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ROTA-SIGHT FLOW ALARM gives positive protection against flow failure! L I K E A T A U T SENTRY in the dark, this

new flow alarm always stays on the alert. "Advance, Flow, and give the countersign!" If too low or too high, wham goes t h e big bell or swiftly a solenoid valve moves to a new position. Your product and your equipment will b e surely and safely guarded by t h e Rota-Sight Flow Rate Alarm. It is made with a transparent, Vported metering tube, and a metal float which moves up or down in direct response to flow rate changes only. T h e float has a magnetic extension which trips an external switch to operate the alarm circuit. I t responds equally well t o flows of liquids or gases. Easily made explosion-proof»

The Rota-Sight Alarm i s casrt in a i l metals in sizes from 3^2" to 6". Withomt the alarm, it is an inexpensive, c=ompated t»y the leaders in the process industries and the equipment manufacturioLg Conapanies for measuring coolants, 'lubes" oils, c h e m i c a l f e e d s , e t c . , to diesel engines, air compressors, turbines, fOters, furnaces, stills, heaters, r»eactic*n vessels, etc. It has answered théûr-neècls for a positive, sure-fire flow rate indncator and alarm. The interesting details are jpeven ïzu Bulletin 92-B—write for it ora. youur Company letterhead.


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