s. blickman, inc. - ACS Publications

Dover. Publications, Inc., 180 Varick St.,. New York 14, N. Y. 1963. Paper- bound. $2. This republication is based on the second edition published in ...
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Experimental Spectroscopy. Ralph A. Sawyer, χ + 358 pages. Dover Publications, Inc., 180 Varick St., New York H, Ν.Ύ. 1963. Paperbound. $2.

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This republication is based on the second edition published in 1951. New material added includes information on the production of replica gratings, the use of plane gratings in new grating mountings, solar spectroscopy from rockets, and the new standard of wave­ length. The bibliography has been completely revised s,nd brought up to 1961 by footnotes and additions to chapter bibliographies. The author's purpose is to discuss prism and grating spectrographs and the techniques of their use with em­ phasis upon those principles and tech­ niques that are fundamental to all spec­ troscopic equipment. Anyone with a background in general physics and some physical optics will follow it with­ out difficulty.

Recent Progress in Microcalorimetry.

E. Calvert, H. Prat, xii + 177 pages. Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N. Y. 1963. $8.50. This book has been translated in part from the French edition, "Récents Progrès en Microcalorimétrie," published by Dunod in Paris in 1958, by H. A. Skinner, senior lecturer in physical chemistry at the University of Manchester. However, the book includes new work by the French authors and is therefore a new and revised book rather than a mere translation. Part I, Apparatus and Microcalorimétrie Methods, describes the different types of calorimeters, the construction details, theory, and manipulation of the instrument, calibration, and the sensitivity, reproducibility, and precision of microcalorimétrie measurements. Part 2, 52 pages, discusses physicochemical applications while Part 3, 59 pages, is devoted to biological applications including plant, animal, and bacterial. The book contains bibliographic material, and name and subject indexes.

1964 Book of ASTM Standards. 32 Parts. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1910S Beginning with the 1964 edition, the ASTM Standards will be published annually with the various parts available on the same scheduled date each year. There will no longer be supplements.

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