids at room temperature (RTIL).


Depending on the substitution pattern of the imidazolium cation and the choice of anion, the RTIL can be made either hydrophobic or hydrophilic such that a wide range of substrates can be dissolved in these unique solvents. Other advantages of many RTILs are their negligible vapor pressure and often high thermal-, water- and air-stability, although these properties depend strongly on the choice of the anion. Imidazolium-based RTILs have been shown to be excellent media for a variety of catalytic reactions because the ionic medium is able to 'immobilize' transition metal ion catalysts. What is perhaps even more unique is that e. g. in the case of hydrophobic hexafluorophosphate salts, this happens without coordination of the metal catalyst. Motivated by our mission to find new chemical methods to process biomass-derived sugars and lignins, we felt that it would be worthwhile to explore some chemistry with these challenging substrates in R T I L media (Table I), and to find out i f new energy efficient and atom efficient processes could be developed. In this report, we w i l l focus on our initial studies with carbohydrates since these are still the more interesting biomass components with respect to the production of chemicals and materials. Sugars are notoriously prone to complex dehydration processes at higher temperatures, especially in the presence of acid or base catalysts {1,2).

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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Table I. Ionic Solvents used in this Study



Me Me Me Me

Bu Bu Bu Oct





[bmim][Cl] [bmim][PF ] [bmim][BF ] [moim][Cl] 6





Note: [bmim][Cl] and [bmim][PF6] were prepared according to ref. 7; [bmim][BF4] was obtained following the procedure of ref. 8 (with isolation from aqueous phase at 5 °C). Consequently, thermal isolation and purification steps (e.g. distillation) must be avoided. With that thought in mind, we envision a model reactor system that involves a simple vessel in which the feedstock material is allowed to react with a catalyst dissolved in a RTIL medium. Subsequent isolation of the products could be achieved through conventional solvent extraction with a solvent that is immiscible with the RTIL phase, or through simple décantation i f there is phase separation. The ideal system would allow for recycling of the ionic catalyst solution to the reactor vessel, and this may be achieved by 'designing' the RTIL such that it acquires the appropriate solvent properties for a particular substrate.





Ionic solvent (+ c a t a l y s t )

Figure 3. Conceptional design of a process reactor for biomass conversion in RTIL media with an immobilized catalyst.

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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364 In order to test the concepts, we decided to try simple acylations of the hydroxy groups, since these are commonplace in sugar chemistry. Aside from catalytic methods that often involve toxic catalysts, reagents or solvents, the common procedures for effecting esterification of the hydroxy groups in sugars involve the use of stoichiometric quantities of strong base, such as e.g. sodium hydride or sodium hydroxide, in the presence of an acylating agent such as acyl halides or anhydrides in an organic solvent (9-32). A n alternative approach would be to develop a solution of an 'immobilized' catalyst in an ionic liquid phase, and preferably a transition metal ion catalyst for which ligand(s) could be designed for optimal solubilities and turn-over numbers. Enzymatic acylation of simple alcohols has recently been demonstrated in ionic liquids, but the concept has not yet been applied to more complex polyols such as sugars (33-37). During our search for viable catalysts, we became interested in a report that described the use of vanadyl(IV) acetate as an efficient Lewis acid catalyst for the acylation of alcohols with acetic anhydride in acetonitrile (Eq.l) (38).

