Rubidum and Caesium (Perel'man, F. M.)

of a monograph published five years ago in the Soviet Union should be enough to d e press that interest considerably. The work has litt,le to offer su...
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BOOK REVIEWS A most stimulating and provocative ehapter. Authors being whet they are, the editor surrendered the manuscript t o his publisher short of two intended topics, Eleetrophilic Attacks on Alkenes and Biochenlical Format,ion and Reactions of Alkenes. The lack of a chapter on homogeneous and heterogeneous reduction of t h e double bond stands out. Furthermore, a detailed survey of t h e ph,ysical properties of alkenes, e.g., thermodynamic and spectral, could have been used t o advantage a4 a n adjunct t o discussions in the many of t h e other chapters. There is perhaps enough material here for a supplement, Professor Patrsi! SIDNEYI. MILLER Illinois Instilute of Technology Chicago Rubidium a n d Caerium

F. M . Pe~el'man. Translated by R. G . P . 7'owndrow. English trans. ed. by R. W. Clarke, A.E.R.E., Harwell, England. International Series of Monographs on Nuclear Energy, Ilivision VIII, M a t e rials, Volume 2. Pergamon Press,Long 144pp. Island City, N. Y., 1!)65. xv Figs. and tables. 14.5 X 22 em. 89.


The bitle of this monograph may arouse the interest of those especially conrerued with the sem oxidabion state of these ele-

A832 / Journal of Chemical Education

ments. However, the additional informat ion that this is the first English translabion of a monograph published five years ago in the Soviet Union should be enough to d e press that interest considerably. The work has litt,le t o offer such a person. The editor states that, the purpose of t,he book is to report on world wide studies of the chemistry of rubidium and cesium. The report takes the form of a liberally refereneed description af the chemixt,ry of these element,s. A large variety of topics is included. Among these are a discussion of nnt,ural occurrence, descriptive information ahont quite a number af compounds, solubility information fvr mult,icomponent aqueous systems, summitry remarks about prr,perties of fused salt mixtures, techniques of qualitative and cluantitat,ive mtnalgsis for rubidium and cesium, extraction of rubidium and resium from minerals and preparative met,hada for the metals. Well over 400 referenres make u p the bibliography. References dated up t o 1960 are treated in t,he usual rnsuner with the pertinent reference being indicated in t,he text a t the appropriate place. References dated between I960 and 1964 have been appended t,o t,his Wglish edition in a sepsrat,e list a t bhe very end of the hook. They are grouped by t,opie but are not numbered and are not ailed in the text. As a result, they might he mirsed hy t,he reader. The author has succeeded i n acromplishing the objective set forth by the editor, and the translation can be read without difficulty. The strengths of the monograph lie in its preientnlion of n large

variety of descriptive informatim about, the chemistry of rubidium and resium and the extensive referenre list to original literature.

J. F. WILLING Battelle Memorial Inslit?rte C o B m h w . Ohio The Structure a n d Properties of Materials. Volume 1, Structure

William G . A4offa1, General Elwtrir Co., Geo~ge 1V. Peamall, I h k e University, Durham, Nort,h Carolina, ntrd John Wul5, Massachusetts Instit,nte of Terhnology, Cambridge. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1964. vii 236 pp. Figs. and tables. 14 X 21 cm. Paperbound. $2.95.


This book is t,he first volume of a fourvolume series "designed as a text for a, two-semester introductory course in materials for engineering and science majors a t the sophornarejunior level." The romsiniug volumes are entitled "Thermodynamics of St,rueture," "Xerhanieal B e havior" and "Electronic Pruperties." The chapter headings are as follows: (1) Elect,rons and Bonding, ( 2 ) Alomie Packing, (3) Crystal Structure, (4) Imperfections in Crystals, (5) Wonrrystalline Solids, (6) The Shapes and Distributions of Phases in Solids, (7) Eqnilihrimn Iliagrams and (8) Noneqnilibrium Phase Transformations. The appendixes irrclwle a rnmber of tables and diagrams as

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