Those individuals \vho hare even elementary training in quantum mechanics \vi11 find much material of iiiterest in the book and will certainly profit ...
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LISEIARD, M., ASD STEPIIAS, AI,: %. physik. Chem. 163A, 185 (1932). RUFF,O . , A S D ZIDSER: ,J.: Ucr. 39, 539 (1906). RUFF,O., ASD ZEDSER, ,J.: Rcr. 41, 1918 (1908). YOST,D. >I., A N D RUSSELL, 11. : S y s t e m u t i c I n o r g a x i c Chemistry, p . 139 ff.l’rentice-Hall, Inc., New York (1914).


13s FIIASCIS OWEX RICEASD EDWARD TELLER.xiii 361 pi^. New Yorlr: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1949. Price: $5.00. The application of quantum mechanics to the problems of the nucleus, of ittoins, and of niolecules has greatly increased our understanding of the nature of matter. This book is an account of the results obtained by the use of quantum-mechanical methods in a wide range of such problems. Following an introductory chapter on such topics as the use of mathematics, qunutum theory, and the uncertainty and correspondence principles, there a r c chapters on tlie hydrogen atom, tlie periodic system, the motion and position of nuclei i n molecules, atoilis :iiid iiiolecules in clectric fields, van der Waals att’ractionforces, the chemical bond, forces i n tlie solid state, magnetic properties of matter, molecular vibrations, electronic spectra, nuclear chemistry, arid the s t a t e of matter in stars. The discussion of the above subject matter is inforinal and descriptive, and the use of mathematics is restricted largely to the presentution of pertinent formulae. This book offers ail excellent survey (on the introductory or elementary level) of tlic st,ate of niodern scientific understsnding of the phenomena related to the structure of matter. Those individuals \vho h a r e even elementary training in quantum mechanics \vi11 find much material of iiiterest in the book and will certainly profit from i t . However, those mho are new to the field v-ill encounter difficulties which make its value t o them somewhat doubtful. The book is clearly \vritteii, and a t the same time very carefully written so t h a t L: large amount of material is presented in relatively short space. It is well illustrated and provided with a tahlc of contents which enables the reader t o find the topics covered i n each chapter quickly and easily. An error occurs in the draiving of the structure of niuscovite mica (Big. 8.4(2), p. 1%). This drawing, apparently taken from Strukturbericht, Vol. 2, p. 143, incorrectly represents the height of thc SiO, tetrahedra relative t o the rest of the structure in such a way as to make the A1-0 dist,ances too long.

The Structure of .1latter.