Ac 0 10mol%VO(OAcJ> 2



S o l v e n t




(Equation 1)


It can be obtained by simply heating vanadium pentoxide in acetic anhydride under reflux, is easy to handle and does not seem to exhibit any high sensitivity to air or moisture. The only drawback of using this particular catalytic system is that the acetylation results in the production o f one mole equivalent of acetic acid that builds up during the process. However, for our purposes we had to first find out i f this catalyst would be equally active in an ionic solvent medium, and secondly, we had to keep in mind that the hydroxy groups in a carbohydrate have different steric and chemical environments that could influence the rates of acetylation. Therefore we decided to start with partially protected monosaccharides that would allow us to evaluate the reactivity of primary vs. secondary OH-groups in the ring structure. The acetonides shown in Figure 4 were treated with 0.1 mol equivalents of vanadyl(IV) acetate in the presence of 1.5 mol equivalents of acetic anhydride in 1 -butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (or [bmim][PF6]) as solvent. Monitoring o f the catalytic process i n the ionic medium by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) showed that any noticeable reaction occurred at higher temperature and longer reaction time compared to those carried out i n acetonitrile. Even with these long reaction times, we had difficulties driving the reaction to completion. In addition, for lack of a better method, we had to extract the reaction product with an organic solvent, and this did not prove to be

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

365 simple either. For instance, extraction with diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, methylene chloride, cyclohexane or toluene proved to be inefficient because part of the ionic liquid as well as small amounts of the vanadium catalyst were


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H 0

J V " ? /^o V

Ac 0

(69 %)



— - eq



[bmim][PF ] 0.1 6





[bimim][PF ] 6

0.1 eq VCKOAey 95 C / 42h 0.2 eq VOfOAc)^ 90 C / 24h


51 % with 50 % recovered SM —

80 % with added Et N 3

Ac 0 2

0.1 eq catalyst

(ca. 70 %)

[bmim][PF ] 6

95 C / 42h

Figure 4. Acetylation of OH-groups under catalytic conditions in an RTIL.

soluble i n these solvents also. These complications were minimized by using chloroform as an extraction solvent, which led to the yields shown in Figure 4. As mentioned earlier, during these reactions a stoichiometric amount of acetic acid is formed as a by-product, and we suspected that this caused the

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


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difficulties in driving the process to completion. This hypothesis found some support when we obtained a higher yield (from 51% to 80%) after adding a stoichiometric amount of triethylamine to one of the substrates. Without this weak base, about half of the starting material remained unreacted. Attempts to improve the yield with another V(IV) catalyst, i. e. VO(salen), did not improve the yields or decrease the required reaction temperature, but interestingly we obtained a quantitative yield o f acetylation at an anomeric center when [bmim][Cl] was used as a reaction medium (Figure 5).

Ac 0 2


0.1 eq. catalyst


Ionic solvent

VO(OAc) VO(salen) VO(salen) 2

[bmim][PF ] [bmim][PF ] fbmimircn 6


Τ (°C) 95 95 90

t (h) 9 48 3

Yield (%) 66 66 100


Figure 5. Improvement of the yield of acetylation by changing the ionic solvent.

Note that the reaction time was also lowered to only 3 h. This ionic medium is solid at room temperature (mp 65-69°C) and is completely water-soluble. The work-up therefore consisted of dissolving the reaction mixture i n water, followed by extraction of the product from the homogeneous aqueous phase with methyl isobutyl ketone. Clearly, this did not allow for a straightforward recycling of the catalyst. Due to the partial solubility of the catalyst in a variety of organic extraction solvents, we then made a slight modification to the VO(salen) catalyst, by treating it with thionyl chloride as shown in Equation 2 (39). This generates a blue dichlorovanadium(IV) complex, i. e. V(salen)Cl2, which belongs to a class of vanadium compounds that, to the best of our knowledge has not yet received any attention in the literature as a potentially useful Lewis acid catalyst for synthetic chemistry. Nevertheless, a variety of dichlorovanadium(IV) have been

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

367 SOCI


(Equation 2)

benzene reflux "V(salen)CI "

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described in the literature (40). Our hope was that this halogenated complex would be a stronger electrophile than the parent VO(salen), resulting in higher rates of acetylation. Unfortunately, this did not materialize, but we did notice that the characteristic blue color of this catalyst remained immobilized in the

