S Model 501 - American Chemical Society

Conformational Analysis. University of Miami, Main Campus; Apr. 8-9. Interpretation of Mass Spectra. Miami-Dade Junior College, North Campus,. Miami; ...
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ACS Short Courses—153rd National Meeting April 9 to 14, Miami Beach, Fla.





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T h e American Chemical Society has scheduled a full complement of short courses t o be given during t h e 153rd National Meeting. M e m b e r s h i p in ACS is n o t r e ­ quired. Listed below are t h e course titles, sites, a n d dates. Details including fees, professor in charge, required text, and other information are available from t h e E d u c a t i o n Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D . C. 20036. I t is suggested t h a t course registration a n d housing a r r a n g e m e n t s be m a d e as early as possible. Modern Theory of Acids and Bases. University of Miami, Main Campus; Apr. 12 Thin Layer Chromatography. Florida Atlantic University, Boca R a t o n ; Apr. 7-8, 10-11, and 13-14 Conformational Analysis. University of Miami, Main Campus; Apr. 8-9 Interpretation of Mass Spectra. Miami-Dade Junior College, North Campus, M i a m i ; Apr. 7-8 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds. Florida Atlantic University, Boca R a t o n ; Apr. 7-9 and 12-14 Gas Chromatography. Florida Atlantic University, Boca R a t o n ; Apr. 7-9 and 1214 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Palm Beach Junior College, Lake Worth; Apr. 7-9 and 12-14

Scheduled Courses in Analytical Techniques Apr. 3 to 7—Infrared Spectroscopy. Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 (Tel: 215-382-7800). Apr. 6 to 8—Short Courses on Evaluation and Interpretation of Testing Methods (Chemical and Physical). Midland Hotel, Chicago, 111. Sponsor: American Oil Chemists' Society and Chemical Division of American Society of Quality Control. Contact: W. G. Doeden, Swift & Co., Packers and Exchange Ave., Chicago, 111. 60609 Apr. 10 to 12—Documentation of Instrumental Data. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. (Tel: 215-382-7800). Apr. 10 to 14—Quarterly School in Emission Spectroscopy. Cleveland, Ohio. Spon­ sor: National Spectrographic Laboratories, Inc. Contact: Mr. N . A. Mirti, 6300 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Apr. 10 to 14—Leak Detection Training Course. Boston, Mass. Contact: T. R. Garrett, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 1500 S. Shamrock, Monrovia, Calif. Apr. 10 to 14—Basic Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, P a . Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadel­ phia, Pa. 19104 (Tel: 215-382-7800). Apr. 17 to 21—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas Chromatogra­ phy. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. (Tel: 215-382-7800). Apr. 20 to 21—Basic Gas Chromatography. Baton Rouge, La. Sponsor: Varian Aerograph. Contact: Bernie Jagielski, 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 310, Houston, Texas. Apr. 24—Fiber Technology Symposium. Baton Rouge, La. Sponsor: Varian Aero­ graph. Contact: Bernie Jagielski, 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 310, Houston, Texas. Apr. 24 to 28—DTA-TGA Workshop. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Re­ search Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. (Tel: 215-382-7800). Apr. 26 to 28—Basic Gas Chromatography. Charlotte, N . C. Sponsor: Varian Aero­ graph. Contact: Bernie Jagielski, 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 310, Houston, Texas. May 1 to 5—Instrumentation for Managers. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler R e ­ search Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. (Tel: 215-382-7800). May 3 to 5—Basic Gas Chromatography. Orlando, Fla. Sponsor: Varian Aero­ graph. Contact: Bernie Jagielski, 6400 Southwest Freeway, Suite 310, Houston, Texas. May 8 to 12—Fifth Annual Five-Day Institute on Raman Spectroscopy. University of Maryland. Contact: P. D. Mortensen, Cary Instruments, 2724 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, Calif., or Ellis Lippincott, University of Maryland, College Park, Md. May 8 to 12—Selected Topics in IR and GC Technique. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. (Tel: 215-382-7800). May 12 to 14—ACS Short Course on Spectrometric Identification of Organic Com­ pounds. Baltimore, Md. Contact: Education Office, American Chemical Socie­ ty, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington, D . C. 20036. May 15 to 19—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas Chromatography. Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 (Tel: 215-382-7800). May 22 to 26—Polymer Characterization. Wayne State University. Part of the Third Annual Polymer Conference Series. Contact: Irving N . Einhorn, Wayne State University, 701 W. Warren, Detroit, Mich. 48202 (Tel: 313-832-2188). May 25 to 26—Basic Gas Chromatography. Chicago, 111. Sponsor: Varian Aero­ graph. Contact: John Ruszel, 205 W. Touhy Ave., Park Ridge, 111. May 31 to June 2—Basic Gas Chromatography. Ann Arbor, Mich. Sponsor: Varian Aerograph. Contact: John Ruszel, 205 W. Touhy Ave., Park Ridge, 111.

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