S-(2-Hydroxy-3-buten-1-yl)glutathione and S-( l-Hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl

S-( l-Hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)glutathione. Are in Vivo. Metabolites of Butadiene Monoxide: Detection and. Quantitation in Bile. Jane E. Sharer and Adnan ...
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Chem. Res. Toxicol. 1992,5, 787-790


S-(2-Hydroxy-3-buten-1-yl)glutathione and S-(l-Hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)glutathione Are in Vivo Metabolites of Butadiene Monoxide: Detection and Quantitation in Bile Jane E. Sharer and Adnan A. Elfarra' Department of Comparative Biosciences and Environmental Toxicology Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Received June 8, 1992

Administration (ip) of butadiene monoxide, a toxic metabolite of 1,3-butadiene, to rata caused the appearance of two new biliary peaks when analyzed by HPLC chromatography. These peaks were isolated and identified as the regioisomeric glutathione conjugates, S42-hydroxy3-buten-l-y1)glutathione(I) and S-(l-hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)glutathione (II),by comparison of their HPLC retention times and fast atom bombardment mass spectra to those of synthetic standards. S-(4-Hydroxy-2-buten-l-yl)glutathione, a rearrangement product formed during chemical synthesis or storage of I, was not detected. Whether butadiene monoxide was given a t a dose of 14.3 or 143 pmol/kg, the amount of conjugates excreted in 30 min was a t least 85 7% of that excreted in 120 min. Conjugate excretion in 60 min did not exhibit saturation when the butadiene monoxide dose was varied between 14.3 and 286 pmol/kg; the total amount of the butadiene monoxide dose excreted as combined I and I1 averaged only 7.6 f 4.2 7% (mean i SD, n = 12), with approximately a 3:l ratio of isomers 1:II being excreted at all butadiene monoxide doses. Whereas these results indicate a role for glutathione S-transferase-catalyzed reactions in butadiene monoxide metabolism in vivo, biliary excretion of I and I1 can only account for a small fraction of the butadiene monoxide dose given.

Introduction 1,3-Butadiene is used extensively in the industrial production of synthetic rubber and plastics. Studies in mice and rata have demonstrated that 1,3-butadiene is toxic and carcinogenic with neoplasms of the lung, mammary gland, liver,forestomach,and ovaries,malignant lymphoma, hemangiosarcoma, pancreatic exocrine adenoma, thyroid follicular cell adenoma, and Leydig cell tumors being most commonly observed (I,2). Butadiene monoxide (BM;13,4-epoxy-l-butene)has been identified as the major metabolite of l,&butadiene in vivo and in vitro, and evidence has implicated both cytochrome P450and myeloperoxidase-catalyzedreactions in BM formation from l,&butadiene (3-8).When incubations were carried out with rat liver microsomes, both enantiomers of BM were detected in a 1:l ratio (8). Racemic BM has been shown to be mutagenic and to react with DNA or 2'-deoxyguanosineto form the regioisomers7-(2-hydroxy-3-butenl-y1)guanine and 7-(l-hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)guanine (9, 10). These studies suggest that l,&butadiene oxidation to BM and subsequent reaction of BM with criticalcellular macromolecules are involved in the mechanism of 1,3butadiene toxicity. Previously,we have demonstrated that BM is a substrate for human placental glutathione S-transferase (GST)and identified the products as S-(2-hydroxy-3-buten-l-yl)glutathione (I) and S-(l-hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)glutathione ~


* To whom correspondence should be addressed at the Department

of ComparativeBiosciences, University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, 2015 Linden Dr. W., Madison, WI 63706. 1 Abbreviations: BM, butadiene monoxide;GST, glutathione S-trans11, ferase; GSH, glutathione; I, S-(2-hydroxy-3-buten-l-yl)glutathione; S-(l-hydroxy-3-buten-2-yl)glutathione; 111, S-(4-hydroxy-2-buten-l-y1)glutathione;FAB-MS, fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry.

(II), formed by nucleophilic attack of glutathione (GSH) at either of the two carbon atoms of the oxirane ring (11). IH NMR analysis and stability studies of I indicated that it existed in a 1:lequilibrium with a stable sulfurane form (Figure l), which slowly rearranged to yield S-(bhydroxy2-buten-l-y1)glutathione(111). Whereas I11 can also be formed during the chemical reaction of BM and GSH,it was not detected enzymatically (6, 11). Formation of I and I1 in enzymatic incubations of BM with rat liver homogenates has also been demonstrated, and the GSTs catalyzing the reaction were localized to the cytosol (6). Formation of I and I1 was further shown to be catalyzed by mouse liver cytosol as well as by rat and mouse lung, kidney, and testis cytosol (6). The rates of BM-GSH conjugation by either rat or mouse liver cytosolwere much higher than rates determined with lung, kidney, or testis cytosol. Although these results suggest that GSH conjugation may represent an important detoxificationmechanism for BM, the reaction or the extent to which it occurs was not characterized in vivo. The present study demonstrates the in vivo formation of the GSH conjugates I and I1 and characterizes their excretion in rat bile after BM administration.