(Equation 3) 0.1 eq V(salen)CI


[bmim][PF ] 6

95 C / 20h

ionic phase (Equation 3). We also found that isopropanol could be used instead of chloroform to extract the product without removing this catalyst from the ionic phase (41). Indeed, i n a first run, we obtained a 60% yield of the acetylated substrate, and because of the improved immobilization of the catalyst, we were able to recycle the active, blue-colored catalyst phase a second time to obtain 71% yield. However, the blue color of the catalyst faded after this second step and we suspect that it underwent slow hydrolysis of the V - C l bonds with traces of moisture. We have not yet determined the lifetime of this catalyst under more stringent anhydrous conditions, nor have we finished our exploration of different ligands on the vanadyl(IV) complexes. While the reactivity of the catalyst is an important factor, the choice of anion in the RTIL turned out to be crucial for obtaining good yields. A s shown in Figure 6 , use of the chloride salt is by far the most appropriate ionic solvent since it allows the reaction to go to completion. In the case of both the hydrophobic PF salt and the much more hydrophilic B F salt, we recovered substantial amounts of starting material when the reactions were carried out within a similar time period (50% and 26% respectively, within 5-6 h of reaction time). This indicates that the catalyst does not have the same level of activity in these different media. In the absence of the vanadium catalyst, the yield of the sugar acetate was very low, even after almost two days of reaction at high 6


In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.


Ho' Ac 0 (equiv) 1.5

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tl II II



3.0 4


1.5 1.5 3.0 II It

τ (°C) 90 70 80 90 90 95 90


(«) 5 24 6 6 48 42 24



Catalyst VO(OAc)

(%) 2




VO(OAc) VO(OAc) /Et N 2




91 98 39 (26 SM) 50 (50 SM) 5 (75 SM) 51 (50 SM) 80

Figure 6. Influence ofRTIL anion on product yields, with and without catalyst. The hydrophobic RTIL requires the use of added vanadium catalyst.

temperature. Again, the yield improved dramatically when a mole equivalent of triethylamine was added. The most surprising observation, however, was that a reaction in [bmim][Cl] without catalyst led to a near quantitative yield of product. This suggests that the use of any transition metal catalyst may be bypassed by using chloride salts as ionic liquids. We found a similar reactivity with an acetonide that has an unprotected anomeric OH-group (Figure 7). The resulting esterification reaction proceeded with retention of the stereochemical orientation of the anomeric group, which suggests that there is no significant solvolysis taking place in the highly ionic medium. Although we did not find any signs of racemization for this particular case, there is certainly room for exploration in this area with a variety of carbohydrates to figure out how the anomeric groups may be susceptible to solvolytic effects in ionic media. Using the data that we obtained with the partially protected sugars, we wanted to know i f peracetylation, i . e. acetylation of all OH-groups in an unprotected sugar molecule, could be achieved in [bmim][Cl] as reaction medium. Table II shows a few examples of free sugars that were peracetylated efficiently in molten [bmim][Cl], and no additional catalyst was needed to effect this transformation. A lower yield was obtained in the case of the D-xylose, where we observed a by-product that appears to be the acetylated form o f the open chain structure. This brings up an interesting issue that will also require more extensive investigations, i . e. what is the equilibrium of open vs. closed chain isomers of different sugars in the ionic media? To the best of our

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

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Yield (%)










Figure 7. Acetylation of anomeric OH-group in the absence of catalyst.

knowledge, there are no commercial sources yet for deuterated imidazolium salts that could be used as N M R solvents. We are aware of only one recent report that deals with the preparation of deuterated RTILs, and obviously these compounds will be needed for advancing sugar chemistry in ionic liquids. The chemistry that takes place in the [bmim][Cl] media is not clear although we believe that the chloride anion may actually be a reaction partner in the process. The latter could react with the acetic anhydride to generate small amounts of acetyl chloride which under equilibrium conditions becomes the active acetylating agent for the OH-group. We are currently investigating the mechanism of this reaction, as well as its scope and limitations for mono- and polysaccharides.

