Rules for working in Bunsen's laboratory - ACS Publications

5) Whoever leaves a water faucet open without using it must pay 3 kr. 6) Whoever during the working time locks up laboratory apparatus in his cupboard...
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JOHN H. WOTlZ Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 62901

Rules for Working in Bunsen's Laboratory J e a n L. Scurlock' 1.onyt~ieuC'ommm~ily('ollrjic Luck Summir, A4isrouri 64110 T h r ritablishment of rules for use of a Iahcmtory and thr imposition of fines for the infraction of these rules is 11). no means a new idea. The following set of rules attaching specific fines u,as adopted for use in Runsrn's laboratory in lk3.i 11

2) 3)


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\Vhurver rvaporaws harmtul o r bad snwlling subiranct. suvh as frrr acid;, halogens, ammrma and its salts, mercury grr itr tom. puundi in theopen nmmd rhelnborawry in$ttud