Experimental Procedures Materials. Racemic BM and trifluoroacetic acid were obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. (Milwaukee, WI). HPLCgrade acetonitrile and trichloroacetic acid were obtained from EM Science (Gibstown, NJ). BM-GSH conjugates 1-111 were synthesized as previously described (11). All other chemicals were of the highest grade commercially available. Caution: EM is a known mutagen and carcinogen in laboratory animals and must be handled using proper safety measures. Surgical Procedure and Sample Preparation. Surgical procedures for bile duct cannulationwere followed as previously

0893-228~/92/2705-0787$03.00/00 1992 American Chemical Society

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Sharer and Elfarra



eSG t








IB Figure 1. GST-catalyzed conjugation of BM with GSH. The

open form of I (IA) is depicted in equilibrium with the sulfurane form (IB).

described (12,13). Briefly, male Sprague-Dawleyrats (200-315 g) (Sasco, Omaha, NE) were anaesthetized with a single pentobarbital dose (50 mg/kg, ip). The rat’s stomach was shaved and an incision made that would allow temporary removal of the gastrointestinal tract and easy access to the bile duct. The bile duct was isolated and cut to allow insertion of a piece of PE-10 polyethylene tubing (Clay Adams, Parsippany, NJ). When a steady flow of bile (1-2 mL/h) was achieved, the incision was closed. Up to 0.5 mL of bile was collected as a control before administration of BM in 0.5 mL of corn oil as a single ip injection. After BM administration, bile was collected for appropriate time periods. Bile proteins were precipitated with 50 pL of 50% (w/ v) trichloroacetic acid/l mL of bile (final pH 0.99) of the synthetic conjugates after subtraction of background from controls. Mass Spectrometry. Positive ion fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) analysis was performed using a Kratos MS-5OTC ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometer (Manchester, United Kingdom) equipped with a saddle field fast atom bombardment gun. Bile peaks with retention times equivalent to BM-GSH conjugates I and I1 were collected by semipreparative HPLC and lyophilized to dryness; purity was verified by analytical HPLC to be >95 % . Approximately 600 pg of conjugate I and 500 pg of conjugate I1 were dissolved in a




Time (mi4

Figure 2. Typical HPLC chromatograms of rat bile (A) prior to BM administration and (B) after BM administration. matrix of glycerol prior to mass spectrometry. Synthetic BMGSH conjugates I and I1 were also analyzed in a glycerol matrix for comparison. A drop of 1 M HCl was added to all samples to remove heavy sodium contamination.

Results and Discussion Identification of BM-GSH Conjugates in Bile. HPLC analysis of bile samples revealed two peaks with retention times (14.5 and 15.9 min) similar to those obtained with synthetic BM-GSH conjugates I and I1 (Figure 2); the shoulder on peak I, which was also present when the reference compound was analyzed, may have resulted from conjugate I being present in equilibrium with the sulfurane form (11). No peaks other than I and I1 were consistently detected in bile collected after rats were given BM. FAB-MS spectra of the isolated peaks I and I1 exhibited mlz ratios which correlated with those detected with the synthetic standards (Figures 3 and 4). The pseudomolecular ion at m l z 378 (M + 1)corresponds to the BM-GSH conjugate molecular weight of 377. The peaks at mlz 57, 75, and 115 correspond to respective portions of the glutamate moiety: C(O)CH2CH2+ 1,NH2CHCOzH + 1, and C(O)CH2CH2CHC02H + 1. Glycine also accounts for mlz 75, and cysteine corresponds to mlz 102. In addition, the glycerol matrix will show peaks at mlz 115,185, and 207 for glycerol + Na+, a(glycero1)+ 1, and 2(glycerol) + Na+, respectively. These results demonstrate that BM is conjugated with GSH in vivo to produce I and I1 and that these conjugates are excreted in the bile. Characterization of BM-GSH Biliary Excretion. BM-GSH conjugates I and I1 were detected in the bile collected for 30min after the administration of a 143pmoV kg dose of BM (Figure 5); the amount excreted at 30 min represents 85% of that excreted in 120 min. Rata given a 10-fold lower dose of BM (14.3Imollkg) gave a similar

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I n Vivo Butadiene Monoxide-GSH Conjugate Formation





0 -0





2 .--wp 0 -











Time (min)




Figure 5. Time-dependent biliary excretion of BM (143 rmol/

kg) expressedas the percentage of the BM dose excreted as GSH conjugates I and 11. Values are from one typical experiment.






v O

---30 t

M+ 1 378






Figure 3. Positive ion FAB-MSspectra of (A) isolated bile peak I and (B) synthetic I.