Table II. Peracetylation of unprotected sugars i n [bmim][Cl] Sugar

Ac 0 (equiv)

Τ (°C)

t (h)

Yield (%) of peracetylation

















In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

370 Although we are still at the preliminary stage, we have found that 0.25 M solutions of several free sugars can be prepared at room temperature in 1 -methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride or [moim][Cl], that, unlike [bmim][Cl], is a liquid at room temperature. Not surprisingly, one has to apply a considerable anmount of heat to dissolve the free sugars in the hydrophobic [bmim][PF ]. 6

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Table III. Temperatures of dissolution of free sugars Sugar D-mannose D-glucose D-xylose D-arabinose

mp (°Q 133-140 153-6 156-8 162-4

Dissolution in fbmimJfPF J 103-5 100-2 95-7 110-2 6

Dissolution in fmoimJfClJ RT RT RT RT

Note: the sugars were used as received and were not predried.

Even though clear solutions were obtained at those higher temperatures, we noticed the beginning of discoloration of the solutions, which could be attributed to thermal decomposition of the sugars. Here also, we need to obtain more data for many sugars in a wider variety of RTILs with different polarities. The issue that needs to be addressed is how free mono- and polysaccharides behave when they have been predried compared to samples that still contain their crystal water. Conclusions We have demonstrated that ionic liquids can be used as alternative solvent media for the esteriflcation of sugars and sugar derivatives. The important lesson that we learned in this preliminary investigation is that hydrophobic ionic liquids such as [bmim][PF ] do not dissolve free sugars very well, and that they will support acetylation of the OH-groups only in the presence of a catalyst. On the other hand, the hydrophilic ionic media such as [bmim][Cl] obviate the need for any dissolved catalyst, but these salts appear to be participants in the reaction process. Further work is needed to gain a better understanding o f the mechanism of this reaction. As mentioned before, the scope and limitations of reactions in ionic media such as [bmim][Cl] and [moim][Cl] need to be investigated, and could provide new methodology for peracylating not only refined mono- and polysaccharides to make high(er)-value products, but maybe also whole biomass samples. Another focus would be to find acylating agents other than the acid anhydrides that result in the formation of a molar equivalent of carboxylic acid as a by-product 6

In Ionic Liquids; Rogers, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2002.

371 Earlier in this Chapter, we pointed out that the non-coordinative character of the hydrophobic RTILs such as [bmim][PF ] offers unique possibilities with respect to catalysis with transition metal catalysts. Our finding that free sugars are more soluble in the hydrophilic and highly coordinating chloride salts shows that much more work is needed to find an appropriate (non-coordinating) ionic liquid that can support catalytic processes for converting sugars. Nonetheless, from our work with the chloride salt it is clear that possible reactivity of the solvent itself may be a useful tool to effect certain chemical transformations. Probably one of the most emphasized areas in carbohydrate chemistry is the stereocontrol in reactions at the anomeric center since it lies at the basis of many important glycosylation reactions in the synthesis of oligo- and polysaccharides. Even though we have not yet investigated any reactions wherein the anomeric C-O bond is affected, it is not inconceivable that an ionic medium may influence solvolytic processes in ways that are not possible in traditional molecular solvents. Therefore, we consider detailed solvolysis studies of sugars in ionic liquids to be an important and necessary area of future work. Here also, the availability of deuterated RTILs will be important because, as mentioned earlier, the equilibrium concentrations of the open vs. closed chain conformation of the sugars in an ionic medium must be known for the reactions with certain partially protected or completely unprotected carbohydrates.

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Acknowledgement We are grateful to the Directors' Discretionary Research and Development fund (DDRD) of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ( N R E L ) for supporting this work. L M also thanks Prof. Robin D . Rogers and Mr. Richard P. Swatloski of The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, for the stimulating discussions during this project. References 1.


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