RUBBER FILTER MEDIA - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Vol. 19, N o . 18


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for economic filtration of your severely corrosive solutions Rubber as a resistant to many chemicals needs no introduc­ t i o n . But what y o u may not b e aware of is the unique way in which rubber has been made into a practical Filter cloth. O n e style of F - M Rubber Filter M e d i a is a perforated rubber sheet with specified number of pores and controlled pore sizes.


The other style is a porous membrane capable of retaining particles as small as 2 microns and providing flow rates com­ parable with filter cloths that are not capable of retain ins particles of equivalent size. Both of these styles are available with various reinforcing materials to provide greater strength and durability. Rubbercoated cotton, asbestos and glass fibres may be used for this purpose. tie too

* Photograph shows Rubber Filter M e d i a enlarged approximately 5 times.

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N o l o N o · 1 · The F - M line of Filter Fabrics includes: Cotton Cloth, treated and untreated; W o o l Cloth; Rubber Filter M e d i a ; Glass Filter Cloth. Not*» N o · 2 · Try our conversion service. With the tempo of pro­ duction stepped up, you can eliminate one time-consuming preparation step b y letting us make up covers for your filter elements. You will find our service prompt and economical. You will find the covers exceptionally well-made.

» Lftκ mm & ο Β jsk κ eta st r &J> WK >$% ι ι %J& m Specialists in Filter Cloth (or Industrial Filtration


Irvington-on-Hudson, Ν . Υ .

Salt Lake City