100 200 Butadiene Monoxide (u"ol/kp)


function of the BM dose. Values represent means f SD of the results obtained from 3 experiments.


M+ 1




Figure 6. Total BM-GSH conjugates excreted at 60 min as




o 100










Figure 4. Positive ion FAB-MS spectraof (A) isolated bile peak I1 and (B) synthetic 11.

excretion profile (data not shown). When the BM dose was varied between 14.3and 286pmollkg and the combined amounts of conjugates I and I1 excreted in 60 min were determined, an apparent linear doseresponse relationship (r = 0.98) was obtained (Figure 6). Total BM-GSH conjugates excreted in 60min averaged 7.6 f 4.2 76 (mean f SD, n = 12) of the BM dose administered. These results

would indicate that BM hepatic uptake and metabolism to yield the GSH conjugates I and 11,and biliary excretion of these conjugates, occur readily with no saturation of any of these processes at the BM doses studied; however, the large standard deviation values associated with the higher doses may be obscuring a saturation effect. In previous in vitro experiments with rat liver cytosol, saturation of GSH conjugate formation [ Vm, was nearly 70 nmol/(mg-min)] was observed only at high BM concentrations ( K mwas nearly 3 mM; 6). In this study, higher BM doses were avoided to minimize acute BM toxicity, since BM LDw in rats has been determined to be 2.4 mmol/ kg ip (14). Since BM is a metabolic product of 1,3-butadiene, profiles on quantities and product ratios excreted may differ from those obtained if the parent compound were administered. Formation of the GSH conjugates I and I1 and their excretion into bile may prevent reactions of BM with nucleic acids and other critical cellular targets and may protect against toxicity. However, the findings that biliary excretion of conjugates I and I1 can only account for approximately 7% of the administered BM dose and that the corresponding mercapturic acids were not detected in urine when rats were given BM a t doses lower than 1.43 mmol/kg (15)suggest that GST-dependent metabolism of BM is not likely to play a major role in BM detoxification in vivo. Consistent with this hypothesis is our previous finding that mouse tissues, which were more susceptible to 1,3-butadiene toxicity compared to rat tissues (1,2),exhibited BM-GSH conjugation rates similar to or higher than those determined with rat tissues (6).

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Furthermore, only a small amount (15 pmol) of the BM mercapturic acids were detected in rat urine in 24 h after rata were exposed to l,&butadiene at lo00 ppm for 6 h (16). Thus, mechanisms other than GSH conjugation and mercapturic acid formation may play a major role in BM metabolism and disposition. For example, BM may alkylateRNA, DNA, and proteins, since BM was previously shown to react with DNA in vitro (10). In addition, alkylation of hemoglobin, nuclear proteins, and DNA was demonstration after l,&butadiene exposure (16,17). BM has also been shown to be excreted through expired air in rata exposed to l,&butadiene (3), and to be metabolized in vitro by rat microsomal epoxide hydrolase (4). Thus, it is possible that some of the BM in our study was eliminated through these pathways. However, previous findings that the BMK, value for the microsomal epoxide hydrolase reaction was 11.5 mM at the optimum pH of 9 ( 4 ) , along with our inability to obtain evidence for this reaction in rat or mouse liver microsomes at pH 7.4 (61, suggest that it is unlikely that in vivo BM metabolism by microsomal epoxide hydrolase may have significantly competed with BM metabolism by the GST in the rat. Further studies are needed to assess the role of cytosolic epoxide hydrolase in BM metabolism and disposition. The ratio of conjugate I and I1in bile was approximately 3 to 1. This finding is consistent with the previous finding that rat liver homogenate readily metabolized BM to I and I1 in a 3:l ratio (6). Taken together, these results suggest preference by the liver GST isozymes to form I over 11, rather than selective excretion of I over 11, may be responsible for the observed conjugate ratio in the bile. In summary, our results provide clear evidence for the in vivo formation of the BM-GSH conjugates I and I1 after BM administration and show that biliary excretion of GSH conjugates I and I1 can only account for a s m d portion of the administered BM dose. Thus, additional studies will be required to determine the fate of BM in vivo.

Acknowledgment. This research was supported by NIH Grant GM 40375. J.E.S.was supported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Institutional Grant T32 ES07015. References (1) Melnick, R. L., Huff, J., Chou, B. J., and MIUer, R. A. (1990)

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Regietry No. I, 133872-48-7; 11,133872-49-8; BM,930-22-3; GST,50812-37-8.